Just tune it to the weapon/skill of your choice. Welcome to our list of Gladiator builds for Path of Exile’s Heist league (3.12). Equipping two Ahn’s Might together with Pacifism jewel (-1 Maximum Frenzy) lowers our Maximum Frenzy Charges to 0, granting both effects of Ahn’s Might unique mod of +50% Global Critical Strike Multiplier while you have no Frenzy Charges and 400-500 to Accuracy Rating while at Maximum Frenzy Charges as it counts the character as NO Frenzy Charges and AT Maximum Frenzy Charges. Prime is knowledgeable in everything builds related. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the pathofexile community, A subreddit dedicated to Path of Exile, an ARPG made by Grinding Gear Games. Because from looking at your build, where do you get mana leech from to be able to maintain the cyclone? Many new players will often confuse Dual wielding and Two Handed Weapon in Path of Exile. The gladiator tries to balance defence (block) and physical damage (one handed). Many new players will often confuse Dual wielding and Two Handed Weapon in Path of Exile. Overall great and cheap belt. Are you dead set on using your own character and build here or do you mind following a guide? This is just a friendly reminder from your friendly neighborhood bot. I am about to do the Ascendancy trials and was wondering what would be the best and how to go about the rest of my skill points. Use any rare belt till you get Perseverance. It's hard to use two dps skills on most builds, because you'll want as many links as possible on a skill, and only chests and two-handed weapons allow for the maximum of 6 links, and as a dual wielder, you'll only have a chest that allows all 6 links. These bonuses to dual wielding can be increased via passive skills. The slayer uses two handed weapons and focuses on leech and attack speed. Ascendancy classes are: Slayer, Gladiator and Champion. This build is meant for people whole like simplicity and straightforward gameplay. Rare amulet with life, critical strike chance and critical strike multiplier. Whirling Blades is a special exception, which deals damage with a random weapon on hit. It is possible to dual-wield wands. Different from one-handed is Two Handed Melee Weapon, it must take up both Main Hand and Off Hand equipment slots. Usually I'd go with Immortal Call, a curse of some kind (Enfeeble or Vulnerability maybe), and a golem (Ice Golem likely) Keep all the gems at a low level, so that Cast When Damage Taken will activate more often (when the gem pops up with a level-up, right click the level up button to ignore the level up). The lower level that Cast When Damage Taken is, the more often it will activate, but it can't support gems that require a higher character level than it requires, so you have to keep them all just below it. I am now looking to build a Duelist that dual-wields and uses double strike and possibly cyclone as a couple of my main attacks. ok awesome thank you! Of course as with all other classes there isn’t a best choice and it’s entirely up to you how to build your character. Look for rare gloves with +70 life, as much resists as you can afford and if possible with open prefix so you can craft +1 Melee Weapon Range. For example, dont take two-hand sword nodes on the tree, and then dual-wield 2 axes. Rare helm with high life, armor and elemental resistances. Additional stat is bonus. It is possible to dual-wield wands. Pick up two one-handed weapons and slay the mobs on your way to endgame. Key uniques for the build. Use rare swords till you buy/find Ahn’s Might. One Handed is a keyword… ”Your hits intimidate enemies for 4 seconds while you are using pride” is a great mod. Pros / Cons; Passive Tree & PoB; Bandits & Ascendancy; Skill Gem Setup; Items ; Intro & build description. However, players cannot wield a wand in one hand and a melee weapon in the other. And The Dual wielding must using two one-handed weapon, either the same type or different type. Interaction with skills. If you went something like this, you could support Double Strike with supports like Melee Physical Damage, Melee Splash, Multistrike, and Maim.