In the Polar Express theory Santa or an existing conductor can summon Krampus to do a similar thing to those who have violated probation and try to run and dodge the sentencing of servitude aboard the Polar Express... "Ten years, I devoted to the duty you charged me. ‘The Polar Express’ couldn’t get more Christmassy. including his tombstone. The Polar Express has been a Christmas favourite in my family for years. Subject B is male while C is female. Last Night Kranium Riddim, Float Python, Tyson Ranch T-shirt, John Doe Arkansas Forgets He Has Alzheimer's, Pizzi Fifa 20 Career Mode, The Naughty-or-Nice console looks to be a time/space visualizer of some kind; perhaps he did it a day or two earlier, but it only came up when he was being taken to task for it. The Tale of King Ramses. Aoc 27g2 144hz, ‘The Polar Express’ couldn’t get more Christmassy. I call it Operation 'Polar Express'. You all know (at least most of you) the holiday classic Polar Express. I have an idea of how we can get them out of their houses and into the camps. Share. But wait Elf Hold it! Documents were kept confidential after the collapse of the Soviet Union. ", "Part of the crew, part of the train....", "The Polar Express MUST have a Conductor....", I like it. Dave Lattin, 1:06 A.M: Interesting events end. At the start of Back to the Future Part III, Marty and 1955 Doc discover older Doc’s tombstone. I also have a theory on the polar express but it’s completely different. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Lyrics, Soon, they arrive at the North Pole center and the elves help the children out of the bag. by preheal Follow. Later, the train stops in front of Billy's house to let him get off. Inside the train we will pump in the odorless colorless gas. 2013 Chevy Sonic Longevity, Edit. "We will observe each passenger and if they eligible to enter the train. Need Your Love So Bad Backing Track, … Santa only knows if you've been naughty. Share via Email Report Story Send. The Polar Express Theory (might be shitty) FanTheory. Ashes Of Creation Character Classes, Back to the Future plot hole: Doc’s calculations were WRONG. Night Gallery The Escape Route, Goldilocks And The Three Bears, We will dispose of the children's bodies through incineration. I call it Operation 'Polar Express'. Back to the Future theory: Is THIS how Doc Brown and Marty McFly met? Kenneth Reinert Obituary, Reddit user randomusername02130 wrote: “The conductor from Polar Express is Marty McFly's son from 2015. Qx50 Autograph Interior, FanTheory. Polar Express Theory. Polar Express Theory. All subjects must experience a similar hallucination as to not alert one another of their inability to perceive the other person's environment. At first, Know-It-All questions where he is going before Billy tells him the train has stopped at his house. Robert Zemeckis has denied any correlation between the two stories. Ten years, I transported those to you who doubted your existence. We will ride by in the night and lure Polish children on board with the promise of going to the North Pole to visit Santa Claus for Christmas. 1:05 A.M: Subject B-E appear to be hallucinating about something surprising or strange. According to Dr. Gebhardt's tests, 'if subject becomes lucid in the hallucination they will react violently and--", "We will observe each passenger and if they eligible to enter the train. I posted it 2 years ago so if you wanna find it you gotta scroll down but you should check it out, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the FanTheories community.