Kotobukiya released a Psylocke statue in their Bishoujo line. The team sought the Scarlet Witch and captured her. When risen the rock is identified to be Asteroid M and will now serve as the X-Men's new base of operations called Utopia. Many mistake it for other things and end up not portraying him well. He fused two-dimensional and 3-D elements with abstract lines and shading. Shocked that they could read her mind, the couple began talking to her about the universe and how all of time and space were unraveling. Psylocke's body was then taken back to the Braddock estate and buried. Not just my life, but my very soul. Her alternate costume is the costume she wears in the House of M storyline. Ron Lim himself shared this, sent by an unknown fan. See more ideas about Psylocke, Archangels, Marvel. He ended up having twins, Elizabeth and Brian. The team finds Deadpool, and Warrens explains that Clan Akkaba has found a way to resurrect Apocalypse and that his horsemen have been awoken. Despite being a martial arts master, Psylocke was overpowered by Sabertooth's extreme force and was gruesomely pummelled. Hasbro later released a new Marvel Legends Psylocke figure as part of the X-Force box set. Psylocke fights him hand to hand while trying to concentrate on keeping her wounds together. In a desperate attempt to beat him, she stabbed him in the head with her psychic knife. It is unknown what became of the Braddocks afterward. After this, Psylocke and old team-mate Dr. Cecilia Reyes journey to Mexico to assist one of the new mutants that emerged due to Hope's return. So Psylocke's telepathy was added to Phoenix's telepathy, and Psylocke gained telekinesis. The couple went on vacation to Switzerland so Betsy could recuperate in peace. It left a red dagger tattoo on Psylocke's left eye. After ending her relationship with Fantomex, Psylocke returned to the Jean Grey School and started teaching the young mutants to control their powers. She is shown to be captured by Apocalypse. Psylocke could also hide in the shadows but it is doubtful that it is due to the Crimson Dawn tattoo as she does not have it on her left eye. Deadpool ends up killing him for the Daimyo has betrayed him in the past as well. In the original Age of Apocalypse, Psylocke was never mentioned and therefore it was at first assumed that she had been one of the telepaths that became part of Apocalypse’s psychic defense. As the Phoenix Force hurtles towards Earth, Psylocke joins the X-Men's side of the battle against the Avengers to prevent them from taking Hope. Spiral falls to her knees in sadness with the loss of Ginny and Psylocke ends up refusing to kill her. Later, the Slaymaster continues to kill alternate versions of Psylocke, and each time he does Betsy gets slammed by a resonance wave of energy in the Crystal Palace. create and dispel shields and control areas of total darkness. Not coming to a agreement, Logan pinned her to the wall with a sai, and leaves. Her twin brother Brian began pursuing physics as a major during college while Betsy decided to become a charter pilot. Psylocke is commonly known for her dark purple hair, psychic abilities and precognitive powers. They arrive as fast as they can. Proteus and Magneto keep on fighting. The tattoo also made her personality colder, which put a strain on her relationship with Angel. Betsy would then scan Sabretooth's mind to figure out his plans. His sword skills were so intense that he cut through Psylocke with ease, sending her into an early grave. When they arrive Psylocke's telepathy is blocked and she has to rely on her fighting and sword skills in order to fight. They also met Havok on Genosha, then they went on and defeated Cameron Hodge. Thanks man, I can't get enough of Psylocke period. Psylocke was instantly saved, but gained a crimson dawn face tattoo as a side effect. Betsy protected the children at the mansion and was able to last long enough until Wolverine arrived to engage in one on one combat with Sabretooth. Her bio in the game: A powerful mutant with a complex past, Betsy Braddock is a key member of the X-Men. However the results proved unstable, and some of the team began to suffer from radiation poisoning. During a mission in the Savage Land, Psylocke displayed how much her power had increased. Cyclops interrupts his sensei, informing him that they’ve got a visitor. Psylocke then helps the X-Men save Cannonball and Husk from being arrested. Post House Of M, Psylocke retained her powers and remained with the team and accompanied several X-Men (Rachel, Kitty Pryde and Kurt Wagner, all ex-Excalibur members) to visit Brian Braddock and helped him get his new team Excalibur off the ground. Soon, Psylocke’s loyalties were put to the test. However, during her time on the team, there was some sexual tension between Psylocke and Fantomex, culminating in a kiss between the two after Fantomex insisted that Betsy didn't really love Warren, but was instead in love with being needed. When a demon named Kuragari took over the Crimson Dawn, he demanded a debt be paid for the healing liquid they used for Psylocke. After the X-Force was initially disbanded by Cyclops, Wolverine decided to take matters into his own hands. Later, the Slaymaster continues to kill alternate versions of Psylocke, and each time he does Betsy gets slammed by a resonance wave of energy in the Crystal Palace. This reality's Ogun approached Psylocke and offered to train her so she could avenge the death of his apprentice, who was killed by Slaymaster, who was killing different alternate versions of Psylocke due to her defeating him in an earlier mission. #xmen #character #movie #portrait #realistic #comic. During a battle with Adversary, Betsy was killed, then resurrected and teleported away to Australia by Roma. The picture below could have been a genius idea for a tattoo, only if  the owner had it done by a more experienced tattoo artist. Marvel gave the world what would soon be our favorite mutants. Later in Nebraska, the Alpha Team finally reaches Cable and Hope, after Rogue and Hope leave, Alpha and Cable stay behind as a distraction to Bastion. Logan agrees with him, but as soon as Cyclops leaves, he gathers his new X-Force: Archangel, Psylocke, Fantomex and Deadpool. When risen the rock is identified to be Asteroid M and will now serve as the X-Men's new base of operations called Utopia. He lured Psylocke to visit him and controlled all the members of New Excalibur - minus Sage - into beating Brian. Betsy explains that the bomb could turn everyone crazy for a few moments, she then defuses it carefully with her psy-knife. Jean uses her telepathy to fight off the effects of the Death Seed and also increases the boundaries of Pylocke's telepathy. Damn she's fine!!! Psi-Bolts: bolts of pure psychic energy that can stun, injure or kill. Recovering from the punch, he tells her that she knows there is fire between them and that Warren has no warmth to him and the man she once loved is long gone, but he is here for her. James soon married and set up home in Braddock Manor. They then engage in battle. When the Brotherhood is defeated, Betsy reconciles with her brother Brian and stores the imprisoned Shadow King in her family's mansion. Thinking that she was indeed Captain Britain, Slaymaster brutally beat Betsy and blinded her. Gabriel would soon propose to Betsy, which she accepted. Suddenly the island is attacked by three Predator X, Psylocke helps defeat one of the creatures. Taking a Blackbird to Tokyo along with Wolverine (who had some business of his own to take care of), Betsy is attacked by Hand ninjas at the graveyard. Wolverine attacks Psylocke, and Betsy uses her psi-knife on Logan expecting that he would come to his senses. It was later revealed that Betsy’s old body had breast cancer that would eventually have killed her anyway. Betsy mourns her death but eventually returns to the crystal palce with Mystiq, Sabretooth, Gambit where they meet Sage. Psylocke was a member of the X-Men. Psylocke Rogue brings Hellion along, hoping to take him out of himself for a while. 12 years later, Elizabeth Braddock, now assuming the alias of Butterfly, became an Oiran, a courtesan, who learned how to read men so well it was like she was reading their mind. They fight. Character » on 10/05/20 Years before this, Wolverine and Jean Grey are kidnapped by the Hand whom brainwashed Wolverine. Thankfully, the Exiles managed to get back together, and Betsy and Thunderbird treated themselves with a visit to the New Excalibur team's victory celebration. Brian looked on in Shock as she collapsed to the floor, then he realized that this Betsy resembled his sister, but was not her. Brian and Betsy managed to survive the crash, but it later became clear to Brian that Betsy was still under the influence of Dr. Synne. The brutal battle continues, Wolverine not stopping, Psylocke is unable to focus until Jinn wakes up; he takes on Logan and tells Betsy that he's going home and that she should follow her own advice: to choose to live. This way, Magneto is able to purge Proteus out of Blindfold's body, sending him away. she can shatter a brick wall more easily than slowly levitating a pencil across a room) However, over time she displayed further control over fine matter. Psylocke decides to go back to the 616 timeline to stop him. It looks like a part of a page from an X-Men graphic novel. Psylocke has a range of different abilities, some of which she was born with, and others she encountered along the way. When she stabbed Wolverine in the head with her psychic knife, it showed her his memories and revealed to Psylocke who she truly was.