Most parents would wish to name their daughters something beautiful and graceful, and nothing is prettier than a flower. The name ‘Varda’ has a Hebrew origin and the meaning of the name is ‘rose’ or ‘pink’. The pasque is the official flower of South Dakota. When grown in the correct environment they are very easy to care for. Perfect in hanging pots, they have interesting blooms with a combination of white, red, violet and blue colors. Also know as summer snapdragon, it is a fairly new plant that has only been around since the late 1990s. The leaves from this plant are also loaded with nutrients that make a great addition to fertilizer or compost. LOVE THIS SITE NOW VOTE PEOPLE VOTE PLS PLS PLS I NEED A NAME AND I'D LOVE ONE!!!!!!! VOTE PLS! An interesting flower which only blooms at dusk and will close up at first light. Lady's eardrops, or fuchsia, bloom in a vibrant array of colours from deep purple to red and pale pink. Photo source: Growing from shrubs and having sharp thorns along their stem, roses vary is size as well as shape. And I have googled all flowers for their images... :-). The Amaryllis is a monotypic plant that contains the amaryllis belladonna lily. The carnation, native to Eurasia, is a commonly known flower because of its distinct characteristics such as having branched or forked clusters. Thus, the Victorians would often make a bouquet that they could use as an expression of an unvoiced message to the person receiving it, using various kinds of symbolism like the number, the arrangement, the color, and of course the type of flower. Bells of Ireland usually appear to have spikes of white flowers and bright green calyces. Also known as monarda, bergamot and Oswego tea. Dainty white blooms which are commonly used in hanging baskets. Photo source: The name has been derived from Greek mythology and it was the name of a nymph who turned into a laurel tree. Thanks for the list of the flowers you provided. An early blooming flower that comes in shades of blue, violet, pink and white. My hub's been keeping me busy reading lists and descriptions of flowers, plants, bugs and more. Tiny white flowers which grow quickly and spread easily. The chick looks like it's possibly a hen (I'm good at telling if they're male or female, just by the looks!) :) i like it though, well done. Azalea. Thanks for this information! Most plants grow in the ground, with stems above the atmosphere, and roots below. There are so many already being used. Their deep purple petals grow to form a flower between 6 to 8 inches across. This is an Old English name and the meaning of the name is ‘to prick’. Now I know the spelling of Mimosa plant thank you very much. Named for its red colored sap that flows from the stem when cut, it was originally used as war paint by Native Americans. Luckly I found this site. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. It is also believed to be related to the Roman name ‘Cassius’ meaning ‘hollow’. The charming name ‘Daisy’ is derived from an Old English word meaning ‘Day’s eye’ and the flower represents freshness and energy. They do very well indoors or out and come in a variety of colors. babynology from New York on July 17, 2013: I love flowers names too. ‘Marilla’ has a Celtic origin and the meaning of the name is ‘shining sea’.