View the profiles of people named Rebekah Johnson. "[37]"Fulton's prose thrives on the tactile, and, as in her poetry, the language is brilliantly precise. Rebecca's own music is a mix of pop, jazz, soul, and americana. And nowhere is the music of Fulton's poetry more stirring than in Sensual Math. Writing about the double-equal sign, Lynn Keller commented, Her inventive work, which stretches the linguistic, tonal, vocal, and emotional range of contemporary lyric, points ultimately to resources that lie between recognized categories, in liminal states, and at the cultural margins as offering hope for significant social and aesthetic change. Anti-Kaplan mailers, and comments I’ve heard, claim that Kaplan talks a great game but doesn’t deliver. Walton’s connections are reflected in a campaign event she did with former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, who has endorsed her. completed an MFA in Creative Arts with a specialization in Poetry from the Vermont College of Fine Arts in January 2011. I also don’t see how a political unknown with little name recognition defeats an incumbent with broad and passionate labor, tenant and progressive support (those learning about Johnson from this Oaklandside story will not be impressed). "[28], Many critics have praised the aural dimension of Fulton's poetry. "[25] Powers of Congress contains many examples of her signature use of polyphony and word superclusters[26] which Fulton has described in interviews and in a 1990 essay on her own poetics, "To Organize A Waterfall. The second best result is Ginnie Rebekah Johnson age 30s in Tyler, TX. In 1991 Fulton was awarded a MacArthur "Genius Grant" Fellowship. If supporters of Taplin and Sharenko consistently make the other their second choice—-as Jane Kim and Mark Leno supporters did in San Francisco’s 2018 mayor’s race—one of those two will win. Irwin Leopando, earned a Ph.D. in English from the CUNY Graduate Center in May 2011.Ann Matsuuchi, received a Master of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center in February 2011.Md Zahidur Rahman, received a Professional Engineers license from the State of Michigan Department of Labor, Energy and Economic Growth in October 2010. Dorothy Barresi claimed that this work is "what great poetry must do and be" and that "Fulton's poems are like no one else's today‚" with their "on-again, off-again elasticity — a stretching smoothness to some lines, and a snapped back, taut quality to others — that manages to sound both eloquent and scared." Fife made national news for her leadership role in the Moms 4 Housing movement, and a grassroots activist spirit dominates her campaign. Her double equal sign and other rejections of patriarchal binaries aim ... to counter the destructive othering that pervades all aspects of our lives ...[66]. The museum-goer notes that "In person, [the painting] looked a little dirty. Susan Duhig in the Chicago Tribune noted that "For Fulton, the fractal serves as a potent metaphor for a poetry with a form that exists somewhere between utter shapelessness and the Euclidean order of regular meter and genre, a poetry whose volatile, irregular patterning exists on the threshold of structure." Rebecca Johnson, also credited as Rebekah and Rebecca Jordan (born September 3, 1976), is an American singer-songwriter and actress from Ohio. "[67], Fulton's formal inventions invariably employ "form" in the service of content. Berkeley residents are focused on removing Trump and blame the president, not the city’s mayor, for what bothers them. One senses there is something startling about to be revealed in these poems, and indeed that mystery or tension often resolves in powerful acts of linguistic reckoning, as if a piece of psychological origami were unfolding before our eyes. True, signs don’t vote. A Walton mailer pledges that she will be a candidate who answers the phone when constituents call—implying that Kalb’s office does not. I think those predicting a Johnson victory underestimate Kaplan’s loyal, intense backing. If the landlord-backed slate wins in Berkeley, the pandemic will be why. Most notably she appears as Rob Brydon's wife Sally in The Trip series, directed by Michael Winterbottom... Pete McTighe creates female-led crime thriller for the BBC, “The Trip To Greece” Is A Delicious Comic Vacation. Criminal or Civil Court records found on Rebekah's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates View Details. Check back with Beyond Chron after the election for analysis of the Oakland/Berkeley results, Randy Shaw is the Editor of Beyond Chron and the Director of San Francisco’s Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which publishes Beyond Chron. Writing about Sensual Math, Larissa Szporluk asserted that "Fulton's acoustic signals reign, giving the impression that behind their creation lies some kind of unimaginable technology, telepathic jazz, or just plain genius. In 2011 she received an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature. The pleasure exists in the presence and texture of each line, as each line is experienced. While an undergraduate, she received competitive scholarships to study poetry with Thomas Lux at The Writers Community in New York City. I saw she had a lot of support and the financial means to win. A third essay titled "Fractal Poetics: Adaptation and Complexity" was published in 2005 in Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (UK) with this summary: In the 1980s, American poets argued over the validity of free verse. "[21] For Larissa Szporluk, Fulton's "truly phenomenal poetics leave me where I've never been, changing the rules of the game of poetry completely. But a challenger having so many up so early in the race led me to start looking into Walton’s campaign. Ex. In 1983 Fulton moved to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for a three-year appointment as Fellow in the Michigan Society of Fellows. Alice Fulton was a senior fellow in the Michigan Society of Fellows from 1996 to 2000. Rebekah Johnson, 41 Berkeley Heights, NJ. Early life. In this context I elaborated a poetics I called 'fractal poetry'. The Library of Congress awarded Fulton the Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt Award in 2002. Many voters are not paying attention to local politics and those that are do not see the mayor as a problem. Deborah Landau, "'Not a Woman, Quite': The Body Poems of Anne Sexton and Alice Fulton," in Giovanna Covi, ed.. Cristanne Miller, "'The Erogenous Cusp': or Intersections of Science and Gender in Alice Fulton's Poetry," in Lynn Keller and Cristanne Miller, eds., Cristanne Miller, "Alice Fulton: 'Wonder Stings Me More than the Bee,'", Cristanne Miller, "An Interview with Alice Fulton,", This page was last edited on 27 October 2020, at 23:32. David Baker, in reference to the multiplicity of experience evident in Powers Of Congress, wrote that "Fulton is embarked on a project to redefine or recreate poetry according to the multiforms of experience and intellect, rather than to shape experience by modeling it on a received poetic vision. But it is strange to blame Kaplan for not delivering on issues—like upzoning Rockridge and other neighborhoods—where the mayor has also not gotten it done. [44][45] Peter Brier asserts that "Fulton conveys much of the ecstasy that is associated with the strongest religious poets, poets such as Gerard Manley Hopkins" with similarities in phrasing, imagery, and sprung rhythm. Building on the music within the poems, the composer Enid Sutherland produced a monumental operatic scoring of this sequence that runs nearly two and one-half hours.[31]. He’s also got the mayor’s and other major endorsements. Hers is a poetic sensibility at once remarkably comprehensive and remarkably precise, and felt; her best book so far is possessed of great velocity, great staying-power. ", "The unseemly has been the enemy of women's progress. : [41] With the 1995 publication of Sensual Math, Publishers Weekly suggested "[Fulton] may be Dickinson's postmodern heir. Mazur claims that Fulton engages with mathematics as the "science of the subtle glues ... that bind different ideas together, and yet keep them distinguished." She earned certificates for the CUNY Professional Development Program Leading for Results (March 2011); Understanding and Managing Organizational Change - City of New York Citywide Training Center (March 2011); and for the Executive Level Team Dynamics - TLF Associates (October 2011).Alice Baldwin-Jones, earned a Ph.D in Applied Anthropology from Teachers College, Columbia University in October 2011. During the campaign Arreguin has come out strongly against exclusionary zoning. ", "A perfect skepticism questions disbelief. He is also the author of The Tenderloin: Sex, Crime and Resistance in the Heart of San Francisco, Stephanie Dominguez Walton and Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland and Berkeley 2020 Election Predictions. Two of those stories were selected for inclusion in The Best American Short Stories. Library of Congress Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Award, "Stranger Inclusions: An Interview with Alice Fulton", "Heresy and the Ideal: On Contemporary Poetry", "Making the Abstract Physical: On Fulton's, "2002 Bobbitt Poetry Prize Awarded to Alice Fulton", "Review of The Nightingales of Troy by Alice Fulton", "University of North Dakota "Revolutions" Conference", "Another Postmodernism: Towards an Ethical Poetics", "Homeplace of Hands: Fractal Performativity of Vulnerable Resistance", "Chaos and Emergence: Dialogic Models of Intellectual Exchange in Alice Fulton's Poetics", "abstract for "Fractal Poetics: Adaptation and Complexity, "AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND LETTERS ANNOUNCES 2011 LITERATURE AWARD WINNERS AND THE INAUGURAL JOHN UPDIKE AWARD", Alice Fulton home page with brief biography,, Roberta C. Holloway Lecturer in the Practice of Poetry, University of California, Los Angeles staff, 20th-century American short story writers, 21st-century American short story writers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "The truly new looks truly wrong at first.