This is a step by step guide for how to play Sheriff of Nottingham the popular bribery, smuggling and smooth-talking board game. When thinking about how to play Sheriff of Nottingham, you may be thinking kids game or Robin Hood theme something. Required fields are marked *. We do video reviews, and an audio show, and more. See, learning how to play Sheriff of Nottingham is easy. They are trying to find who is lying. Does this still work? Top 10 Favorite Games of All Time - with Tim Jennette and Co. Top 10 Essential Games Everyone Should Own! Whoever has the most of each get the “king” bonus (the higher number) and whoever has the second most of each will get that “queen” bonus (the lesser, second amount). Board Game Breakfast: Episode 52 - The Sky is Falling! 5. We do video reviews, and an audio show, and more. Things are now in the Sheriff’s control. High total wins. Please see the. It is a very interesting mix of elements creating and fun and unique game. GAMEPLAY | Phase 3 | DeclarationPlayers only, Sheriff doesn’t participate. You still wouldn't be able to read body tells, but that might be better for people with bad poker faces. The AlphaBest Series: Part XX - The Letter S, Sheriff of Nottingham Review - with The Board Game Family, 12 Games of Christmas of 2015 - Party Games, Origins Summer Preview: Dice Tower Essentials, Board Game Breakfast: Episode 71 - Kickstarter Speculation. Take the top ten cards of the draw deck and put five in each discard pile to get them started. The number of cards in your bag has to be the same number you say. This is great, thanks for the upload - loads of fun even with 7 people ;). 4. 2. Sheriff Of Nottingham Board Game. Repeat all the phases over and over until the game ends. However, the setup didn't really work great for me, so I made a few changes: bigger table, bigger cards, separate piles for contraband, legal, royal goods, and bread, (for an easier setup for three players, or for a game without royal goods). This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Prince John’s lust for gold has finally gone too far! They are the new Sheriff and will only participate in Phase 4 in the next round. GAMEPLAY | Phase 4 | Inspection Result | No LookIf a Sheriff lets you pass, add everything to your merchant stand game board whether you lied or not. They are the new Sheriff and will only participate in Phase 4 in the next round. Any goods that you did tell the truth about go to your market stall but all lied about cards are confiscated. Add up the total of all cards you have there. People will know you smuggled in contraband but they will not know what. 5. However, players must first get their goods through the city gate, which is under the watch of the Sheriff of Nottingham. WINNING | High Score WinsAdd up your score and bonuses. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! The Sheriff of Nottingham is the main antagonist in the legend of Robin Hood.He is generally depicted as an unjust tyrant who mistreats the local people of Nottinghamshire, subjecting them to unaffordable taxes.Robin Hood fights against him, stealing from the rich, and the Sheriff, in order to give to the poor; a characteristic for which Robin Hood is best known. Set aside the cards you choose to get rid of and one by one draw that many from either the top of the draw deck or the very top of either discard pile. SCORING | King and Queen BonusIn addition to face value, there are also bonuses for who has the most of each of the legal trade goods. SETUP | Place Draw Pile and 2x Discard PilesAfter dealing out the initial cards to everyone, the remaining cards go in the center to be drawn from and used throughout the game. Sheriff of Nottingham is for 2 – 5 players (more with expansion) and is great for any group. It is only visible to you. He has made it impossible for a merchant to make a living, being taxed as much as we are. Be mindful, though, as the Sheriff always has his eyes out for liars and tricksters and if he catches one, he very well may confiscate those goods for himself! It is up to you. 1. Your email address will not be published. 4. Players, in the role of merchants, see this as an opportunity to make quick profits by selling goods in the bustling city during the Prince's visit. In Sheriff of Nottingham, players will take turns stepping into the shoes of the Sheriff himself, while others act as Merchants attempting to bring their goods into the city for profit!