Client Success Team: 314.291.5905 Never speak over or interrupt another person. In this presentation we will touch on basic points of respect in the workplace and sexual harassment prevention. Create an environment of respect and build trust across your entire organisation, A rich pack of questions for Tests and Quizzes, These questions cover different knowledge levels, from a basic understanding of terms, to more complex, real-life scenarios. Each module focuses on a key area of workplace respect, including: Morals are how we distinguish right from wrong. Workplace conflict is inevitable, but how you argue is a choice. And respectful workplaces aren’t accidental. This course covers how to spot harassment, what to do if you see it and how to work as an organization to stop it in its tracks. All rights reserved. This will lead to a mutual level of respect and a more comfortable environment to work in. Respectful workplace training helps organizations develop this culture by breaking the larger, sometimes abstract concept of “respect” into behaviors that are more easily recognized, including such things as: Acknowledge that every person brings unique perspective and knowledge You can add them to your training in the shape of a. Include checklists in your training to enrich the learning experience, or simply drop them somewhere to be at hand when needed (like when someone needs to notice the signs of bullying). All-in-one authoring and collaboration platform. If there is no standard of equality, there will be a lack of respect between coworkers and a higher chance of conflict or harassment occurring. Bullying should never be tolerated in the workplace. Everyone wants to work in a place where they’re treated in a respectful manner in their daily interactions, appreciated for the work they do and where they feel comfortable sharing their ideas with others. This video shows your team how simple acts of appreciation—public praise, giving credit to those who have earned it and generally being encouraging and supportive—can go a long way toward creating a better workplace for everyone. Rude and abrasive discourse between colleagues will likely harm the … Effective listening across an organization is the key to fostering a safe, respectful workplace. Here’s what that means in practice: Treat people the same no matter their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, size, age, or country of origin COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this presentation we will touch on basic points of respect in the workplace and sexual harassment prevention. Respect in the Workplace training is an e-learning solution that helps organisations to build a healthy working environment, driven by respect. We made sure that the cost of training per user is super competitive against other solutions on the market. This module explains how to demonstrate respect to others at work. It is important to have a good working relationship with your fellow employees. Identify situations that may lead to a conflict of interest, Train employees to detect and prevent bribery acts, Protect your organisation from technology-based risks and threats, Prevent predatory business practices by promoting fair competition and economic efficiency. Just like checklists, any part of your learning content can be published as a reference document to be available when needed. It covers a number of topics that you can mix and match to build the training program that is suitable for any of your company’s needs. Want to chat about e-learning? This series will encourage your team to build and promote respectful workplace habits at your organization. All staff members should: Effectively manage their anger. Here’s what’s covered: Act Ethically. Would you like to start with a small scale pilot? This course shows your team the importance of embracing diversity to the success of your whole organization. To stop workplace harassment, the whole office must be on board. All-in-one LMS platform with real-time reporting. Workplace Harassment Training. Absolutely! Ideas for demonstrating respect in the workplace include: Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. A set of tools to syndicate supervision of learning efficiency. Last but not least: you can have your totally customised Respect in the Workplace ready in a matter of days. This course shows your employees how a simple change in how they listen can have a great impact on your organization as a whole. Yes! It’s possible to offend someone without meaning to do so. Telephone Doctor® Customer Service Series, That’s Just Rude℠ Exploring The Rudeness Matrix, What To Say When℠ Conflict Resolution Series, IT Professionals — Customer Service Training, How to spot, stop and avoid workplace harassment, The vital role of ethical principles such as fairness, honesty, integrity and respect, Why disagreeing constructively is important, Importance of championing diversity at your organization, Strategies to neutralize bullies and bullying behavior. You can get demo access, or we can start with a small-scale pilot before you decide if this is the right solution for you! All of our content is reviewed and regularly updated by our partners, Waypoint GRC, who hold more than 20 years of experience in legal compliance. Morals are how we distinguish right from wrong. Good intentions aren’t enough—we’ll show your employees the importance of asking others how they’d like to be treated, and how this simple practice can build trust across your entire organization. It is important to have a good working relationship with your fellow employees. 95% of employees say “ respectful treatment of all employees at all levels” is the top factor for their job satisfaction. Workplace conflict is inevitable, but how you argue is a choice. © Copyright ServiceSkills. This course teaches your team how to argue in a constructive way, which allows your team to move forward rather than break down. This will lead to a mutual level of respect and a more comfortable environment to work in. Showing appreciation for your coworkers is so important. Encourage coworkers to express opinions and ideas. A quick overview of all JollyDeck functionalities. We must accept the differences in fellow employees to create equality in the workplace. It helps to discover the importance and benefits of workplace diversity and how to recognise and protect against unacceptable practices, such as discrimination, bullying or harassment. Controlling anger is important when in a professional work environment. In this course, your employees will learn how to incorporate fairness, honesty, integrity and respect into their day-to-day interactions with coworkers and clients. “Tolerating” diversity isn’t enough. Disagree Constructively. This module (as with all the rest) comes packed with comics, infographics, video examples and interactive scenarios. Bring talented people up to speed faster, and help them stay around longer, Meet your business objectives while staying on the safe side, We produce off-the-shelf and bespoke learning content, Complete coverage of respect at workplace topics, Regular content updates at no additional cost, Can be used for continuous training and refreshers every year, Can be used without active internet connection. I’m here to help you find your way. Respect in the Workplace training is an e-learning solution that helps organisations to build a healthy working environment, driven by respect. ©2020 eSafety | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions. eSafety provides online safety training through a scalable learning management system (LMS) because safety effects every level of an organization and we’re passionate about providing a powerful, cost-effective solution. Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint. However, our package contains a number of benefits that you can’t get with any other vendor. You can even take it a step further and add any specific content yourself (it’s extremely simple). A respectful workplace is one where acts of professionalism, integrity, trust, fairness, openness, and understanding are the norm. Apps to deliver learning content to users in attractive formats. The GDPR Compliance Deck can be downloaded as a SCORM package and used with your existing LMS – if you already have one. Always communicate in a polite manner. If not, we’ve got you covered with our own. All content is created and regularly updated in partnership with Waypoint GRC, who hold more than 20 years of experience in legal compliance. In this presentation, we will give examples to show what is and is not acceptable in the workplace. It covers a number of topics that you can mix and match to build the training program that is suitable for any of your company’s needs. We’ll teach your team what to do when they spot bullying, and how to neutralize its effects. Only by championing diversity can your team collaborate effectively and produce quality work.