Anyway, it doesn’t negatively affect her actions at all. That he is actually fairly weak with the force, but wants to be strong (he almost completely confirmed this when speaking to his father, Han, on the catwalk… Han tells him he wants to see his son but Kylo’s answer is, “He was weak and foolish like his father, so I destroyed him**) and therefore was open to being seduced by Snoke in the first place. See you in the funnies, Scott. Rey only made one incorrect decision in the entire movie, which was (minor SPOILER) letting those creatures loose on Solo’s ship. It’s not possible at all that some people dislike Finn because he’s black. 4: Maz Kanata (We saw very little of her, but she seemed like a very wise and mysterious yet fun person of which i wanted to know more about. Superman is the worst written character in comics. There are SO many signs pointing to that in the movie, but they didn’t really confirm it. 7-Captain Phasma Kylo Ren (his voice and his face caught me off guard, but his acting was good) Jesus I swear people were paying no attention to the movie at all. Oscar Issac’s is an excellent actor, use him. I just re-watched the prequels over the last two days. I was kinda starting to get bored by the time that bit with the flashbacks started to happen and I admit, I did not pay it that much attention. When he says that he could have starred in the movie, he is claiming that anyone could carry a Star Wars movie. History repeats itself. I think it’s great. 4. So Ren was neither mentally or physically prepared to fight, but is rage and anger drove him to do so. I didn’t choose Maz, but I’m sad she has such a low percentage here. 2. Ren was a whiny brat that lost a light saber battle to a storm trooper and a girl whos never touched a light saber in her life. Kylo Ren is not a Sith. There are so many movies with these glaringly unathleteic white girls being gifted and beating ppl they shouldn’t be beating. Without Episode III, the end of Return of the Jedi is just idiotic and not believable (which is what I thought when I saw it originally). I voted for Rey (Ren would have been second choice, followed closely by Finn) but if the ‘old’ cast members were included, Han wins this easily. But we need to make Empire strikes back win. You people yourselves are kind of racist for going straight to his race to see it as the problem. Just a badass looking stormtrooper captain. Ren sliced Finn up good. Shouldn’t you support criticism of poor characters regardless of their sex? I picked Kylo, though, because I do love a complex, tormented but redeemable villain. I as a over-weight 40 year old man could have played her role. Finn is the only character who registers at all, probably because he is the only one with any humor. BB-8 And he embraces the force from the very beginning. 5. Irregardless of what people picked, each actor came out swinging and wheather their relevance to the plot was stronger or not. Rey must have a connection with Luke Skywalker, Poe is destined for a broader part now that Han Solo was ingloriously written out of a future story cog. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. She climbed a friggin’ mountain to challenge Luke Skywalker to train her. People were so taken with BB-8 they just did not miss him. [PREQUELS] -> ANH -> Empire -> ROTJ – > TFA. It has the same weakness but instead of a target size whomp rat hole, the target is now larger than New York City it self. I’m sure when you pick up a guitar for the first time, you’ll be able to pluck the strings for a few seconds and then magically be able to play better than Jimi Hendrix. She’s a Kenobi. You are free to love the actors and the characters but they have nothing to do with The Force Awakens being a success (Though the could screw it up, which they didn’t). BB-8 (I always liked R2-D2 and so bow BB-8) If you search for a celebrity, you will see how many certified fresh, fresh, rotten, and unscored movies they have, as well as their average score. I mean, as long as it’s a guy, it’s perfectly fine for an ordinary, barefoot cop to learn the architecture and engineering of an office building he’s never been in and then take out a large number of heavily-armed mercs single-handedly. He made Star Wars modern and relevant w/o goin over the top. 8. Kylo Ren Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. The first movie didn’t have any non-whites in it and one women. I think the force is changing and becoming more PC…. Kylo Ren was a great twist on the usual “badass Dark Side user” thing. Because Legolas is an ultra feminine secondary character at best, Batman is deeply flawed (so you’re wrong), Superman is a joke (he isn’t even a man, he’s actually an alien/god), James Bond is lame, and Indiana Jones is overrated. 3. 8. Maz Kanata Move along. um, how much character growth have YOU experienced in just the last few days? OK. Ren (A good antagonist) Guess who now knows he cannot defeat Rey? And Gleeson’s performance was brilliant! Plus, Luke is a jedi. Replace Daisy Ridley with your favorite young actress (think jennifer lawrence?) In any event, Luke used the force (this is something the force can do; it’s been established already and even though the EU is no longer canon, I think they will just the same hold onto this concept) to wipe Han, Leia’s, and Rey’s minds of her true history to protect her and them. The addition of a strong female protagonist was genius, and needed as the Star Wars universe was pretty lacking in that area. If that is your standard go back to watching Baywatch. Whining and bitching over different opinions? (The number will likely be quite off as votes are coming in so fast) A lot of people got super salty that Revenge of the Sith beat Endgame. 4) or leading them on the path to be trained (to Yoda in Ep. GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE DOING IN A COMMENTS SECTION ABOUT THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN THE FORCE AWAKENS IF YOU WANT TO AVOID SPOILERS FOR SAID MOVIE BUT ANYWAY SPOILERS!!!!! Maybe future shows will tell. Remember that Stormtrooper being thrown across the room by the force of it? They won’t go that way. She really isn’t that interesting. He knocked Finn down a few times and had to gather himself and pound his abdomen. Obi-Wan Kenobi The point about Darth Vader is that in the context of their respective stories Luke could not have bested Vader in a duel in A New Hope because Vader was a fully trained, powerful Jedi. In the history of Stormtroopers, there has never been one who has defected. Shame it was a let down (though if you never saw Eps. Her character was great, but I was more impressed by the fact that Ridley carried so much of this huge movie on her shoulders in her first film. It is great to have minds racing with possibilities and excitement again! But of course she’s resourceful enough and capable enough to escape almost totally by herself. Kylo was also emotionally compromised which those on the dark side use as fuel, he should have been more powerful. 4. A subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff. After a long 10-year hiatus, Star Wars hit theaters once again this weekend, bringing back a more mature version of the beloved original characters — like General Leia, Han Solo and Chewbacca — and introducing a whole new generation of characters. Yep, you knew this was coming! Well people from Reddit came to vote for it and came back to win the vote. This is one of the few times we get a black protagonists(not named Denzel or Will) in a hollywood blockbuster and A LOT of people had problems with that. I thought they did a good job with Poe. 6. 7: Kylo Ren (Adam Driver’s acting brought the character down for me, plus he feels like an Anakin Skywalker’s ripoff. and at least she’s far more interesting then Jar Jar. My original point, and this article, had nothing to do with box office. I can see why she’s in first. Poll: Who Are Your Favorite Characters from Captain America: Civil War? Poll: Rotten Tomatoes: Top Mystery & Suspense Movies. To be honest, I like original trilogy WAY better than Star Wars 7. Very bad message to young generations here. I’m wondering how Rey can pilot the Falcon better than Han Solo, mechanically fix the Falcon better than Han Solo, and use the computer controls to open and close the doors if she is so uneducated. I had to stare at that for about 5 minutes. You’re nothing but a hater. If you want to see the same characters every movie just rewatch the original trilogy. The price of holding onto that secret was that her motivation for running simply came across as a general freakout rather than the much more interesting idea that she was running from her destiny. But the whole thing started off as a meme and it ended with memes. This movie was a major disappointments. Which of these top 35 classic movies, according to Rotten Tomatoes, is your favorite? When in Star Wars were the Imperial officers ever characters worth following? We’re seeing the force, which is trying to balance itself, driving reality in almost a complete circle again, but with different actors. Don't have an account? Plus, Lupita Nyong’o ‘s voice acting was terrific) Second, my original post was not a gender analysis of characters. BB-8 Even though I don’t share everyone’s love for Boba Fett, he at least DID something – he used a good hiding tactics to track down the Millenium Falcon and allow Vader to capture our heroes. He said it like it wasn’t a big deal for Jedi to have children. In reality, I believe the opposite is true. Captain Phasma, I find your response funny, because during the movie I turned to the person I was with when BB-8 showed up and said “Wall-Eeeeee” Then, two stormtroopers see this, and turn the other way. Looking forward to what comes next for her. Why would anyone in their right mind go for Hux? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Leia’s kid but not through Han Solo born like Anakin through the force to counter balance Kylo Ren’s disturbance in the force! As IMDB, there’s no Yoda voice actor, but Obiwan. Not, “Who is your favorite SW Actor?” I am saying there were no new characters as evidenced by everyone says “Daisy is the new Luke” and “That pilot is the new Han”. Also very interesting and not important I saw 2 Asian in this movie and never saw any Asian in this galaxy up until this installment. After reading theories that she’s Obi Wan’s grand daughter, those now seem more convincing to me. My favorite character old character is Luke and my favorite new one is Poe btw, I loved Rey because she’s a badass but I really hope she was a little bit more flawed as a character, so she could have more room for development…At times it felt she was TOO awesome at everything she did (knowing the millennium falcon better than Han? That fight where she goes toe to toe with Kylo Ren felt stale, he could of easily force choked her of lopped a limb off despite an injury or that he hadn’t finished his training (or he’s being used). 4: BB8. A witty remark by Leia intended to poke fun at someone indicates what? Not much there (although well acted). Darth Maul We saw someone who was incredibly force gifted but, like Rey, still needs training to channel that skill. I dunno, curious what others’ take on it may be, but if you re-look at it with that angle in mind, doesn’t it actually make for a rather cool change up in the story? Anyone thought she might be related to Kenobi? But he’s been injured with a blaster Chewie and was basically kicking Rey’s ass until she went all JOHN CENA god mode on her.