"The moment you have monotony, your muscles can fall asleep. It helps him focus and keeps him energized all day. Men's Health participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Get the workouts that will give you the Ryan Kwanten lean, muscular Hollywood look! An Australian actor born and bred in Sydney, Ryan Kwanten started his career in 1997 as Vinnie Patterson in the Australian sitcom “Home and Away”. Give this around 2 minutes. The following are some of Ryan’s favorite workouts: Running – A relentless, brisk running pace to elevate the body’s temperature, preparing the muscle and heart for the exertion that follow. With the jump rope he likes to do interval training. 2. "You gain balance and coordination. 5. ", 3. It’s a very rigorous exercise routine that Ryan intersperses with biking, running, shadow boxing, yoga and other extreme cardio exercises. he says, smiling. Click To See How To Achieve Ripped Lean Muscle Without Fat In 8 Weeks! [I love the idea of getting outside of a comfort zone to evolve in a discipline. With situps, he focuses on his core and tries not to reach or stretch his neck. Who is not familiar with Ryan Kwanten, the super hunk Jason Stackhouse in the HBQ TV series “True Blood”? Hope one day I’ll have abs like him! He played the role for almost 5 years until 2002. Athletics keep him resilient, he says. The Ryan Kwanten workout is what creates such a hot, sexy body. He is best known for his roles in Home and Away, Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord, Summerland and True Blood.He started boxing as a teenager and became state championship in the welterweight division for the 13-15 age group. He'll do that while watching the first half of a Lakers game, and stretch for the second half. An Australian actor born and bred in Sydney, Ryan Kwanten started his career in 1997 as Vinnie Patterson in the Australian sitcom “Home and Away”. His being physically fit is a way of life with or without the role and he is not the type of guy who would need to go on a crash workout program to look and be fit for a role. Pause for every one or two counts in between the repetitions. I guess it is a safety net, my comfort zone, my security blanket…one that I am going to let go of. This dynamic and varied workout regimen saves Ryan from the monotony and boredom of a gym at the same time working out various muscle systems without overtaxing any one particular muscle system. ", 4. My Men's muscle building course for getting the lean "Hollywood Look". I am a sucker for these scenes…can’t get enough!]. Pushups or Press Ups – Do 2 minutes of pushups after jogging or, Sprint – Do 6 x 30 second sprints – pausing in between, Planks – 2 minutes of planks will build endurance for the abs and back. Kwanten knows he can't fully build his body without strength training. "I love old-school stuff," he says. I am canceling my gym membership for the rest of 2009. The Ryan Kwanten workout is what creates such a hot, sexy body. "It's boring, but it's not a crash diet," he says. , True Blood Fans Check out Ryan Kwanten aka Jason Stackhouse in his new movie Griff the invisible here’s the official FB page with the trailer http://on.fb.me/nyL6LH. Honestly, I have had a membership to a commercial gym for over 20 years. The result is a physique that looks great in nice clothes as well as on the beach. This week I am going to cancel my gym membership. Challenge yourself Kwanten joins friends for group trail runs, bowls in a league, bungee jumps, and bikes along the Pacific. He played the role as Vinnie Patterson in Home and Away until 2002. "If you have a minute to yourself, utilize it to the fullest," he says. So let’s talk more about Ryan Kwanten’s workout and how he stays so lean. There is Something to Be Said for “Real World” Fitness. Ryan can be an inspiration for anyone who wants to stay fit. Ryan Kwanten workout routine and diet plan for True Blood. Break away Los Angeles has about 7,000 miles of blacktop, but Kwanten prefers the trails. This two minute clip from Batman Begins is one of my favorite movie clips of all time. Years ago, in his native Australia, he even moonlighted as a professional triathlete. In 2004, he was cast as Jay Robertson in “Summerland” a teen oriented American drama series that lasted all of 26 episodes. In 2008 he landed the role of Jason Stackhouse in HBO’s True Blood which thankfully is quickly gaining in popularity (it is my second favorite TV show…Always Sunny in Philadelphia is my top pick). 1. He also avoids alcohol, and drinks water or protein or vegetable shakes instead. A Bit About Ryan Kwanten’s Acting Background… The workout by Ryan Kwanten is basically almost every physical activity that you could think of – surfing, running, triathlon, swimming, biking and body weight exercises that include situps, pushups, jump rope, pull ups and more. This Is the Easiest Way to Get Back into Running, The Best GPS Running Watches to Reach Your Goals, Kevin Hart Beat Usain Bolt in a Race—But There Was a Catch. He does that at home with body-weight exercises: pushups, situps, pull ups, skipping rope. He Follows a Paleo Style Diet When He Needs to Lean Down. Is it just me, or does Ryan seem less cut and has picked up some weight since last season? Instead of aiming for distance or heart-rate goals, he chooses routes with distinct midpoints. He also keeps a normal amount of muscle mass for his frame, while keeping his body fat low. Last winter I spent 3 months just doing body weight circuits in my apartment and to be honest, my physique looked about the same as when I was training in the gym. "When I'm rejected, I can come back and say, 'You know what? Strip down your diet To prepare for a shirtless scene, Kwanten employs a get-ripped-fast trick that can help any man looking forward to a beach weekend. Ryan Kwanten works out about 2 ½ hours daily, every day, all year round. Kwanten, 32, has the lean, strong look that Holly wood loves, and he built it outdoors, focusing on functional strength rather than gym-built abs. RYAN KWANTEN It seems as if Kwanten can't enter a scene on True Blood without ripping off his shirt. Ryan Murdock, who was awarded “Master Trainer of the Year”, by the Martial Arts Hall of Fame…just created a high-level body weight course that I plan on mastering over the next 3 months…. Note: I am just going to be “gym free” for 3 months. Don’t get me wrong…I really enjoy lifting weights…but a true master of fitness should be able to get fit with or without a gym or special equipment. It does not include salt, legumes, grains, dairy products, processed oils and refined sugar. To play the role of the usually shirtless Jason in “True Blood”, Ryan did not need to go through any special toning up or workout. He favors a thick rubber jump rope and does varied intervals -- say, a minute of doubles and then 2 minutes of singles. He played the role for almost 5 years until 2002. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Ryan Kwanten’s paleo style diet is comprised principally of fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, root crops and nuts. Stable insulin levels are the key to burning body fat around the clock, since when insulin is high the body cannot use fat for energy. My comprehensive Women's course for getting the "slim, fit and feminine physique". In additon to this, he likes to go for a run every now and then. In 2004 he landed a role in the teen drama, Summerland until it was canceled after 26 episodes. "It takes the tedium out of running," he says. I'll win the next one.'" Ryan is into a “Paleo Style Diet” also called hunter- gatherer, caveman or Stone Age diet. Not really…but I am dedicating the next 3 months to master the skills of getting ripped with body weight training. He has also done boxing in his younger years. Why I Am Canceling My Gym Membership This Week. He also keeps a normal amount of muscle mass for his frame, while keeping his body fat low.