The next row is dead, unless you could some how viably abuse jumping off heights in BGs and the more vertical arena. Wound Poison now reduces healing taken by 8% per stack (4% against players). Condemn- Seems good. Resonant Accolades could help your healers be the tiniest bit more mana efficient with good gameplay, Bearer’s Pursuit seems solid but I haven’t tested if the slow stacks with other slows, so it also has the potential to be almost useless, while Pointed Courage is relatively large amount of dynamic crit percent and I’m not sure you can go too wrong with that. What do you guys WANT arms to be doing, because right now there seems to be a lot of crossed wires. Even with the added 15 seconds to blessings, it messes up with cooldown synchronization, but that’s just an added bonus to make the better players shine. This is amazing the way it is, I feel like other covenants should be like this. The second row could some choice or just be forced into picking stats. It gives us an additional, hard hitting damaging ability, but without atonement the only purpose it serves is to apply the damage->healing debuff. I felt very durable, and I had a button for most situations. This will probably be the most useful for swaps and spread pressure/quick swaps in the hands of a Fury or Prot warrior, because at the end of the day Mortal Strike is applying a bleed, our Mastery, and healing reduction as Arms. Mortal Cleave/Legion Strike now reduces healing taken by 20% (10% against players). Theotar the Mad Duke - 2 charges of a mostly useless casted teleport, or being able to get out of roots and snares to make the teleport useful, choice seems like it just depends on the type of content you do, eww. No problems there. Familiar Predicaments 25% reduced snare and roots are solid and seems like the intended PvP choice, but I’m not sure turning down 4% flat damage to the target of your choosing for something most of the warrior specs can already either get out of via class abilities or be dispelled of is worth it, without even factoring in 2% less damage taken. Are we supposed to be pooling rage for Colossus Smash? Also I think you can parry/dodge while channeling it. Even if it does, the examples you give are more easily handled by playing properly around the mechanic than, say, trying to snipe a shield right before Beckon when there is so much raid damage already. -Fleshcraft: Can have its uses in PvP, but for the most part in PvE, not going to be very useful as you already have AMS and IBF to be immune to CC and mitigate damage. Social Butterfly could definitely be cool, 5% vers is no joke but it’s too niche within melee cleave RBG comps that aren’t splitting targets to compete on its row. Soothing Voice adds a 90% and rapidly decreasing slow to Charge, Storm Bolt if you’re specced for it, and maybe a few more racials the could aid in winning the kite-and-chase game. Runeforged Spurs could help start combat on a ranged target without wasting a mobility CD, but its not much speed and probably won’t if someone actually wanted to peel you. If you not gonna rework this ability, i dont know how can you tune it without doing it so overpowered in pvp. We’re looking forward to seeing how these changes play out once the new build is available, and hearing your feedback on them. The extra health component looks like maybe it could save someone(Rally fills this niche already) except it doesn’t actually provide temporary HP like Rally does so it’s essentially useless. The disorient from venthyr tp, the cc immune from this shield, dispel pot from kyrian, etc. -Fleshcraft: Can have its uses in PvP, but for the most part in PvE, not going to be very useful as you already have AMS and IBF to be immune to CC and mitigate damage. Token of Appreciation really pushes the rest of the options off the table though unless you’re looking for purely selfish damage and the mastery levels on Soothing Shade stays where it is. The class abilities Death’s Due and Swarming Mist feel like different flavors of the same thing. ), a 40% movement speed for 6 second buff could potentially make this viable for mobility, another get out of roots and snares card is not to be undervalued even with a cast time, and a 15% absorb shield for 8 seconds on use that’s kinda meh in comparison but still a nice boon to trying to escape alive. Server shutdown at the end of the day on a Friday, Neretzek, The Blood Drinker spell power scaling, WoW Classic “Not A Bug” List - Updated Nov 6, 2020, FEEDBACK: Mythic Sludgefist - November 6, 2020, FEEDBACK: Mythic Council of Blood - November 6, 2020, FEEDBACK: Mythic Stone Legion Generals - November 6, 2020, Wowhead Economy Weekly Wrap-Up 150 | Multiboxing Nerfs & Profession Opportunities in Speed Leveling, Rextroy on the Broken Trinket Figurehead of the Naglfar, Wowhead's Not a Tier List - Why It's Still Too Early to Decide the Best Class in Shadowlands, Diabolus Deathbowl Live Now! Kyrian is one of the most clunky things I’ve ever had to play with. Beyond that, the actual 7 point spender that it activates is actually very lackluster. Door of Shadows is a very strong ability in its own right and has the potential to break certain things depending on how it is used, however, it alone isn’t enough to warrant taking, especially whilst it’s coupled Mindgames and is directly contending against Soulshape. Shadowlands Alpha State of Resto Druid - Lackluster GCDs, Spell Changes, Covenant Abilities. I would rather it be half of that with the ability for it to be more mobile. Drop Frozen orb, cast Blizzard, use few IL and channel ability. What part of the kit tells the player to do this?