Not the Mountain Goats, but might definitely would be worth checking out for your assignment: Amigo the Devil’s “The Weight,” “The Dreamer,” or “Hell and You.”. This 1993 song is based on the singer's experience with two fans early in her career. It's one of the creepiest stalking songs I know... FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on January 16, 2020: Nasus - Thanks for the suggestion. Stalking and obsessive attention (which sure isn't love!) CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Were he and Louise truly involved in an affair, as he claimed? It wouldn't have necessarily been my choice, but songwriters often use their personal experience in their work. LOL I'm glad I read this. This hit track was inspired by Debbie Harry’s experience with an ex who simply won’t leave her alone. Suggested category: Creepy Douchebag "Love". Somehow Ron had been in my apartment and used my phone to call her. Linda - Thank you for your kind kudos and for sharing. There are a couple songs on this list that I love and had no idea that's what they were about. That statistic you cited with the cat image about half of the stalking circumstances leading to violence is a scary thought. That’s the part that makes the song really creepy, the delusion of thinking that they were meant to be together. Stalker lyrics: Oh I watch you there through the window, and I stare at you. Thanks! I'd love to see a plot twist of the stalker becoming the stalked. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Think of this 1963 song is a creepy trailblazer. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on June 17, 2019: Lachlan Brown - You've inspired a playlist about photography with this song suggestion. Listen to the lyrics of this 1980 hit. 1. It looks like a fellow rocker named Stephen has found himself some dangerous, unwanted attention. James Blunt’s huge hit brings us right into the mind of a delusional man who has fallen in love with a woman on the train. Sad and eerie. Now if that isn’t a song about obsessive love, we don’t know what is! I Knew I Loved You (Before I Met You), Lonely Island, featuring Nicki Minaj & John Waters. Morrissey – The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get. vespawoolf - Thanks for taking the time to read my first-hand account of my neighbor who broke laws, boundaries, and trust. (I wish we still had the thumbs up's). FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 02, 2017: Mandy - Thank you for sharing your account with an overzealous admirer turned emotional blackmailer. Thanks for reading. When you have to sneak into your own apartment to try to avoid a neighbor, that's a big sign something isn't right. He further taunts, "Just you try and stop me.". This song expresses that love is inevitable. I Tweeteted. She tried to make up stories so I would let go of him, but I couldn't find myself mad at him when I learned that he had been with her. His target may look straight through him, not seeing that he is there, but he issues this warning: "I'll always be waiting for you." Now that his eyes are already open, he tried to cut their communication, she calls him all day and tries to emotionally blackmail him. In a way, this song is breaks down the stereotype of the gloomy guy fawning over a girl and gives him a voice. Oh can’t you see you belong to me. I just can’t get you out of my head. Annie Lennox lends her voice to a woman who preaches about the dangers of love as she plans to abduct the object of her desire. Your skin makes me cry. OP, you’re not going to get better than this. It had put a strain in our relationship since she was annoying him everytime i call. I appreciate your reading. And in my dreams I’ve kissed your lips a thousand times. He tended to talk too long and overshared a lot of personal drama. Alison’s version may be a popular one, but this song was originally recorded by The Foundations. When I pressed redial on my home phone one night, I learned that my neighbor had been secretly letting himself in to my apartment. You don't know who else has a copy of that key. I'm adding it! He can't tell her how he feels because of the threat of rejection, yet he wants to spy on her like a fly on the wall. Iwas listening to “Every Breath You Take” in the supermarket a couple of days ago when I realized it’s a song about a dangerous stalker. Somebody is obsessed about my boyfriend and she's now becoming a pest. We’ve chosen Alison’s version because of how she was able to capture the melancholy theme of the song. Creepers abound in popular music, movies and culture! Krzysztof Willman from Parlin, New Jersey on July 30, 2018: Your personal story gave me chills, what a terrifying situation. If ever in doubt which song to choose among love songs for him, this is a sure win. :) I always love these lists of yours. Ron said he had helped the previous tenant break in to her own apartment that way. What the hell am I doing here? Happy for you that the story had a good ending. His ominous plans include drive-bys and trailing you at the mall, supermarket and on the bus. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 13, 2019: Lachlan Brown - Thanks for the suggestion. Take the easy way and give in. Thanks for reading! So as revenge, she writes him a song to show him just how obsessively creepy it can be. You wear nothing but you wear it so well. One in 7 stalking victims reported that they moved because of stalking. Those two songs are basically the epitome of tear-out-my-own-guts obsessive love songs. "Your Love Is My Drug" was listed twice in the list. Not to do harm to a song that a lot of people say they love, it really removed the band from being a top fav of mine due to the massive attack it caused. Stalker lyrics: Baby, now that I’ve found you I can’t let you go, I’ll build my world around you. The song I always thought was creepy was by innocent old America, "Right Before Your Eyes" is the song. Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on May 23, 2016: I hope your experience of being stalked could help others to avoid a similar situation. Hey, now mine is the only one with them, at least for now. I appreciate you. I never thought about many of the lyrics but now that I've looked closely at them, I'm pretty amazed. Now that their relationship has ended, however, he refuses to move on. Thank you for reading and commenting. Some people are just so freaky. But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 10, 2019: Lachlan Brown - Thank you for this song suggestion which I added. Answer: The use of those lyrics is definitely creepy, I agree. Check out if any of these songs used to strike you as sweet and loving. Watching you watching me on March 19, 2019: Im a woman being stalked by a crazy loser and all her loser gang stalking posse. And both of us on whatsapp. And I don’t think that I’ll see her again, but we shared a moment that will last till the end. You’re just like an angel. asks the distraught, frenzied woman in this Grammy Award-winning 1995 hit. The song is about a lover looking to reunite with their kidnapped mate, it's just that the song gives no clue about it without the video to go along with it, and instead really resonates with the themes found in these others songs. Have a great week. Ron said he had tried to commit suicide because he was so despondent about their future. He also volunteered that Louise was a psychiatric nurse. For all things related to the musical works of the Mountain Goats. So I’m hoping one of you lovely people can help me out. Tied up and twisted, the way I’d like to be, for you, for me, come crash into me. At first, you might think it’s romantic that he would suddenly fall for someone he just met. It's on there now! (One stalker died by suicide before the album was released.) What really sent shivers up my spine, however, came next. Kaili Bisson from Canada on May 23, 2016: What a creepy glad nothing happened to you! Ron said his purpose for entering my apartment was simple curiosity and he just wanted to play with my orange kitten, Oscar. You should know that nothing leaves my side. 7. What was he really doing in my apartment? Thank you for providing your insight. I Love You, Let's Light Ourselves on Fire could probably also be up there on title alone. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 02, 2020: Helena - That song is indeed creepy! Linda - He was a really weird guy. Thank you for this interesting article. Adding it! Now I feel kinda dirty - naive at the very least. asks this 1984 song. Stay safe. I wonder whether stalking and creeping are as much of a problem in other cultures. Ron gave me a "helpful warning" to always lock the sliding glass door to my balcony. Devika - Thanks so much for tweeting and for commenting. Baby you’ll be famous, chase you down until you love me. EW&F preformed not sure who wrote it. It's about an obsessed ex-lover who promises that. There are so many topics to write a song about!) But that’s the wrong move according to Morrissey, because that’s how he’ll get closer to you. All I Need is a song about obsession and believing that the object of his desire is all he needs in the world as he mentally debates about how both right and wrong it feels. Great list though. Then came the terrifying evidence! An example that matches your idea would be "Baby, It's Cold Outside," the Christmas song. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. But when you think about it, he sees her for a fleeting train ride and he already works up a tragic love story in his head because he knows she will never be his.