A few pages later, the author describes the Nash robbery, almost verbatim to Lind’s testimony. She even had to have part of her skull surgically removed as a result of her injuries. I don’t know. I can’t imagine the pressure she dealt with all the detectives pressing her for information. “The Longform Guide to Rolling Stone Crime Writing” (7/21/13), http://www.slate.com/articles/life/longform/2013/07/dzhokhar_tsarnaev_on_rolling_stone_more_great_crime_writing_from_the_rock.html, Josh Lucas talks about Wonderland (Published on Jul 18, 2013), I’m not sure if you guys have seen this but when you open the link you’ll see interviews with other cast members like Tim Blake Nelson and Eric Bogosian). Police took video of the crime scene, narrating a walkthrough of the bloodshed. Q: By “fast” you mean like running or something else? John, Murmillo, John W, and 1 other are discussing. On July 1, 1981, four people were found murdered inside a Los Angeles home in a sensational case combining “dope, porn, sex and drugs and organized crime,” as a retired LAPD detective once told The New York Times. Susan Launius (1951-) was the girlfriend of Ron Launius and an associate of the Wonderland Gang. Through his attorney, Nash has consistently denied any involvement in the Wonderland Avenue killings. Q: Now, aside from that person we have been talking about, you also have a recollection of some other number of shadowy figures? Holmes est mort du sida six ans après, le 13 mars 1988 dans un hôpital de Los Angeles. A: Yes. “He said that (Nash) told him if he ever talked to the police that (Nash) would kill someone in his family.” The detective added that Holmes “said he was there when the murders happened, but that he himself did not hurt anyone.”. Chacun d'eux a été matraqué avec des tuyaux en acier. Bettmann/Getty Images Porn star John Holmes, dressed in a prison jump suit, leaves Superior Court on his way back to the Los Angeles County Jail. And (that they) made him watch.”. Just wanted to tell you that. Is that correct? “Basically, he said, ‘I’m going to have to run,’ ” Sharon Holmes recalled, “And I said, ‘You’re going to have to tell me.’ ”. SUSAN LAUNIUS. Le groupe est alors retourné à leur planque pour partager l'argent (Holmes et McCourt ont reçu des parts moindres). Friend Barbara Richardson was also brutally murdered in the home. Thanks for visiting. . I know what people will say about me: “she’s a complete nut” or much worse so I won’t get into everything here but I do appreciate your site and I have found it very interesting. “He went out of his life denying,” said Sharon Holmes, "(saying) ‘I had no involvement.’, One of these people could be Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ successor and California’s next senator. Susan Launius had been lying on the floor alive, with her skull broken, for more than 12 hours. Video footage first captured Richardson, her head covered, soaking in a puddle of blood. Q: Now, this was prior to going to bed? Laurel Erickson should have won a news Emmy for her coverage outside that hospital. According to The Los Angeles Times, Nash was “forced to beg for his life and surrender $1 million in cash, jewelry and narcotics.”. Holmes would have rolled over on Eddie for sure being the shit weasel that he was. La police a perquisitionné la maison de Nash peu de temps après les meurtres ; plus d'un million de dollars en cocaïne a été trouvé et Nash fut condamné à deux ans de prison. Après sa mort, sa première épouse, Sharon Gebenini-Holmes, a déclaré qu'il était venu chez elle après les massacres avec du sang sur ses vêtements, mais qu'il ne lui a pas donné tous les détails.