The film feels very real and not a little scary since the viewer knows that he is very likely to eventually likely to share Lazarescu's fate. After the terrible news of a fatal car accident involving her son, a desperate mother will do anything in her power to set her child free. A police officer refuses to arrest a young man for offering drugs to his friends. Remus. Sign up here. It's a story that could take place anywhere and Mr. Lazarescu could be your next-door neighbor – or he could be you. When it arrives, the paramedic decides he should take him to the hospital but once there they decide to send him to another hospital and then yet another... As the night unfolds and they can't find a hospital for Mr. Lazarescu, his health starts to deteriorate fast. Synopsis Mr. Lazarescu (Ion Fiscuteanu) is not feeling well.He has a bad headache and has been vomiting. Use the HTML below. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. There's something about Fiscuteanu's quietly desperate performance (with much of the emotion conveyed through his eyes), that gets under your skin. Presumably these people whose brains aren't constantly flooded with the meaninglessness of their own existence, who do not daily vacillate between suicidal ideation and paralyzing fear of nothingness, can watch a movie like this where they are told they are watching a man die and…. | Rotten (5). When it arrives, the paramedic decides he should take him to the hospital but once there they decide to send him to another hospital and then yet another... As the night unfolds and they can't find a hospital for Mr. Lazarescu, his health starts to deteriorate fast. I didn't find it interesting this the is the most depressing film I have ever seen in my entire life. It's really sad. A naturalistic take on what a man can be reduced to in his final hours because of a broken system and people's egos. This is one of those movie?s whose overall goal was to actively unpleasant for 153 minutes, and I basically watched it in three chunks. At the beginning it´s a little bit slow but after 30 minutes or so it becomes pretty thrilling.A man in his 60s sits in his small flat with his 3 cats and feels sick. From the very beginning, when we're placed in Mr. Lăzărescu's filthy and claustrophobic apartment, there's a sense of unease which only escalates from there as we descend into the hell that is the Romanian healthcare system. You're almost there! Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! A chronicle of a dying man living in precarious conditions and his endless, almost absurd, journey to receive medical care. A woman assists her friend in arranging an illegal abortion in 1980s Romania. Yet the long, long, complicated takes, the connections that build between the paramedic nurse and the ill man—and between the viewer and the man—do draw one in. Not a reality show, a real story. It tackles the disconnect between mortality and humanity. Add the first question. Then, he goes to his neighbors…. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. This is a hard watch. This really helps with the topic of the movie (an almost critic of the Medical system) a much believability and therefore audiences gets to relate more with the topics, either because they have heard or they have lived through the situation where it seems like those who are meant to care us, just simply give a damn about….