Young, Ronald N. (D), District 3 Jennings, J. Griffith, Melony G. (D), District 25 Jennings, J. “Cummings has never shied from a very forceful give-and-take.”. King, Nancy J. Mr. Cummings eventually served as chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and as ranking Democrat and then chairman of what became the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Gallion, Jason C. (R), District 35 Reilly, Edward R. (R), District 33 District 39 ... 2019 Regular Session CSV JSON; Salling, Johnny Ray (R), District 6 Smith, William C., Jr. (D), District 20 Did you see him?” Mr. Cummings asked in his booming baritone. Patterson, Obie (D), District 26 Guzzone, Guy J. Kelley, Delores G. (D), District 10 “Did you see him?”, “I’ve often said, our children are the living messages we send to a future we will never see,” he said, his voice rising. (D), District 14, Eckardt, Adelaide C. (R), District 37 McCray, Cory V. (D), District 45 Patterson, Obie (D), District 26 Reilly, Edward R. (R), District 33 This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. Griffith, Melony G. (D), District 25 Gentleman, yield! On Capitol Hill, Mr. Cummings was among the minority of House members and senators who voted in 2002 against authorizing a military invasion of Iraq. In 1996, he won the seat in the U.S. House of Representatives that Kweisi Mfume (D) vacated to become NAACP president. The delegation has 8 members: 7 Democrats and 1 Republican. Meadows demanded that her words be stricken from the record. States with green stripes have a senator from one party and an independent, who caucuses with the Democrats. In the Maryland House of Delegates, where Mr. Cummings served from 1983 to 1996, he championed a ban on alcohol and tobacco ads on inner-city … Speaking at the funeral, Mr. Cummings, who lived near where Gray was arrested, bemoaned the presence of media to chronicle Gray’s death without celebrating his life. Young, Ronald N. (D), District 3 Waldstreicher, Jeff (D), District 18 Waldstreicher, Jeff (D), District 18 “He is a man who quite often calls the truth a lie and calls a lie the truth.”. Elfreth, Sarah K. (D), District 30 Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 Patterson, Obie (D), District 26 Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 He has said the money problems stemmed from his struggles to keep his law practice afloat while running for Congress and also from helping to support his three children. Do you have stories of Rep. Elijah Cummings? Two-term Democrat Ben Cardin was re-elected with 56% of the vote in 2012. Reilly, Edward R. (R), District 33 Kelley, Delores G. (D), District 10 West, Christopher R. (R), District 42 Gray died of injuries suffered while riding, improperly secured, in a police van after he was arrested for carrying a knife, in his pocket, that police said was illegal. He drew national attention as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief defender during 2015 congressional hearings into her handling of the attack three years earlier on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya. Pinsky, Paul G. (D), District 22 Lam, Clarence K. (D), District 12 (D), District 39 Appoints Kelly Loeffler To Fill Senate Seat", "Democrat Wins Special Election for Kerry's Senate Seat", "Franken to make announcement Thursday as chorus grows for his resignation", "Congressional candidate Jacky Rosen a newcomer, unknown to most Southern Nevadans", " – Member Profile – Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.", Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations, Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way, The Governor (of the state in which the event is held), The Governors of the States (by order of statehood),, 21st-century United States government officials, Lists of current office-holders in the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Chair, Senate Republican Steering Committee, This page was last edited on 8 November 2020, at 19:31. (R), District 7 Rosapepe, James C. (D), District 21 Salling, Johnny Ray (R), District 6 B. State Seal, Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen St., Annapolis, Maryland, January 2001. Kramer, Benjamin F. (D), District 19 Elijah Eugene Cummings was born in Baltimore on Jan. 18, 1951. This is a list of United States senators from Maryland, which ratified the United States Constitution April 28, 1788, becoming the seventh state to do so. (D), District 39 (D), District 14, Young, Ronald N. (D), District 3 (D), District 13 (D), District 39 2019 LEGISLATIVE SESSION 440th session of General Assembly convened in Annapolis, Maryland May 1, 2019 (Executive Order 01.01.2019.04) Zucker, Craig J. Simonaire, Bryan W. (R), District 31 The United States Senate consists of 100 members, two from each of the 50 states . Klausmeier, Katherine A. Jennings, J. “Though I didn’t completely know what reform school was, I knew that Perry Mason won a lot of cases. Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 Baltimore’s plight informed Mr. Cummings’s life and work on Capitol Hill, a connection exemplified by his response to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray in April 2015 and the explosion of outrage that came after it. Simonaire, Bryan W. (R), District 31 Senators in Class III were elected to office in the November 2016 general election, unless they took their seat through appointment or special election. (D), District 23 Feldman, Brian J. Sydnor, Charles E., III (D), District 44 Waldstreicher, Jeff (D), District 18 Benson, Joanne C. (D), District 24 Griffith, Melony G. (D), District 25 A complete list of survivors was not immediately available. (D), District 23 Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 Hettleman, Shelly L. (D), District 11Hough, Michael J., (R), District 4 The United States Senate consists of 100 members, two from each of the 50 states. (R), District 7 Washington, Mary L. (D), District 43 The cause was “complications concerning long-standing health challenges,” his office said in a statement. Peters, Douglas J. J. He described the Trump White House as inhumane in its use of “child internment camps.”, In turn, the president went on a Twitter tirade against Mr. Cummings and described his majority black Baltimore district as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and suggested the congressman focus his efforts on cleaning up “this very dangerous & filthy place.”, Mr. Cummings’ response was not to dignify the attack, instead telling an audience at the National Press Club in Washington: “Those at the highest levels of government must stop invoking fear, using racist language and encouraging reprehensible behavior.