The appendix is particularly useful, listing all the major technolog. The use of mechanical power started the industrial revolution. Refresh and try again. �\*ȫW�
3e�Ȋ����*D�?�T !�v�RJIT��#N(!��P����M���K#K��e댺0��D�A�Z]!�����`���#���L���ױ�O�y>����g�=��i�4��l�Gi���f�D������^4��Ig^�N�h���6:}��0�_ � We’d love your help. After three previous industrial revolutions, we're now in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution. I wish I was able to give this book a three and a half star rating. Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab here. It is thought provoking to say the least. The appendix is particularly useful, listing all the major technologies like AI, 3D printing, driverless cars, etc and their tipping points and probability to be turned into actual use by 2025. Maybe the actual book is more comprehensive... Best part for me was the appendix about expected deep changes and their pros/cons. We should not make the mistake of thinking that we are caught between two equally unpalatable legislative frameworks — outdated but stable on one hand, or up-to-date but volatile on the other. Far too little about the dangers and likely uses for many emerging technologies. This book is written by the founder of the World Economic Forum, and one of the things I’ve noticed is that if you want to read a horror story about what is about to happen to jobs, then reading reports from WEF or the IMF are of Stephen King scale terror. The majority of this impact will be on people, mostly in terms of jobs - although the book suggests th. Corpus ID: 37345823. We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. g�q�Q:�QD�= Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. A shallow but useful first glance at what could be on the horizon. You are currently offline. And finally, we are going through the 4th one marked by AI, IoT, mobile devices etc. Welcome back. This is my attempt at summarizing Klaus Schwab’s treatise on Industry 4.0, titled The Fourth Industrial Revolution.. The author does a great job outlining and addressing the benefits and concerns of our future. Basically, all hell is about to break loose and even the masters of capitalism are terrified about what that might mean. A decent primer into the world of technological developments that are bringing forth the "fourth industrial revolution" And the discussions surrounding this phenomenon in different realms i.e. What could be written in a blog post is dragged into a book. The Fourth Industrial Revolution @inproceedings{Schwab2013TheFI, title={The Fourth Industrial Revolution}, author={K. Schwab}, year={2013} } Based on different studies of the WEF on the fourth industrial revolution we are experiencing. "형���~�=��Q���b).��g?a�7!�2b��!&5���j1����M����tR\?L���L���X��:=�9��� After three previous industrial revolutions, we're now in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution. The 4th Industrial Revolution will change the kinds of jobs needed in industry. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will also profoundly impact the nature of national and international security, affecting both the probability and the nature of conflict. Written with very roses glasses. This is a good starting point for someone just hearing about the idea of the fourth industrial revolution. Download "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Book Summary, by Klaus Schwab" as PDF. World-renowned economist Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, explains that we have an opportunity to shape the fourth industrial revolution, which will fundamentally alter how we live and work. The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” is an average to above average book about the forces of disruption and the innovation shaping our future. I feel like books should be more engaging than research reports, but maybe that's just me. Do you worry about how we can survive the coming shifts in technology, business, government and society? I would actually rate this book as 3.4 (Just because it is not quite as good as a four star rating but is surely a little better than a typical three star rated book). The history of warfare and international security is the history of technological innovation, and today is no exception. The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab— A book summary (Part 1). Klaus Schwab Founder And Executive Chairman World Economic Forum. There's no mention of which of those two numbers will be bigger than the other and by how much (I can guess), and no discussion of how to mitigate the impact of this fourth revolution on all those people. Start by marking “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” as Want to Read: Error rating book. I've read the same content many times before. In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, what is needed is not necessarily more or faster policymaking, but rather a regulatory and legislative ecosystem that, Contains gems such as: "Agile governance does not imply regulatory uncertainty, nor frenetic, ceaseless activity on the part of policymakers. The author wrote about the possibility of different shifts in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society. He was founder of the, "Hence, conversations among educators and developers about the ethical standards that should apply to emerging technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are urgently needed to establish common ethical guidelines and embed them in society and culture.". Another freebie Blinkist audiobook: 15 minute abridged summary of the actual book. The Fourth Industrial Revolution David Aikman Chief Representative Officer, Greater China Managing Director, World Economic Forum 1. After reading hundreds of pages of various research reports on this same topic, I read this book. What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This isn't really offering anything new. The full book is available on Amazon. I wrote a 1200 word review of this and then my laptop crashed and I lost it, so here's the gist: Ohhhhh, I'd love to write an alternative version of this book. Do you have a high tolerance for the jargon of the global elite and its megadose of endless buzz words? This is a fact, the book says so. To see what your friends thought of this book, The author Klaus Schwab is a German-born business professor at the University of Geneva. Impartial: tied to no political, partisan or national interests. Which was far more boring and dryly written than any of the reports. The 2nd is mass production, marked by electric power and assembly. Technological unemployment: Educating for the fourth industrial revolution, The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0): A Social Innovation Perspective, Fourth Industrial Revolution: technological drivers, impacts and coping methods, China's manufacturing locus in 2025: With a comparison of “Made-in-China 2025” and “Industry 4.0”, Industry 4.0 as policy-driven discourse to institutionalize innovation systems in manufacturing, Digital Innovation and Strategic Transformation, The expected contribution of Industry 4.0 technologies for industrial performance, Exploring blockchain technology and its potential applications for education, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. !�.9�q�@�
N�u���u�F��Cj>@������i����p���GZ:j���#Ё�-/�. This isn't a book either. The use of computers is the third one. societal, ethical, economical, etc. So far the worst book I've read this year. I read this for work. Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, “The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.”, “when two people are talking, the mere presence of a phone on the table between them or in their peripheral vision changes both what they talk about and their degree of connectedness.65”, See all 3 questions about The Fourth Industrial Revolution…, Best Books on Entrepreneurial Startups, Platform Businesses, and the Sharing Economy, The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Shares His Reading Recommendations. A preview of the introduction of the book is available here. This book does not need to exist. Klaus Schwab: The 4th Industrial Revolution: What It Means, How to Respond. The majority of this impact will be on people, mostly in terms of jobs - although the book suggests that automation will be great for the economy, it slides over the point that people's ability to spend money IS the economy - and carefully states that some jobs will be lost, while other, new, jobs will no doubt be created. January 11th 2016 by World Economic Forum. Digital revolution brings with it disruption. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. If you're relatively new to the topic, then it's an OK coverage in a short book (<200 pages), The fourth revolution. Klaus Schwab reminds us of our individual and collective power to ensure that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a far more sustainable, empowering and inclusive one than the last three.” - Muhtar A. Kent, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, The Coca-Cola Company, USA: The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab. Nonetheless recommended for anyone interested in the nature of the fourth industrial revolution and what we can expect from it. A quick educated read that opens the mind to many possibilities. Want to get the main points of The Fourth Industrial Revolution in 20 minutes or less? Over the course of human history, there have been three industrial revolutions. Contains gems such as: "Agile governance does not imply regulatory uncertainty, nor frenetic, ceaseless activity on the part of policymakers. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published 3
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This was a well structured and articulated look at how present and near future technology will shape our world and industries. The author successfully turns an exciting subject into a rather dull read. We should not make the mistake of thinking that we are caught between two equally unpalatable legislative frameworks — outdated but stable on one hand, or up-to-date but volatile on the other. İ loved the book! It is easy to read with lots of information, I liked the optimism of dr. Schwab, Another freebie Blinkist audiobook: 15 minute abridged summary of the actual book. x�XYoG~�_��]���ޏiIP i�C�E� 7:_i���q�����B{pH?^��7�@��y�/kG�k�vEiOW?�9Z�Qf��)r�73�wK�Ȭ/(�?~(+[�m�R]y�5f���:rY`��ݎ��Α�nMPҥ,M�&%g%��. Founded by Prof. Klaus Schwab in 1971. }n+JHW�Ss�mC�A �z� {����)�+��^҄M�$���u�(˂����J�:����&y�DˢL��>j�Ѡ� ��R�ּ�BP�- In less than 5years things would have gone deeper that what was mentioned in this book. This is a fact, the book says so. Nonetheless recommended for anyone interested in the nature of the fourth industrial revolution and what we can expect from it. iap��/gt
V�dvh9�!n4�z�{*��ي� But it’s only the first one. The author successfully turns an exciting subject into a rather dull read. Written on my mobile phone mainly to keep notes.. pardon the poor grammar :), A decent primer into the world of technological developments that are bringing forth the "fourth industrial revolution" And the discussions surrounding this phenomenon in different realms i.e. Global: Evolve or die! If so, this book is right for you. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, what is needed is not necessarily more or faster policymaking, but rather a regulatory and legislative ecosystem that can produce more resilient frameworks.". societal, ethical, economical, etc. The bible of governments now! The first occurred when we began using mechanical power rather than sheer human muscle.