Inspired by real places and stories from the road, The Travelers Within: Into The Unknown is told with intrigue, suspense, humor and insight, capturing a visceral spirit of adventure and bringing out the wanderlust hidden deep within all of us. Annoyance… Shock… Puzzlement. Submit your email address to receive Barnes & Noble offers & updates. While visiting more than 40 countries on five continents, Daniel has always sought to immerse himself in the local cultures he encounters, while seeking out new adventures in an ongoing exploration of life. Read more. In the three-plus years she’d endured at the U.S. Consulate in Panama City, two distinct types of men typically came to her desk. Though she’d been made aware of the stranger’s forthcoming arrival, the circumstances which had brought him here still left so many questions unanswered. “Mr. pril watched quietly from her desk. The 20 best travel books of all time Previous slide Next slide 1 of 21 View All Skip Ad To mark 60 years since the release of On the Road, we've picked our favourite travel books of all time. In the next few prolonged seconds, her face gradually transformed. April’s jaw tensed. Or, U.S. contract workers from the Canal Zone who’d found themselves in trouble with local authorities due to overzealous partaking of the rampant drugs and prostitution in the area. Barely breathing. But that was nearly a month ago.”. This is a long way from Texas,” she finished with a sigh. A modern Manhattan woman finds herself in the arms of a medieval knight in this charming time travel romance novella…. His hazel-green eyes peering below a dusty brow, transfixed on her in a trancelike state. It’s packed full of incident and exotic scenery, and, as you’re reading, it feels like you’re right there—in every stunning new location, on every new adventure.”. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Daniel Mode is an author, filmmaker and world traveler. Or, U.S. contract workers from the Canal Zone who’d found themselves in trouble with local authorities due to overzealous partaking of the rampant drugs and prostitution in the area. With no previous experience in third world travel, and driven only by a newly ignited lust for life and the need to survive, Simon sets forth on an epic journey through the dangerous mountains of Guatemala, the smuggler’s jungles of Nicaragua, the islands of Honduras and more. “May I please see your passport, Mr. Hill?” she asked. “Well. Lynn Kurland. Now I'm back, but I'm no longer the man I used to be. “Oh yes, of course,” he mumbled, fumbling through his pockets and handing April the passport. Inspired by real places and stories from the road, The Travelers Within: Into The Unknown is told with intrigue, suspense, humor and insight, capturing a visceral spirit of adventure and bringing out the wanderlust hidden deep within all of us. Her eyes lingered, transfixed, on an oddity immediately visible in the glossy booklet in her hand. “Mr. Earlier that morning, the Panamanian paramilitary group tasked with patrolling the wild, war-torn border between Panama and Colombia, the Servicio Nacional de Fronteras, had picked the man up on a country road along the smuggler’s jungle’s edge. April began to fidget in her seat. The man took a seat across from her, and an odorous waft of sweat and Right Guard floated into April’s nostrils. A lengthy silence and the distant clatter of office sounds filled the void between them. !… What’s that now?” he stammered. His pleated slacks and button-up shirt were heavily soiled, stained and tattered, and seemed oversized for his stature, hanging and drooping from his frame like a carnival barker. What in the world happened to this guy? He bore a marginal, but unmistakable resemblance to the person in the picture, but April couldn’t fathom that they were one and the same. “Well, April, do you want the long version or the short?”, “Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.”. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. The gentleman now sitting across from her, however… April wasn’t sure just what he was. Again, the stranger offered neither response nor reaction. Book 3: Chimera Rising ~ Dec 2020. When office worker, Simon, is unexpectedly thrust into the wilds of Central America, he soon learns to trust his instincts, harness his unknown personal strengths and open himself up to the unlikeliest of friendships along the way. The success of any great travel book can be measured not in awards, but in miles. Work, TV, Sleep, Repeat. “Well. Across the room, the uniformed SENAFRONT officer escorted the strange man through the front door and into the central office. All Rights Reserved 2020, pril watched quietly from her desk. “Do you think you can help me understand some things here?”. Copyright © 2020. He was average looking in nearly every way. Instead, she continued to survey the man from beard to belt. She placed the passport on the desk and eyed the man with newfound earnestness. And carried vastly darker implications. Get it together, April. Though she’d been expecting him all day, now that he was finally here, she found herself unexpectedly beguiled by his appearance. “Into The Unknown is an enthralling combination of thriller and travelogue. “It is now, isn’t it,” he muttered. “Do you think you can help me understand some things here?” Her loud bellow wrenching the mysterious man from his catatonic gaze and attracting more than a few glares from the surrounding office clerks. Captain Colm O'Donnell is from a cursed family of immortals and soothsayers, he grew up hearing the prophecy of the Last Stewart witch but when he stumbles upon a young woman half-clothed in the middle of a battlefield, he is convinced the pretty young woman is a spy. April settled back into her seat. The man’s eyes followed April’s glaring pupils downward to find her palm outstretched on the desk before him. April felt dazed. Mr. Hill!” she barked. The Travelers Within follows a fascinating cast of characters on a wild and profound journey through the bizarre locales, unfamiliar cultures, and perilous dangers of the world. “What? He smiled awkwardly and toothily from below a humdrum ten-dollar haircut, and his double chin poked out above his buttoned collar. She glimpsed at the Date of Issue on the passport, and her stomach sank. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is the first of a hugely popular series of books, which I would recommend to any travel lover. Before she had a chance to bite her lip, a frustrated yawp suddenly burst from April’s lips. April raised her gaze back to the man and squinted. April contemplated his response but was incapable of articulating a polite retort. Across the room, the uniformed, Earlier that morning, the Panamanian paramilitary group tasked with patrolling the wild, war-torn border between Panama and Colombia, the. Kara lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two furball cats! She is excited to begin her writing career by collaborating with her father and sharing in the world he created over a decade ago with The Circle Series. She thought yet again. But patience in the face of being ignored was something altogether different. Sir William de Piaget has vowed to reclaim his castle, but he’s also vowed to aid any damsel in distress. “I can certainly try,” he replied. April settled back into her seat. Inspired by extraordinary, real locations and remarkable stories from the road, The Travelers Within is a journey beyond all limits. “Mr. Suddenly, April’s voice faltered. But you don’t have to take my word for it, the first book alone sold around 16 million copies and has been translated into 35 languages. She mulled. April took a sip of water from the glass on her desk. Though she was relieved she’d been able to vaguely articulate the first of her two pressing questions, she was well aware that the next was far more significant It’s only seven months old. Only one witch can break the curse, A prophecy foretold of her arrival-the last Stewart witch but an ancient foe is determined to stop her. He has no idea that everything he has ever known is about to change. April raised her gaze back to the man and squinted. April glanced back up at the rugged man across the desk from her, his hair hanging to his bearded chin, his arms dark and sinewy. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Book 5: Chimera Reign ~ Dec 2021. “Mr. “No reason,” she answered. She glimpsed at the Date of Issue on the passport, and her stomach sank. Sign up for our no-spam Newsletter and never miss a new adventure. A courteous smile curled from her lips as her thin, toned hand extended across the desk. Grow Your Child's Library with Top Young Reader Series, Knock Knock Gifts, Books & Office Supplies, Buy One, Get One 50% Off Holiday Boxed Cards, Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. From USA Today Bestselling Author Shannon Nemechek comes a brand-new series "The Traveler" will take you on an EPIC adventure through time. The man offered a half-grin of understanding. The young woman from Virginia was no stranger to self-reflection and deemed herself in possession of a great many positive traits, patience indeed being one of them. From Hunter S. Thompson's 1972 acid trip Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas to Herodotus's 440 b.c. Why do you ask?” he replied. She mulled. The Dream Traveler's Quest is her debut young reader's series. His matted hair and beard were long and bedraggled, and his skin was dark and leathery from the sun. Well, there he is… she thought. The stranger turned to face her across the busy room. April contemplated his response but was incapable of articulating a polite retort. !” she demanded again. These were the men she knew from her time here. April gazed on as the soldier reluctantly handed over his captive to the awaiting U.S. security personnel and then stormed from the building in a bluster. Again, the stranger offered neither response nor reaction. A modern Manhattan woman finds herself in the arms of a medieval knight in this charming time travel romance novella… Julianna Nelson often wishes a knight in shining armor could rescue her from her hectic New York life. Hill, where exactly have you been for the last—”. The man jolted upright in his chair as if struck by lightning. From what I gather, you were the last known person to be seen traveling with him. Pigpen-esque micro clouds of dust springing from his shoulders. Meeting a wonderful and eclectic cast of characters along the way, Simon eventually links up with Jonah, a young survival expert with a plan as bizarre and terrifying as anything Simon could have ever imagined. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. The young woman from Virginia was no stranger to self-reflection and deemed herself in possession of a great many positive traits, patience indeed being one of them. The Traveller The MacLeod Family. His round face was pale, chubby and clean-shaven. Simon had always followed a typical routine in life. These were the men she knew from her time here. What the hell? “No… not really. “What? Before she had a chance to bite her lip, a frustrated yawp suddenly burst from April’s lips. The man’s eyes followed April’s glaring pupils downward to find her palm outstretched on the desk before him. I met her, the girl of my dreams. “Sorry about that.”, Grasping it from his fingers, April opened the worn blue booklet and proceeded to commence her inquiry. The Book of Eleanor Series. “Also, Mr. Hill …” she faltered, “and more importantly… Can you please tell me anything about a missing young man from the U.S. named Jonah Shaughnessy? What in the world happened to this guy? What the hell? The men she “understood” and, more importantly, could easily handle. The man offered a half-grin of understanding. Words which had always been there for her, now felt lost beneath a sea of questions and theories sloshing around in her head. In the three-plus years she’d endured at the U.S. Consulate in Panama City, two distinct types of men typically came to her desk. Sign up for my no-spam Newsletter and never miss a new adventure. Julianna Nelson often wishes a knight in shining armor could rescue her from her hectic New York life.