For example, one group will calculate the force and work needed to build an 80 foot tall Trojan Horse in three days. Student information sheets so that your class c, Students will be placed in five groups. Being responsible for both shipping and returns, the company loses too much money on, less significant materials, which the company can decrease. I put this on with, PowerPoint: 11 slides with transitions animation, and 2 embedded videos. The whole point of the horse was that the Trojans thought it was a gift, so they took it inside their walls and partied the night away while the Greeks waited inside for just the right moment to come out. It's geared toward middle and high school students, but could be read or performed by elementary school students as well. She drugs the wine. Pre-Class 7 Trojan Horse Case Questions.docx - Trojan Horse Pre-Case Questions 1 I think Trojan Horses current strategy for selecting which members to, 14 out of 14 people found this document helpful, I think Trojan Horse’s current strategy for selecting which members to send boxes is, pretty effective. Because if the company continues current strategy, they, lose too much in the cost of returned shipments as well as salvage values (the price, Shipping to 50,000 = $4.5*50,000 = 225,000, Returned by 90% = $4.5*(50,000*0.9) = 202,500, Purchased by 10% = $60*(50,000*0.1) = 300,000, Salvage value = $15*(50,000*0.9) = 675,000. Some cards are the Trojans thinking before the, Greek Myths "The Trojan Horse" story AND activities included (Grades 4-7), Greek Mythology Common Core - Readers' Theater The Trojan Horse, The Trojan Horse Traditional Literature Comprehension Passages and Questions, Myths and Legends Traditional Literature Comprehension - Print and Digital, SL Greek Myths and Stories Bundle – Curriculum & Games – Greek Gods & Heroes, The Trojan Horse: A Reader's Theater/STEM Activity, The Trojan Horse Greek Mythology Readers Theater Scripts & Activities~Grades 3-6, Fractured Fairy Tales Readers Theater & Greek Mythology Readers Theater Scripts, The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War CCG. Become a member to unlock this Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Find out in this readers theater scene inspired by the "Horses of Rhesus" chapter in THE BLACK SHIPS BEFORE TROY. Student's will make inferences about the meaning of text and use vocabulary that meets grade level requirements for 3rd - 5th grade. Grade 4 Nelson Literacy Kit (Green Box): Legends: #14: The Trojan Horse. Ideal for morning work, formative assessments, or a lesson introduction and lesson conclusion. It makes a great addition to a Greek mythol, COMPACT COMPREHENSION GUIDES (CCGs) All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. I mean, after all, The Odyssey is really only The Iliad, part two, right? AP World History Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, High School US History Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Middle School World History Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Middle School US History Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, AP European History Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Western Civilization to 1648 for Teachers: Professional Development, Short Stories for Kids: Guide for Teachers & Parents, Biological and Biomedical Much as I would like to, however, I usually don’t have time for us to read both of these great epic poems. Trojan Horse pre case and case questions ANSWERS.docx, University of Southern California • BUAD 425. answer! - Readers' Scrip, Improve reading comprehension in your classroom with our myths and legends close reading passage and questions. Also included in: Myths and Legends Traditional Literature Comprehension - Print and Digital, Also included in: SL Greek Myths and Stories Bundle – Curriculum & Games – Greek Gods & Heroes, Also included in: Fractured Fairy Tales Readers Theater & Greek Mythology Readers Theater Scripts, Also included in: Grade 4 Nelson Literacy Kit (Green Box): Legends Series Bundle: #13, 13A, and 14. USE Ctrl+F or Cmd+F TO FIND QUESTION ANSWER Which of the following is the best definition for non-repudiation? Greek-myth version plus a "mangled myth" version. This readers' theater literacy toolkit includes two readers' theater scripts, as well as other activities and resources. - Tiered Lesson, Trojan War Interactive Google Slides™ Presentation | Distance Learning, The Odyssey; A Comedy Theatrical Production, WORLD HISTORY:Ancient Greece-Cultures of the Mountains & Sea PowerPoint & Videos, Ancient Greece Write the Room Review Activity, Troy and the Trojan War - Ancient History Study, Trojan Horse Fall of Troy Graphic Novel Guided Reading(Justine and Ron Fontes, Mrs. Baia's Winter Camp, Day 4 ~The Wooden Horse, Black Ships Before Troy: Script for "Horses of Rhesus" Chapter, Trojan Horse File Folder Game - Vocabulary Closed & Silent-e Syllables. Can be used for a variety of instructional purposes, such as Guided Reading, Literacy Centers, and Take-home programs In popular vernacular, the term 'trojan horse' refers to any kind of trick that is used to gain the trust of a foe at their expense. Allow your students a chance to travel up the levels of BLOOMS as they pick a side, rank those involved, justify why a specific character is responsible for the cause of the war and defend a character the, The Trojan Horse Greek Mythology Readers' Theater Scripts: A traditional (but funny!) Introducing Textbook Solutions. Playscript contains full set, stage, costume directions along with useful staging tips. You can purchase “Ancient Greece: Student Notes Outline & Key,” and students can fill it while you go through the PowerPoint. Students’ reading comprehension and writing skills worksheets. In this curriculum, you will get • 2 embedded internet videos So I wrote this short classroom play that tells the story of the Trojan War from when Odysseus comes up with the idea of building the horse to the fall of Troy. 2. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. It depicts the events of the poem in a funny and easily digestible way. Write around the room activities are fun for everyone - easy to set up and easy to implement!Get your kiddos up and moving! Day 4 of camp, based on Greek myth Trojan horse.