5 Weaponry: Thor 1296 votes and 151379 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet. The real Thor giving Tony the beating he so sorely deserved after his Civil War shenanigans. I'm guessing that the similarities between Captain America: Civil War and the Civil War comic event will be minimal, except for the fact that it will be Stark vs. Cap. This isn't some sort of Spider-Man … So far his cinematic outings have left me disappointed. Thor. Irked at Stark's arrogance, Thor violently rebukes Tony over the Civil War event and the creation of the Thor Clone with a bolt of lightning. Makes you feel real good after Civil War, but also really sad when looking back at their now-broken friendship. Comic Book Artists Comic Book Characters Most Powerful Avenger The Mighty Thor Streaming Hd Marvel Comic Character Comic Page Marvel Universe Comic Strips. I have read civil war some years ago and was wondering how the Avengers reassembled after all the broken alliances. If he only gets Phase 1 feats, Iron Man puts him down in a couple of hits, Iron Man gets one-shot loool Thor just throws the hammer and gg. If we made Iron Man the same bureaucratic asshole that Tony Stark pretends he is.". I love stuff like that. And he was still holding back in the first fight, Assuming Thor is holding back quite a bit and will not get serious, Tony should win. Thor turns the Metal Man into a pile of scraps, Tony trashes the Tourist and send him back to Asgard. This isn't some sort of Spider-Man public menace charade. After shrugging off a repulsor blast from Iron Man's Extremis armor, Thor informs Stark that he is "no longer holding back" and effortlessly bludgeons his former friend into the ground and orders Tony to leave Asgard alone lest he "learn the difference between a god of thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit". The comic "Fear Itself" is a 2011 crossover comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics, consisting of a seven-issue, eponymous miniseries written by Matt Fraction and illustrated by Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Laura Martin, a prologue book by writer Ed Brubaker and artist Scot Eaton, and numerous tie-in books, including most of the X-Men family of books. Thor vs. Iron Man Since the 2006 Marvel comics event Civil War up till just a year or two ago, Tony Stark hasn't been terribly well-liked in the Marvel universe. People would constantly ask Tony Stark why he kept such a rude and unprofessional "body guard" around. Damn I only read civil war 1-7. I'm currently reading AvsX. Depends on how much Thor is "holding back". Same Thor that couldn't one-shot an inferior Iron Man suit? IW Ironman swap places with his old-self against Phase 1 Mighty Thor. So he's definitely a helluva lot stronger than Tony remembers him being. Then somehwhere along the lines Marvel stopped and said "hey, you know what would be great? Even in the Avengers movie when they are fighting the aliens, Cap is on the ground fighting ground forces, Tony is in the sky doing a bit better and taking out quite a few more. As Iron Man he was free to do things Tony Stark couldn't. It's why Tony even kept wearing the armor to begin with. Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man: Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man #1-4 November 4, 2014: 978-0785191568: Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm: Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #1-5 November 25, 2014: 978-0785191698: Original Sin: Point One #1 (Watcher story); Original Sin #0-8 April 28, 2015: 978-0785154914: Original Sins They shouldn't do any of this in the Movies. When did they reveal that? Thor vs. Iron Man Since the 2006 Marvel comics event Civil War up till just a year or two ago, Tony Stark hasn't been terribly well-liked in the Marvel universe. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I can't imagine they'll do that with RDJ, given how popular he's made his version of the character. Poll Holding back Thor vs IW Ironman (12 votes) Thor turns the Metal Man into a pile of scraps 42% Tony trashes the Tourist and send him back to Asgard 58% I really hope he doesn't end up a straight up villain or government lackey like he did in the comic arc. Ezra's niece shows up and begs Thor not to hurt him, saying that he does not mean it and has not been the same since losing his wife in the storm two years ago. I miss when Iron Man used to be an actual super hero. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It was extremely reminiscent of Jews having to wear yellow stars in pre-WWII Germany. The Watchman of Bifrost is restored. Article by imgur. I love it when Thor really shows how powerful he is compared to everyone else. It was a Skrull the whole time? It is not affiliated with Marvel Entertainment, LLC and is an unofficial community operated by dedicated fans. Thor’s stamina was clearly damaged due to his fat status in Avengers: Endgame, but he showed signs of struggle after prolonged periods before too. I really have trouble seeing RDJ's Stark doing anything like what happened in the Civil War comic arc, so I'm very curious to see what's going to happen in the Civil War movie. Press J to jump to the feed. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Upon arrival, he is horrified and confused at the city's state after Hurricane Katrina. This is a subreddit dedicated to Marvel Comics, its publications and hundreds of characters. Then Thor just flies up to the wormhole and takes out about half their army. Iron Man arrives, informs him of the new government registration system, and orders Thor to sign up and work for the government or face prosecution.