This allows you to be more direct in what you’re trying to find. Troublemaker - card Hearthstone. While his effect isn’t as powerful as the Flamewaker of old and can’t activate multiple times, it still provides a consistent version of Flamewaker’s effect with the threat of a stronger body. Play a late game battle vs Warrior is a nightmare for most decks now. Darkmoon going to be good? In combination with the Voracious Reader, aggro has some powerful tools to play with when Scholomance Academy drops to keep consistently cycling and never relenting with their threats. Our latest list of the best decks to play in the current meta. That all changed with Scholomance Academy though - now we've got a bunch of big minions to chuck onto the board and terrorise your enemies with. If you’re playing for tempo and are running low on cards, Secret Passage gives your aggression a new lease on life with five new cards. Mindrender Illucia singlehandedly gives Priest the tools to stave off and fight back against combo-centric decks. At the end of your turn, summon two 3/3 Ruffians that attack random enemies. Lightning bloom is already making me utterly despise Druid. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. by James Law, Our starter guide to playing the Big Warrior archetype in Scholomance Academy. You may not be able to do anything about the Deathrattles, but you'll definitely be ahead of the game with this play. Most snowballing cards eventually get nerfed. Not to mention Deathwing and Grom. While Secret Passage won’t synergize the best with draw spells after activation, the raw amount of draw potential that it can initially provide more than makes up for it. A very good card in Control Warrior, where it can be used as both board control and pressure against slower decks, or simply an easy way to seal games. While some of the Soul Fragment cards that were given to Demon Hunter push for a more controlling style, there are still some gems that help the aggro and midrange variants of the class. 1.2k votes, 180 comments. - The total statline of Rattlegore is 45/45, giving you a massive constant threat. Hearthstone’s Scholomance Academy expansion is releasing next week, adding another 135 cards to the game’s collection. The additional discount lets you also plan future turns accordingly. Troublemaker is a 8 cost Rare card from the set Scholomance Academy. © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. When combined with the dual-class Druid Hunter card, Guardian Animals, Twilight Runner can help create massive boards while controlling opposing boards and gaining a ton of value with the card draw that comes with it. Her wacky-looking effect is difficult to evaluate at first, but she has a ton of disruption potential outside of destroying combo decks in the later stages of a game. Starting with the Year of the Phoenix, Rogue has been slowly solidifying a Stealth identity and archetype for the class. In Wild alone, Illucia can be played the turn after Mage completes their quest and steal their Time Warp to deny the OTK. Soulshard Lapidary’s success is solely dependent on how good the other Soul Fragment enabling cards are. I think Pain and Midrange Warrior is where your going to see the most potential with this. If she’s played early enough, she can also slow down aggressive lists for a turn. If the opponent clears Lillian while their board is empty, the undead version of Lillian will be able to deal four damage for free while summoning another 4/2 body for the enemy to deal with. It's also the beginning of the month when everyone is playing aggro to rush to a comfortable bracket to sit on. Find the latest and greatest Top Hearthstone Decks for Hearthstone Madness at the Darkmoon Faire. - Your Hero Power can be used to boost up the strength of Shield Slam, but there's further synergy here with Shield Block to find even more damage - necessary in the mid-game when your enemy will have bigger minions. When you throw in an extra aggressive body to the Stealth minion, it becomes difficult for even control decks to fight against. As a two-mana 2/3, Diligent Notetaker is basically a River Crocolisk in stats and has a good chance of surviving for another turn if played on turn two. Depending on the meta, Troublemaker may become an extremely oppressive card. Very strong finisher. Deck Import ID: AAECAQcI/ASRBtaZA9+tA765A/O7A/nCA6vUAwtLogT/B5aUA7i5A8C5A/bCA+LMA+PMA6fOA9LRAwA=. I can't believe I've been on Gamefaqs for 20 years now O_O. Warrior’s probably gonna dominate Arena this expansion with this dude + Rattlegore. You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet. If you're against a Troublemaker, you have to clear the minion itself even if that means combining a lot of inefficient damage. If he manages to live for a future turn, the amount of potential he can provide to run away with the game is immense. In our guide to playing this deck in the new Scholomance Academy meta, we've got a solid deck list for you to start playing with during Scholomance. Very good, If this had rush it would be be perfect. This looks game ending if your opponent cant remove it or kill you next turn. Especially for a rare. You also have the new 9 mana legendary. The first card on this list to make use of the new Spellburst mechanic, Diligent Notetaker gives a fairly standard introduction to the mechanic and provides the perfect usage to help players understand it. So you can drop this if you’re not too behind on tempo/too low on hp. Single List; By Card Roles; 1 Risky Skipper 2 CORE; 1 Shield Slam 2 CORE; 1 Sky Raider 2 CORE; 1 Sword and Board 2 CORE; 2 Armorsmith 2 CORE; 2 Corsair Cache 2 CORE; 3 Ancharrr CORE; 3 Bladestorm 2 CORE; 3 EVIL Quartermaster 2 CORE; 3 Lord Barov CORE; 3 Shield Block 2 CORE; 4 Wrenchcalibur 2 CORE; 5 Brawl 1 CORE; 7 Blastmaster Boom CORE; 7 Bloodboil Brute 2 CORE; … Pull two copies of this with Dimensional Ripper or one copy with rush from The Boom Reaver and you’re in pretty great shape! At the end of your turn, summon two 3/3 Ruffians that attack random enemies. Sure Glide and Illucia can steal games occasionally and shut down certain archetypes, but Troublemaker may become consistently oppressive at all times. Breaking news: I think Warrior's top spot comes from stats gathered at high legend ranks. Similar to Nagrand Slam. Troublemaker is essentially Ragnaros the Firelord, as a big minion that impacts the board the turn it comes into play. Hearthstone’s Scholomance Academy expansion will be released on Aug. 6. Reminds me the Demon Hunter Priestess fury . Stealth is already a tough mechanic for most classes with poor AoE options to deal with. But the strength of Spellburst is that it can be played on turns independent of spell casting. While Lillian looks like she wants to go into Stealth builds, she’s also good on her own and will definitely make her way into lists outside of Stealth Rogue. But with tools like Marrowslicer, Spirit Jailer, and even Soul Shear, Soulshard Lapidary looks like she’s in safe hands to find future success. At the end of your turn, summon two 3/3 Ruffians that attack random enemies. I don't understand the priest l legendary. Troublemaker is a 8 Mana Cost Rare Warrior Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set! All Rights Reserved. If you find Nature Studies later, you can combine it for a miracle turn with Exotic Mountseller for more Beast summons. - Remember Reaper's Scythe's Spellburst effect. While the best lists were usually midrange oriented, there were still spot appearances from controlling lists. I have a feeling the most hated card may be Troublemaker. One of the strengths of Spellburst previously mentioned is that Spellburst cards can be played before the turn you activate spells and go off with them. Depending on the meta, Troublemaker may become an extremely oppressive card. In an expansion where combo cards and archetypes are being heavily pushed, Mindrender Illucia is a powerful example of a tech card to answer them. Bulwark of Azzinoth is another solid option, as it negates 4 instances of damage, which can save you big time if your opponent has some big aggro minions. When this card was first announced, the community rushed to think of all of the possible combos that Druid could run with it. You can always give your opponent a heavy hand of high-mana cards and just take your opponent’s hand for a single turn so they can’t play their own cards, giving you one turn of breathing room and the chance to waste any coins they might be keeping. Here's the pre-release version of Big Warrior which you might want to play with before the expansion launches: Hearthstone Battlegrounds - Updates and Patch Notes, Deck Tier List (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - August 2020 (Season 77), Best Budget Scholomance Academy decks - Cheap deck lists for the casual Hearthstone player, Hearthstone Battlegrounds - Best Heroes Tier List, Hearthstone: Best Budget Decks for Ashes of Outland, Hearthstone deck tier list (Ashes of Outland), Bomb Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland), Galakrond Tempo Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland), Face Highlander Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland), Pirate Galakrond Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland), Highlander Dragon Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland), Galakrond Tempo Warrior deck list guide - Scholomance Aademy - Hearthstone (September2020), Soul Demon Hunter deck list guide - Scholomance Academy - Hearthstone (August 2020), Aggro Demon Hunter deck list guide - Scholomance Academy - Hearthstone (August 2020). Infiltrator Lillian will be another corner piece Legendary that helps cement that push toward Stealthy Rogue builds.