These are from the popular lists that most people are familiar with. There is a small pool too in the card with fish crawling in it, the small pool shows the subconscious mind and the fishes resolve the consciousness. Turquoise empowers those who are shy about sharing their understanding and aids in the knowledge that in speaking from the wholeness of our being, we each have something important to contribute to the collective. The red color stone is also known as Praval or Moonga in Hindi. The heating pieces of equipment like boilers, energy meters, transformers, generators, or any kitchen equipment should be kept in the south-east direction. Rodika Tchi is an experienced feng shui consultant who guides clients through all aspects of applying feng shui in their homes, offices, and gardens. In battling the Christian Crusaders, Turkish warriors wore Turquoise as a talisman and ornamented their swords to protect themselves and to enhance their bravery. All information contained on this web site, Turquoise works at the throat Chakra enhancing communication skills. Turquoise is a zodiac stone for Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. Its unique shade of blue, often blue-green, lends it name, Turquoise, to all things of this tranquil hue. But did you know that placing mirrors incorrectly in your house can also lead to various problems and negativity in the house? -It also helps and person to overcome their procrastination and laziness which affects their personal and professional life. ), Turquoise is a stone for self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and the release of useless regrets. -- Tiger Eye stone treats eyes, throat, and reproductive organs. Master of the 7th Tarot Card "The Chariot". The word Turquoise is derived from the French turquois meaning "Turkish" because this gemstone was first bought from Europe through Turkey. [Eason, 41, 239] Turquoise is especially recommended for accountants and computer operators for mental relaxation, for those who work in radio or television to release anxiety, and for laborers to protect from bodily harm. The Turquoise stone is considered to be the peaceful and harmonizing stone for mankind. The Moon Card is the eighteenth card in major arcana that means it is important to understand its meaning as it impacts our lives. Guardian of the Seventeenth Mansion of the Moon which is Scorpio. We have seen many people wearing different kinds of stones to look beautiful and attractive. Finally many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac. [Kunz, 345][Simmons, 420]. (Click Here to See: Turquoise Stone Properties). The stone is not very hard but is brittle. Sadly, today turquoise is widely affected by either imitations or severe treatment. Benefits of Wearing Turquoise Stone Bracelets. The Institute provides best known Online distance learning course and video course for Tarot card reading which you can join and learn comfortably from your home. These are simple to attach to the store for the computer. The tiger gemstones come into color which is Blue Tiger Eye and Red Tiger Eye. The Moon Tarot Card presents a full Moon rising in the middle of two large towers. Stones had always enhanced the beauty of the person wearing it. It encourages us to honor ourselves as a creation and a tool of the Divine. In feng shui, turquoise is used for its beautiful expression of the water feng shui element. The delicate veining or mottled webbing in cream or brown is inherent to the stone and serves to enhance its character. In lighter shades, Turquoise energy promotes inner harmony and peace through spiritual understanding. It helps overcome writer’s block, and is a stone of clear communication when giving information; an especially good amulet for those who work in the law, or for local or central government. Their gems have been found from Argentina to New Mexico. One of the ways to maintain positivity in your house is to make it more energetic and attractive by putting various things in it. [Simmons, 420], At one time, Turquoise was believed to have the ability to tell the hour correctly if suspended from a string within a glass by the exact number of strokes against the sides. Also, to know about different mounts on your hand read our blog. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more …, STONES AND THEIR BENEFITS : There is a focus on trying to leave a lasting impact on others when the circle appears. यह कुछ चीजें हैं जिन्हें घर को सकारात्मक रखने और आकर्षित करने के लिए माना जाता है। बेशक, कोई भी दुर्भाग्य के साथ नहीं रहना चाहता। तो, जानें वास्तु के अनुसार घर में कहां होना चाहिए पूजा घर, इन बातों पर ध्यान जरूर दें। आपको केवल कुछ छोटी छोटी बातों का ध्यान रखना है जिससे आप भी आसानी से अपने पूजा कक्ष को बेहतर बना सकते है|, इन चीजें से पूजा कक्ष को बचाएं: घंटी से बचें, मृत लोगों की तस्वीरें, नकारात्मक युद्ध की तस्वीरे, फटे और टूटे हुए टुकड़े, सूखे फूल, फीके चित्र, जंग लगे लैंप और कोई भी वस्तु जो कमरे में नकारात्मक उर्जा प्रदान करती है। वास्तु से सम्बंधित सभी बातों को जानने हेतु आप भी इसे सीख और अपने जीवन में आत्मसाथ कर सकते है साथ ही अपने घर को और खुशहाल बना सकते है| इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ वैदिक एस्ट्रोलॉजी से सीखे वैदिक वास्तु पत्राचार पाठ्यक्रम व विडिओ कोर्स के ज़रिये और बने अच्छे व पेशेवर वास्तु ज्ञानी घर बैठे|. It also means that you are facing some problems in your relationship regarding trusting each other. With the help of Vedic Vastu, one can convert his professional life easy and acceptable in every situation through Vedic Vastu. You may choose to wear Turquoise earrings if you are … [Eason, 256], (Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. Astrological benefits- Firoza has got many astrological benefits like it gives peace of mind, improves creativity attractiveness. Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008). Turquoise colored crystals also honor Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom. Protector and Ruler of the dates August 23-28; Virgo. - Any breaks in this line means this person will face a detachment which will be followed by a happy reunion. On the other hand, a marriage line that is quite closer to the heart line means that the person may never marry. Turquoise honors Yemoja, the African Goddess of the Oceans and Protector of Pregnant Women. - For example, if Mercury is positioned as a benefic planet in your horoscope, you can choose a career option related to the planet Mercury. Indians too believed in the protective properties of this gemstone and used to embellish their bows with turquoise so that the arrows released from them always hit the targets. Master of the 4th Tarot Card "The Emperor". It is considered as the symbol of wealth and has lately been in great demand as jewellery and for its astrological benefits. There is a variety of stunning turquoise jewelry on the market; just be sure you buy from a reputable supplier. Turquoise is an 11th anniversary gemstone. Turquoise beads dating back to 5000 B.C. It helps to bring the true physical and spiritual energy into a human's life. It brings hope, discovery and balance. It relieves stress and brings focus back to the center heart. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved Institute of Vedic Astrology. Meaning of upright Moon in every aspect of life. you can opt for an online distance learning course in Palmistry from Institute of Vedic Astrology and learn all the concepts of Palmistry in details at the comfort of your home with the guidance of the experts of the Institute and also get all your queries resolved within 24 hrs. George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones (New York: Dover Publications, 1971). For the medicine man, the possession of it was indispensable for receiving proper recognition. [Simmons, pp.] Water energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a home or room. [Hall, 306] Turquoise stimulates the initiation of romantic love, and promotes spontaneity in romantic issues. Which gemstone work all in one for rahu, ketu shani and mangal.