Calorie Goal 1,500 cal. Or a way to hide the dangerousness of a crazy high-sugar drink with a “nutritional” selling point: 25% calcium, 15% Vitamin A, and even better “this drink contains no caffeine”. 92 % 88g Carbs. Log Food. Nutritional Info. It's a good thing the Unicorn Frappuccino is only available until April 23; any longer than four days' worth of drinking this beverage and you're at risk for consuming way too much belly-fattening sugar. The ingredient information also lists natural and artificial flavors in the various syrups, so who knows what kind of questionable additives could be lurking under those mysterious labels. Daily Goals. Sign up for our As/Is newsletter! Fitness Goals : Heart Healthy. 14 %3 gFette. Sugar plays an important role in the Unicorn Frappuccino as it's a core ingredient of the syrups and sauces that give the drink its color and flavors. There are 500 calories in 1 serving (24 oz) of Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino (Venti). The FDA recommends no more than 50 grams of added sugars a day for the average adult, meaning one grande or venti will put you way over the limit. Just imagine the health impact of this sugar rush! 310. Lose weight with these delicious slimmed-down treats. Serving Size : 24 oz. How many calories in a Grande S'mores Frappuccino with Coconut Milk? As I always say, our health and happiness is best achieved via a non-stressful “80/20” lifestyle approach: 80% perfection, 20% perfection. Still worried about the high sugar content? That will only set you back 170 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, 39 grams of carbs, and 37 grams of sugar. Copyright © 2015 LeBootCamp - All rights reserved, artificial (and potentially harmful) substances. Sodium 2,300g--/ 2,300g left. Fitnessziele: Herzgesundheit. Cholesterol 245g. The brightly-colored blended beverage is all the rage on social media, but it packs more sugar than half a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. Your body needs insulin to manage this brutal shift, and your pancreas begins overworking to produce insulin in very large quantities in order to metabolize all the excess sugar (note that when you have a very little sugar in your blood, the body can manage well without any dramatic consequences). 470. © 2020 Galvanized Media. Pretty (artificial) colors: pink, blue, and purple, “fairy powders”, “magical flavors” (this is directly from the Starbucks website), colors that change (yes, it’s possible), and the list goes on. As you sip, it changes not just color, but flavor, making it as magical as the make-believe creature it's named for. Sodium 1,990g. And that cute little unicorn marking the drink is all it takes to lure you into escaping the daily grind for a few magical moments. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. For starters, a standard Unicorn Frappuccino is made with whole milk and whipped cream. 200 / 2,000 cal übrig. 400 Advertisement. 32 %18 gFat. Aside from the milk and ice, the Unicorn Fappuccino is made with a bunch of flavored syrups and sauces (Starbucks' Crème Frappuccino Syrup, vanilla syrup, mango syrup, classic syrup, and white chocolate mocha sauce), and the fairy powders are actually a mixture of sugar and food colorings made from fruit and vegetables. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. For a grande (16 ounces) made with whole milk and topped with whipped cream, the drink is 401 calories, 16 grams of fat (10 grams saturated), 5 grams of protein, 62 grams of carbs (0 grams of fiber), and a whopping 59 grams of sugar. 5 / 300g left. Thanks Starbucks! 190. Plus: It's Instagrammable AF. I’m off to enjoy a nice Sobacha (good for my body with zero sugar! Starbucks says those are "fairy powders.". Let’s set aside discussing all the artificial (and potentially harmful) substances which create the magical elements of this dangerous drink. The drink isn't even made with coffee, so it's caffeine-free. Starbucks is capitalizing on the unicorn social media craze with the release of its limited-edition Unicorn Frappuccino. Your Weight Loss & Wellness LeBootCamp Coach (Unicorn the rest of the time ;)), But the worst part is probably the nutrition facts. Portionsgröße: 12 oz. The drink's most magical ingredient of all? No, let’s just have a look at its sugar content. Our Team Members: Bursting with Creativity! All that said, if you have a sweet tooth, this might be the Hypercolor sugar vehicle you're looking for. Starbucks - Unicorn Frappuccino® Blended Crème. How does this food fit into your daily goals? But what exactly is this magical drink made of? Get full nutrition facts for other Starbucks products and all your other favorite brands. • One 12-ounce can of Coca Cola has 39 grams of sugar. But what people aren’t talking about is how our favorite global coffeehouse chain is selling us a POISONOUS beverage! To see some first-sip reactions and ~tasting notes~, watch this video! Bright pink and blue and topped with edible glitter, the fruity beverage was released on April 19 to much fanfare and colorful social media snaps. But that's about where the good stuff ends. 0 %--Fat. Starbucks - Venti Unicorn Frappuccino. A grande has 410 calories (though of course this info changes if you get a lower-fat or non-dairy milk, or skip the whipped cream). you have the choice of one of the following activities. So, even if you ordered a tall Unicorn Frappuccino (which has 39 grams of sugar), you'd still be consuming more added sugar in a single drink than is recommended for a whole day. 500 Cal. Calorie Goal 1,610 cal. this fantastic drink bring us 25% calcium. For my part, after taking a sip, I feel that the Unicorn Frapp looks more magical and delightful than it tastes. Required fields are marked *. Advertisement. That way, you both can share this limited-time-only blended beverage on your social media accounts. How many calories in a Venti Mango Pineapple Frappuccino Blended Crème with Whole Milk? For a venti (24 ounces), you're looking at 500 calories, 18 grams of fat (11 grams saturated), 7 grams of protein, 79 grams of carbs (0 grams of fiber), and an alarming 76 grams of sugar. That’s 2 times more than the maximum amount of sugar “allowed” per day! Want to be the first to see product recommendations, style hacks, and beauty trends? • One serving of Frosted Flakes has 10 grams of sugar. For starters, a standard Unicorn Frappuccino is made with whole milk and whipped cream. How does this food fit into your daily goals? 55 / 300g left. 80 %39 gKohlenhydrate. Kalorienziel 1,800 cal. 6 %3 gProtein. Basically, the only buzz you'll get is from a sugar rush, which will result in an inevitable crash after your blood sugar spikes and drops. Have a frappuccino of this kind once a day for 2 weeks and you’ve got 2.2 lb of fat stored on your hips just in time for summer! Fette 64g. Magic, rainbows, and smiles, but tbh mostly sugar. There's nothing sweet about these supermarket staples. 175.,ème, Eliminate Ionizing Radiation from Your Body. Tagesziele. Natrium 2,300g--/ 2,300g übrig. is part of the AllRecipes Food Group. The drink starts as a purple color with swirls of blue, and changes color and flavor with each stir going from sweet and fruity to tangy and tart, according to the release. size, it contains 500 calories, 18 grams of fat, 76 grams of sugar, and 55 milligrams of cholesterol. 62 %79 gCarbs. 3 / 67g übrig. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Let’s not even discuss the percentage of fat (and we’re not talking about the healthy kind…there ain’t no avocado in this Unicorn drink!). If you’re going to have a Unicorn Frappuccino to say “I did it”, share it with at least 3 people (yes, 3!) 310 / 2,300g left. So, we can drink it at night! According to Starbucks, it starts off "sweet and fruity transforming to pleasantly sour." For the health-conscious or anyone watching their figure, take heed that a Unicorn Frappuccino will bring you more than 500 calories! You’re high and happy! So, having a caloric-bomb from time to time (thank G-d the Unicorn is only available for 5 days, but hey, there are always other beverages rich in saturated-fat and sugar on the Starbucks menu!) • One serving of Ben & Jerry's Brownie Batter Core ice cream has 27 grams of sugar. The magical drink is "blended crème" with "mango syrup" and layered with a "blue sour drizzle," according to a Starbucks press release. For the health-conscious or anyone watching their figure, take heed that a Unicorn Frappuccino will bring you more than 500 calories! 150. In the 24-oz. Nahrungsmittel aufzeichnen. Split it with a friend. Fat 67g--/ 67g left. The fact is that this drink is so rich that almost nobody can drink it within a few minutes. Advertisement. 20 min after ingestion, your blood sugar levels dramatically increase (this is called a Glycemic spike). 390 Cal. Have a frappuccino of this kind once a day for 2 weeks and you’ve got 2.2 lb of fat stored on your hips just in time for summer! FYI: "Added sugar" is any sugar that is added to food during processing or preparation, so not the sugar that is naturally found in fruit and dairy. Reporting on what you care about. I’m mortified at how a society that serves beverages all over the world, and which therefore becomes the de facto face of public health, can sell a Venti-sized drink that…. Fitness Goals : Heart Healthy .