Do you realise how sexist that is?!?!? Would you be scared, or at least a bit paranoid, when people start spontaneously developing powers?” With time running out and resources being drained in order to contain the growing rebellion, the leaders of the government planned to have Nixial and the other movements leaders assassinated or imprisoned. What do you think? Gigi And Zayn Get Back Together, I could have the governing body for mutants to be trying to eliminate that ability seeing it as a stain upon society. gender-female The idea I’m working on at the moment doesn’t have one concrete villain, but the big one would be the race of aliens that travels throughout the universe kidnapping and studying (read: experimenting on, sometimes to the death) a handful of each sentinent race they encounter, and then framing someone else, usually a member of the species they’ve just kidnapped people from, for the kidnapping/murders. There’s generally not much I can do to help you to get these games to work. I appreciate the feedback though! I do however find these motivations on their own is more cardboard evil, than actually something that can drive a story. The money probably wouldn’t hurt, either. On the other hand, I do not for sure know WHY, but am thinking of that…. Here’s a possibility that strikes me as interesting: what if they’re both protagonists? Iron Lad. There’s generally not much I can do to help you to get these games to work. Finally you can chose wether to have the shirt or pants on top of each other . ^.^ I developed a villain whose name was Dr. Venn and his motivations were a very odd combination. Shortly thereafter, Nixial went into hiding and began planning an attack against the colony/terra ship production bay. It’s a hobby that Derek partially takes to, even today. A hero whose main goal is fame/status will probably gain a more substantial goal over the course of the story. Even some pretty useless powers might be valuable to somebody with money. Time went on and he gained more support (underground for the most part, reaching all the way up to high levels of government) as the government continued to work against him. I’m struggling with finding a motivation for my main character, Derek. So he helped get the Novae ship to the earth, but was double crossed (the Novae felt he would betray them to the Novae military by Saturn). I have a main character who is the protagonist in my story and he’s a teleporter. Drunk, Eric staggered in, with Lily in tow. Nixial was part of a research team that determined that despite there already being an intelligent species on the earth, the earth was their best possible candidate. It’s like the Chernobyl of superhero movies. Superpowered people might develop a reputation for clannishness if they mostly hang around with other superpowered people. I could use some help/opinions on my main villain. One potential complication is that your characters (and audience?) First, I need you to…” (Find out more). If I had to shroud a character in destiny, I’d rather make it the villain The Boy That Lived, The Chosen One, the child born under a rare astrological sign, the subject of a great prophecy, the heir to an ancient and illustrious organization, etc. That’s why they have terraformation ships, after all. , @LeFlamel- sounds good, post up some writing. Hello, Grinny Face. He grew up in the baby boomer generation and loved superhero comics so much that he decided that he was gonna be a superhero when he grew up. Note that the information you've entered for each planet won't be attached to this image, but you can easily print those using the 'print' button, or the print shortcut on your computer. This actually gives me a lot of scope to push a character extremely hard to see how far they would descend before they return from that darkness. By: Alex McHotstuff. The people running the superhero program might have weeded her out because she wasn’t commanding enough to inspire confidence during a disaster and/or because her work was sloppy. To show her loneliness and distance to others by let her returning to her small almost empty rented apartment. I might try it again if I make a game where the doll has a bigger face. For the (military) heroes I’ve got patriotism/a desire to protect others for the telekinetic, the want to stay with his childhood friend (the telekinetic) and greed for the teleporter, excitement and overestimation (e.g. You can use the generator at the top of the page to specify the source and number of superheroes. Even if world domination was the goal, you still have to explain why? Great article. bhna expelled-yes Secondary Antagonist – Martin Douglas (Goes by Douglas or “Doug”), Leader of the squad of mercenaries meant to find the escaped subjects, who have fled to the same area that Damien is at, as well as contain the people affected by the Necrophage [name in progress, probably already taken], Tertiary Antagonist [Biggest Threat] – Escaped Panacea Subjects (AKA Chupacabras). Vixis wants to sustain Novae control in areas they have already terraformed, and establish peace with humanity so that they can work together. Villains frequently have ulterior motives (like marrying Aunt May to steal the nuclear power plant she inherited?) I’m trying (Like Star Trek) to make the engineer the hero again. Thank you! This is a guy who has been treated badly his entire life, and is afraid of his impending death (that’s not really a spoiler because it’s mentioned in the episode/chapter he’s introduced in), he’s desperate for some kind of acceptance and praise (hence why he’s helping Hattori) and he wants to achieve what he sees as his destiny – to be forgotten.