Thanks to Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez and Gov. ", A post shared by Paige Drummond (@a_paige_in_my_book) on Jun 27, 2020 at 3:39pm PDT, Since Paige shared a photo of the card and champagne via Instagram stories, we also got a glimpse of what the card said: "Paige!! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. No portion of this publication should be construed as legal or accounting advice. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Immigrants moved by Biden and Harris speeches, The famous, must-try sandwich in each state. I understand that my participation will allow me to review certain investment-related information published by eMoney and unaffiliated third parties. We are a locally owned, independent media platform. Of those, 20 were officiated by the County. 475 Metro Pl S, Suite 460
This material is distributed by PDS Planning, Inc. and is for information purposes only. Alex." wedding bells are ringing Ricarda • Sep 28, 2019 As I strolled to St. Lawrence Market this morning for some salmon (my favorite spot to buy fresh fish, btw), I made a concerted effort to be super present and soak in the last few days of Canadian summer. The best place for us to start was to come up with a realistic amount that we were willing and able to contribute towards the wedding. For their wedding ceremony, they have to be physically in the presence of the marriage officiant and witnesses. All rights reserved. If only we could be a fly on the wall at the wedding—or more fittingly given Ree's skills in the kitchen, a fork on the table. Alex Drummond Asks Little Sis Paige to Be Her Maid of Honor With the Sweetest Note. You are fun, loving, honest, kind, and genuine. Last month, Ree Drummond's daughter Alex Drummond became engaged to her boyfriend Mauricio Scott. “It made me feel okay with not having full control. Wedding Bells Are Ringing! Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. “I’m excited about this. With my oldest getting married in July and my middle daughter just engaged in February (with a 2017 wedding on the horizon), how do I financially cope?? Sunnyvale Community Theater Feels the Love, Northside Library Gets Wild with Jungle Party to Celebrate 4th Anniversary, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale Move into State’s COVID-19 Orange Tier, Sunnyvale Mayor Candidates: Michael Goldman, Larry Klein & Nancy Smith, Unofficial Election Results 2020: Santa Clara City Council, Sunnyvale Mayor, Sunnyvale City Council, School Board & More, Man Who Embezzled Nearly $800,000 from Santa Clara Swim Club Faces More than 5 Years in Prison, Santa Clara Spin Doc’s Fingerprints on Questionable News Site. Dublin, OH 43017. It’s a great opportunity for couples who’ve had to put off their weddings,” said Louis Chiaramonte, Interim Assistant County Clerk-Recorder. Gavin Newsom, love and marriage are winning out in California despite the pandemic. I understand that the password-protected section is a secure web site intended only to allow a client access to information relative to his/her/its specific account. As a client of PDS Planning, Inc. by selecting the "I Agree" button, I elect to participate in the password-protected access portion of Charles Schwab Internet web site. Recently, the library won the university category in the 2017 Excellence in... Before Northside Library opened on Aug. 4, a line of eager library-goers extended out to Moreland Way. The last minute additions and unexpected expenses are unavoidable. As a client of PDS Planning, Inc. by selecting the "I Agree" button, I elect to participate in the password-protected access portion of Orion Internet web site. You are my ROCK + my person and I just cannot imagine my wedding day w/o you by my side. PDS Planning assumes no liability for the interpretation or use of this report. We are planning to tour venues soon and hopefully nail down an exact date, depending on venue availability! the couple's proposal day at Dallas' Nasher Sculpture Center. it began. Gone are the days of dowries. I hereby release and hold Company harmless from any adverse consequences relative to any failure by me to keep the identity of my password secure. This password-protected access is made available to clients of Orion free of charge. ", A post shared by Alex Drummond (@alexmariedrum) on Oct 29, 2017 at 11:05am PDT. Gavin Newsom, love and marriage are winning out in California despite the pandemic. Fax: 408-243-1408. Below, typeface read "Will you be my maid of honor?" Over 2,000 people celebrated Northside Library’s 4th... Santa Clara County has moved into the state’s Orange Tier in the response to COVID-19 and that means local cities are starting to open... We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The couple got engaged in August of 2019 on a hike in Pinnacles National Park and originally planned a May wedding and reception that had to be cancelled. for the social media post along with "So beyond excited! Not all the clerks even had a camera on their computer monitor. Santa Clara residents Yessalin Islas and Cris Lara met as 12 year olds at a summer camp in California and years later reconnected at Santa Teresa High School, San Jose. “It’s great being part of the process to help these couples having their ceremonies. From her county office, Chavez officiated at the first virtual wedding in Santa Clara County — and, it is believed, in all of California. Then came the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and the County and the State issued shelter-in-place orders. Just 10 days later, on April 30, Newsom signed the Remote Marriage License Executive Order (EO N-58-20). Chavez asked him to consider temporarily suspending the in-person witnessing requirements. The virtual process was initially challenging. I am sure I’m like most in wanting to give my child a beautiful wedding that they will always remember. The Silicon Valley Voice is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of the communities we serve. It is provided with the understanding that no fiduciary relationship exists because of this report. Last month Sunnyvale held a community... It’s no secret that Santa Clara University’s library is a great success. Listen to PDS Principal on Sirius XM’s 'Your Money', November 2020 Financial Markets Commentary, PDS Planning Welcomes: Kyle Euton & Katie Warga. Serving the Columbus, OH community for over 35 years, the fee-only financial advisors at PDS Planning have delivered unbiased financial planning and portfolio management advice to clients, tailored to their specific needs for a fair and transparent fixed dollar fee. I guess my first bit of advice would be to breathe. Being so focused on paying for college, my husband and I didn’t anticipate the weddings would happen so soon after college graduation. We cover local news, issues, events and people that matter to the South Bay. It is wedding season and those bells are ringing especially loud in my ears. Wedding Bells Are Ringing Again in Santa Clara County Diane Andrews Posted on POSTED 08:00 AM, June 4, 2020 Thanks to Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez and Gov.