he mused. I'm going to get the greatest publicity you've ever seen, darling,'" said Mr Trump. https://t.co/VODOZrCoUF. Did Mr Biden have a shot of vodka or something before going on stage? Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. It came after three days of vote counting leaving Americans still guessing about who their next commander in chief will be. The Decision Desk isn’t budging. Die parteilose US-Vizepräsidentin Mackenzie Allen hat ihr Amt nur aus einem einzigen Grund: Präsidentschaftskandidat Teddy Bridges brauchte sie als Stimmenfänger für die Wählerklasse links – Mittelschicht – weiblich. The latest Des Moines Register/Selzer poll has Donald Trump leading Mr Biden in Iowa by a whopping 7 percent, 48-41. U.S. Supreme Court should decide!” he posted. I said, 'Well, it's peace in the Middle East. Lead seeped into the local water supply, contaminating it. Folks. Many a horn was honked. Red, of course, is the colour associated with Mr Trump’s Republican Party. Mr Biden did indeed call the President xenophobic, though he would dispute Mrs Trump's characterisation of that insult. Once he got to Pennsylvania, the President repeated most of his usual lines, but he focused in on a relatively fresh complaint about the fact that the vote count will continue after election night. "And they talked about a couple of other things, and they talked about this and that. Pulled out from his quiet life, is to play a role for which he knows he is obviously inappropriate, but his common sense and his instinctive gestures are incredibly effective, except for the etiquette, for which he is in trouble. Commander in Chief startete in den USA mit sehr guten Quoten und wurde zwischenzeitlich sogar als beste neue Serie der Saison gehandelt. So in short, Mr Trump was stunned that the news media would cover a couple of natural disasters – i.e. A clip of John McCain’s dignified concession speech from 12 years ago has gone viral as Donald Trump's claims of electoral fraud spark chaos across the US. | Donald Trump's lead in the key state of Georgia is slipping by the second, with the President now holding onto the slimmest of leads. Cast 24. It's about that time the President was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize over his government's brokering of a deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Various right-wing gunmen in crowd. Here we have the opposite. Donald Trump is aware of Joe Biden and Barack Obama's joint appearance in Flint. Am 7. A new study from Stanford University has examined the effect 18 of Donald Trump's rallies on the coronavirus pandemic. Enter your location to see which Nationwide News Pty Limited Copyright © 2020. Skip to Main Content To be clear, there is nothing remotely unusual about the vote count proceeding for days, and even weeks, after election night. So now the Democrats are working to gain control of the U.S. Senate through their actions on John James, David Perdue, and more. Enough. Die Serie spielt während der fiktionalen Präsidentschaft der ersten Präsidentin Mackenzie Allen (Geena Davis) und stellt den Alltag der Präsidentin, ihrer Familie und ihres Beraterstabs dar. Filming & Production But that hasn't stopped weary Americans from celebrating, especially because Georgia has been a red state since 1992. Claudio Bisio. pic.twitter.com/E09fpjzAtj. Release Dates Allen erklärt sich zunächst widerwillig dazu bereit, muss jedoch in einem privaten Gespräch mit Templeton feststellen, dass dieser in Sachen Frauen und Muslime eine für sie untragbare Position vertritt. Look at the averages. We would not tolerate it from a teacher or a coach or a coworker or a family member. Because they started talking about something, like, for kids. The OBSERVERS were not allowed, in any way, shape, or form, to do their job and therefore, votes accepted during this period must be determined to be ILLEGAL VOTES. Obama: "What is [Pres. Trump's] obsession, by the way, with crowd size? You won't have to wake up in the morning, open your phone and hey, newsflash! A defiant Donald Trump has unleashed on Twitter in the middle of the night US time. Picture: Brendan Smialowski/AFP. – I said to my wife, you've heard this story, I said, 'Darling, I'm going to come home a little early tonight, I'm going to watch the news. If Mr Biden flipped them – and nothing else – this is what the map would look like. "I turned on the fake news. This is an interesting one. Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our Flixster.com website, which has the same tickets as our Fandango.com and MovieTickets.com websites. A lot of Mr Trump's critics online are talking themselves into believing this poll is an outlier, which it may well be. “We’re spending the day in Pennsylvania, and I think we’re doing extremely well with the votes,” Mr Trump told reporters as he left the White House this morning. It's a little embarrassing. (2013) ← Back to main. The votes will all be counted. This is the biggest lead the President has had in Iowa since March. Joe Biden has taken the lead in the crucial state of Georgia – and Americans are losing their minds over the game-changing news. “It’s going to be a very interesting three days. Welcome, Mrs. President Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. US President Donald Trump in North Carolina. The OBSERVERS were not allowed, in any way, shape, or form, to do their job and therefore, votes accepted during this period must be determined to be ILLEGAL VOTES.