John Thompson Piano Course Books. View the Product: John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course â Part 6 â Book Only - Part 6 â Book only, Series: Willis, Contributors: John Thompson John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano Alt ernative. Easiest Piano Course Part 2. Christmas Piano Solos - Fourth Grade: John Thompson's (Willis). After I saw your question and browsed through the Thompson grade 4 book I see that there are pieces in there varying from grade 4-7 (with a majority on grades 5-6). No. The Beethoven sonata opus 2 first movement is actually on the grade 8 list of one of the boards (LCM I think). Price: $6.99. Easiest Piano Course Part 1. It may be preceded by the Teaching Little Fingers to Play series.John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course is designed to present the easiest possible approach to piano ⦠Teaching Little Fingers to Play by John Thompson: prep: John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano: First Grade Book by John Thompson: book 1: John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano - Second Grade by John Thompson: book 2: John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano - 3rd grade by John Thompson: book 3 Price: $7.99. The John Thompson Modern Course series provides a clear and complete foundation in the study of the piano that enables the student to think and feel musically. Price: $7.99. Arrangement: Piano (PF) Edition Information: Revised edition Publisher: Willis Music Catalogue Number: WMR000187 Language: English Pages: 46 Date Published: 14th Oct 2013 Series: John Thompson's Piano ⦠Home > John Thompson . Easiest Piano ⦠Easiest Keyboard Course [piano] Price: $10.99. Price: $7.99. None [force assignment] Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's: 5 books (first to fifth grade) First Pub lication. Classical Piano Solos Third Grade [piano] John Thompson. 1937-1942 Language English Composer Time Period Comp. Title Composer Thompson, John Sylvanus: I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. Classical Piano Solos Second Grade [piano] John Thompson.