AUSTIN, TEXAS – Whole Foods Market is now offering customers with an Amazon Prime membership free, one-hour grocery pickup on orders of $35 … More than 40 percent of the pickup orders the chain handles each month come from customers using the option for the first time, and 68 percent of consumers expect to keep using curbside pickup even when the pandemic subsides, Amazon says. Thousands of items including produce, meat and seafood, holiday favorites, everyday staples and other locally sourced items will be available for pickup orders. “While the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of online grocery services and prompted new customers to try services like grocery pickup, it’s clear that this offering will become a more permanent solution for many customers,” the e-commerce giant said in its blog post. Which is not for the real Whole Foods grocery store. Free UK Delivery Over £30 Prime Pantry. AUSTIN, TEXAS – Whole Foods Market is now offering customers with an Amazon Prime membership free, one-hour grocery pickup on orders of $35 or more. The perk is … Free UK Delivery Over £30 Trump quietly fires three agency heads amid presidential vote count, USPS worker arrested at Canadian border with bin of mail, undelivered ballots, DOTUS elect: Biden will again make the White House a dog house, Glum Trump returns to White House after golf outing amid loss to Biden, Another night of NYC protests: Nude fountain dancing and dinner with a show, © 2020 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Whole Foods reverses ban of Remembrance Day poppies amid outrage, Canadians irked as Whole Foods bans workers from wearing Remembrance Day poppies, Grocery truck drivers who supply Whole Foods threaten to strike, Warren Buffett passed up chance to buy Whole Foods, CEO says, Here's who could be the Republican presidential candidate in 2024, Forget traditional election maps -- this is what the US vote really looks like, Jared Kushner has approached Trump about conceding the election: report, DVD rental chain Family Video makes last stand against COVID-19, Inside Phil Collins and ex-wife Orianne Cevey's heated splits. The move came as the Seattle-based company grappled with a surge in demand for its grocery delivery services that forced it to put new customers on a waiting list. Shop now. Once they’re ready to check out, they can select a one-hour pickup window and place their order. Pantry Essentials from 365 by Whole Foods Market. Back in June, Target announced plans to offer fresh grocery pickup in over 1,500 of its stores by this year’s holidays. 28,450, This story has been shared 16,739 times. GM unveils first electric Hummer 'supertruck' for $113,000, This story has been shared 47,376 times. Your holiday meal matters. According to Whole Foods, most customers who check in using the Amazon app before arriving at the store wait about one minute to receive their orders after arriving.