Also, Robert was sincere. cut off Jaime Lannister's hand. If you interpret a lot of the prophecy as metaphorical, Davos matches up to with a lot of it. But Bran acknowledging that he knows something about Littlefinger’s conspiracies, without telling the other Starks, suggests that maybe Littlefinger and his backstabbing way of doing things will have a part to play in the Three-Eyed Raven’s plans in the future. Locke returns to his allies and states that there are only 11 mutineers, who are mostly drunk and have not posted any guards. Sorry for so much text and thanks in advance! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Joffrey has always sought the approval of Robert who in all honesty, really didn't give two shits about him. Next Only the ladder is real. Mutineers When Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven traveled back to the events outside the Tower of Joy in the May 8 episode, Bran was apparently able to shout and be heard by the younger version of his father, Ned Stark. Or is the question still up in the air? You have the interesting idea that Joffrey's immorality comes from trying to imitate his father but then you have that scene at the start of ACOK where Tyrion gives his condolences for Robert's death and Joffrey doesn't even remember he died. After wandering into the Haunted Forest, they are killed by a mysterious man known as Coldhands, and Summer finds their bodies. TYRION: As you wish, Your Grace. That could be Tyrion, or her twin Jaime, who was born moments after Cersei. Bran and his companions quietly escape as the raid continues. Let’s see what the viewers think. The assassin carried Robert's knife, so Joffrey must have taken it from his tent. Or he's confused that Tyrion's being "nice" to him. Bran travels to the past and is Bran the Builder, who built the Wall and founded House Stark. Jaime has been growing softer and more merciful for years, ever since he spent all that time with Brienne of Tarth. Locke, described by Roose Bolton as his "best hunter", is dispatched to recapture Jaime Lannister. Not a lot of time for word to spread, also ignoring the fact that there is no reason to send ravens to King's Landing about Bran anyway. Also Read: ‘Game of Thrones’ Theories: Is Sansa Stark Pregnant? They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. There really is no evidence in this case, which makes it very frustrating. SAM: He was last spotted flying east, toward--BRONN: The farther away, the better. I thought Littlefinger found out about it when he was shown the dagger by Catelyn in King's Landing. After that face he made at Sansa in the season 6 finale, it would likely surprise exactly no one if he marched the Knights of the Vale south and attempted to form a union with Cersei. News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. Jon Snow kills Karl Tanner inside the keep. Referencing Littlefinger’s speech and repeating that iconic phrase back to him (it was such a big deal, HBO used it in the marketing for “Game of Thrones” Season 3) puts him on notice. Fans have speculated that Season 7 will mark the end of Littlefinger’s scheming, since the Stark kids all seem pretty much fed up with the untrustworthy former Master of Coin. Or maybe they have? A big part comes from the argument that it's Davos, and not Melisandre, who revives Jon Snow. It’s the thousand blades of Aegon’s enemies. Our guess is he's going to figure out what the Walkers' thermal exhaust port is. Locke attempts to escape with Bran, but is killed when Bran wargs into Hodor and snaps Locke's neck. It's made pretty clear that Joffrey didn't really like Tommen, and it's also clear that Tommen isn't very 'tough'. So "Game of Thrones" may yet pull another "Game of Thrones" on us in that regard by proving this theory wrong. 'Oh that, it was sad' is his response I think, sounds like something he was told to say and that his actual response to his father dying was without any sadnesss, sociopathic. He is killed by Hodor through Bran The idea here is that since Jon's parents are actually Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen -- meaning Ned Stark is NOT his father -- Jon and Sansa are cousins instead of siblings and nobody would think it's weird if they got together to solidify their hold on the North. What’s in store for the final two seasons of the HBO hit? And even Melisandre believes it -- though only after years of claiming it was Stannis and accidentally leading him to ruin. So much of what happens on "Game of Thrones" is history repeating itself -- and with Dany working very hard to avoid fulfilling her father's Mad legacy, Cersei, by contrast, probably isn't going to hold naything back anymore. Bran tries to get Jon's attention, but Jojen convinces him that Jon would try to stop them. Also I think Littlefinger realises that implicating Tyrion over any other Lannister adds one devilish possibility. Littlefinger notes the dagger’s significance and gives it to Bran, saying he thinks Bran might want to keep it. I get that he might have seen it as an embarrassment to his family but killing Bran seems like an overreaction (even for Joffrey), especially after Bran had just become paralyzed. As far as how he knew who was who, Locke slashed Bran's leg, and Bran didn't feel it. Also Read: ‘Game of Thrones': Everything Bran Stark Saw in His Flashback Montage In ‘Blood of My Blood’, Something's magic about Jon Snow's sword, Longclaw. Like his father’s adventures during Robert’s Rebellion (and of course, the true parentage of Jon Snow), or his sister Sansa’ horrific wedding night to Ramsay Snow (Iwan Rheon). In a series of veiled references, the pair more or less laid out their ambitions: Varys to make the world better, and Littlefinger to rise to rule the world by any means necessary. He and his men soon track the Kingslayer down, and take him into custody, along with his escort, Brienne of Tarth. Five of the mutineers (one of whom is presumably Ollo Lophand, who killed Mormont) abandon the keep, planning on climbing over the Wall and heading south. I only lean towards LF because frankly, he's clever enough to predict the eventual outcomes of an assassination attempt on Bran. There's a line of thought that when the Night King touch Bran in his dream while he was up at the Three-Eyed Raven's cave, it made it so the Walkers could pass any magical barrier separating him from them. 2. According to the episode's director, Alan Taylor, the answer is no. He also locates where the mutineers are holding Bran and his companions, a hut on the west side of the keep. The transition of Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) from nice kid to all-seeing supernatural force seems to be complete on “Game of Thrones,” and it’s allowing Bran to weird out the people around him pretty effectively. Tyrion would have arrived in King's Landing, been apprehended by Ned, and surely the truth about the dagger would have come out. Joffrey also says something like "I am no stranger to valyrian steel" which clued Tyrion into wondering where Joff had seen it before. ‘Game of Thrones’ Recap: Daenerys (Finally) Strikes Back, “Game of Thrones”: The Key Events In the Series So Far (Photos), “Game of Thrones”: Tracking Every Valyrian Steel Sword We Know Of, Every Important Dead “Game of Thrones” Character You Forgot About (Photos), All 49 “Game of Thrones” Main Characters, Ranked Worst to Best (Photos), 12 Dumb and Debunked ‘Game of Thrones’ Theories, ‘Game of Thrones’ 101: Explaining the Tyrion Targaryen Fan Theory, when Gilly discovered the files of High Septon Maynard, who served under the Mad King, according to the intrepid fan who came up with this theory, One eagle-eyed Redditor put together a theory, All 48 ‘Game of Thrones’ Main Characters, Ranked Worst to Best (Photos), ‘Game of Thrones': Everything Bran Stark Saw in His Flashback Montage In ‘Blood of My Blood’. So why would Joffrey be so upset that Bran was beating Tommen at swords? Game of Thrones Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. So Tywin's total hatred for the dude has deeper motivations than just that Joanna died giving birth to him or that he's a dwarf. Grenn, Edd, Locke (secretly a spy sent by Roose Bolton to find Bran and Rickon Stark), and several other black brothers volunteer to participate in the raid.[2]. Why did Ben wanted Locke not to enter the code? And she'll need the help with Daenerys knocking at her door. I agree with TheWrap's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and provide my consent to receive marketing communications from them. Just a question for anyone suspecting Littlefinger, and forgive me if I'm wrong; but how could Littlefinger arrange the assassin for Bran or even plant the idea in Joffrey's head? None other than Ser Jaime. Sansa is pregnant with Ramsay Bolton's child. Karl knocks down Jon and disarms him, but before he can deliver the killing blow, he is stabbed in the back by Sissy, one of Craster's wives that he abused. I mean, this is correct. The standard story of Robert's Rebellion says that events were set in motion when Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna Stark. It’s at that point, after Littlefinger’s revelation, where Varys says that “I did what I did for the good of the realm.”, “The realm,” Littlefinger responds. It’s the same one an assassin used to try to kill Bran way back in Season 1, after Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) shoved Bran out a window. This seems silly as it was easily traceable, which wouldn't be desirable for Joffrey or for the assassin. She also started informing on Littlefinger for Varys, and when he discovered it, Littlefinger gave her to Joffrey, who sadistically killed her with his crossbow. Bloodmoon - the Long Night prequel (canceled), Empire of Ash - the Doom of Valyria prequel, House of the Dragon - Dance of the Dragons prequel. Also, Bran could potentially keep Ned from agreeing to be the Hand. Jon tells Craster's wives that, with the threat of Mance Rayder and the White Walkers nearby, it is not safe for them to stay here. GrennEddison TollettLocke †GhostOther black brothersJojen ReedMeera ReedHodor It could very well be that he did the same thing with the dagger. The longer Season 7 goes on and the more moves Cersei makes, the more it seems that she's ruthless enough to do what her brother can't. It has happened before. Both were thought dead, but both are again alive. That would certainly even the odds some, taking away some of Daenerys' fire-breathing air superiority. But he still has one huge ambition -- to rule Westeros.