Hours after news organization decision desks projected that Joe Biden won the presidential election, President Trump's campaign filed a lawsuit in Arizona seeking to count ballots that were purportedly rejected in Maricopa County, relying in part on witness affidavits related to so-called "SharpieGate" allegations. What can be frustrating is how frequently liberals, motivated to defend their charges of illegitimacy, look narrowly at final vote counts and outcomes while avoiding both the legal arguments at work and other court decisions that might please them. A) the supreme court plays a minimal role in defining constitutional principles. Pennsylvania Democrats say the Supreme Court should not intervene in the state's vote count, insisting that late-arrival mail-in ballots are highly unlikely to impact the presidential race in which former Vice President Joe Biden has pulled ahead of President Trump by more than 35,000 votes. You can view more similar questions or ask a new question. DETROIT — The Michigan Legislature issued a subpoena for voting-related documents as the Michigan Republican Party continues to allege electoral malfeasance. If the Republican Party maintains control of the Senate, which appears likely, they must do everything in their power to stop him from enacting it, or they risk killing the conservative movement. The Supreme Court Is Most Powerful When It Follows Public Opinion Michael Klarmanis a professor at Harvard Law School and the author of "From the Closet to the Altar: Courts… President Trump will "graciously concede" the 2020 election if his legal challenges in battleground states do not pan out, sources told Fox News's chief White House correspondent John Roberts. A:The Court has used the Lemon test to ban all public funding to religiously affiliated schools. A conservative Court will strike down Roe v. Wade and Obamacare — and then let the electoral backlash on behalf of progressives begin,” he continues. It is the Nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.”. The less legitimate the court, the more justification a political coalition feels it has to change things so it can deliver for them more often. This is the current sentiment, shared among Democrats and others in the Democratic-aligned activist class — the high court is a court of political actors. In a recent column, Harris quotes Chief Justice John Roberts, who, in 2018, said in response to none other than President Trump, “We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. Not Above the Law - Nixon's illegal actions resulted in a Supreme Court ruling requiring sharing of the private tapes*** Stealing the. Remember also that Roberts had voted already to keep the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s election law changes in place (a liberal victory) and that last Wednesday, Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh both voted to leave in place the North Carolina Board of Elections’s rule changes in place (a liberal victory). 1) which of the following describes the supreme court's role in defining constitutional principles? B. With questions about his whereabouts now an internet refrain, Hunter Biden made his first in-person campaign appearance alongside his father, Joe Biden, for the apparent president-elect's "victory" speech. B. ", Former Justice John Paul Stevens, not using a version of “legitimate,” raised the concern of confidence in his Bush v. Gore dissent, which Harris notes. b. remains uninformed about it because justices stay on the bench for life and never face the public scrutiny of an election. A chorus of Western allies announced its congratulations for Joe Biden after media networks declared him the president-elect as vote tallies came in despite President Trump’s refusal to concede. With regard to public opinion, the Supreme Court a. ignores it completely in order to make decisions that are based on enduring values rather than the public’s passing whims. *The president appoints Supreme Court judges. I think it is (C) or (D), 1) which of the following describes the supreme court's role in defining constitutional principles? A) the supreme court plays a minimal role in defining constitutional principles. It was on those grounds that Roberts voted to uphold the 7th Circuit’s decision throwing out the lower-court election rule change in Wisconsin. In Harris’s case, he doesn’t even attempt to make necessary distinctions. It is something that he will have to consider if the final election results end up being litigated in his court and the vote is close. The final point is one about Roberts, who is widely recognized by liberals and conservatives as one who wants to “keep all the plates up in the air”; to insulate the court from politics and charges of illegitimacy. The Supreme Court is well aware of its weight. is it C? B.remains uninformed about it because justices stay on the bench for life and never face the public scrutiny of an election. With regard to public opinion, the Supreme Court
1. how is the supreme court equal to the other branches of government? C. A public opinion includes all opinions that exist in a, Which type of courts exercise the broad power of judicial review? Its opinions and dissents and the public appearances of its justices are filled with demonstrations of self-awareness about its power and influence and the perceived quandary of the court’s existence. It can vote to impeach the president b. a. ignores it completely in order to make decisions that are based on enduring values rather than the public’s passing whims. “Time will one day heal the wound to that confidence that will be inflicted by today’s decision,” Stevens writes. Which of the following best, Question 1.1. C. A public opinion includes all opinions that exist in a, Which type of courts exercise the broad power of judicial review? Seven of the eight current Supreme Court justices, for example, previously served as federal appeals court judges. PINE TOWNSHIP — Had you spent any space of time in this northern suburb of Pittsburgh listening to voters, finding out what things mattered to them when it came to schools, community growth, economic prosperity, and the emotional impact of COVID-19 lockdowns, you would have at least been skeptical of the media narrative and the polls that claimed suburban voters here are no longer center-right. Whether a columnist, or a whole cohort of street marchers or elected officials, recognize that manifestation of legitimacy is a measure of their intellectual honesty. “Some progressive activists actually hope that Roberts will stop trying so hard to keep all the plates up in the air," he writes. To be clear, the Supreme Court has long challenged public confidence, disappointing just about every political faction under its jurisdiction. Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, known as the Appointments Clause, empowers the president to nominate and, with the confirmation ( advice and consent) of the United States Senate, to appoint public officials, including justices of the Supreme Court. What type of power does the Constitution grant to the Supreme Court? B:The Court has interpreted the, Which of the following BEST describes a public opinion? All of the following statements regarding the process of selecting a case for Supreme Court consideration are true EXCEPT 1) A case selected for argument usually involves interpretations of the U. S. Constitution or federal law. b. it enforces the laws along with the president*** c. it creates laws like the. Ten senators state that they will not seek to override this veto. The legitimacy question is a storm cloud that he, as the chief and the swing voter, must find a way to negotiate. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.” Harris’s response is, “Very nice words. The voters of California’s 50th Congressional District stamped former California Rep. Darrell Issa’s return ticket to Capitol Hill after he defeated Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar. Joe Biden's lead in Georgia could endure a significant shake-up with a reporting issue on Friday in one county. This is the same court that risks illegitimacy for being too partisan. Roe, Casey, and NFIB v. Sebelius are all cases that political conservatives firmly believe were decided not just wrongly but recklessly. A:Original. Below are three games you can't miss this week. Republicans have kept their majority on Arizona’s Corporation Commission despite clean energy groups spending millions to flip control of the utility regulatory body. A. Wisconsin Republicans urged President Trump's campaign to turn its attention to the ballot count in their state to root out possible voting irregularities during an impending recount. A:The Court has used the Lemon test to ban all public funding to religiously affiliated schools. Harris doesn’t resolutely call the court, or the process of confirming Amy Coney Barrett, “illegitimate,” as so many others have done, but his words are still foreboding: “The Supreme Court is begging for a legitimacy crisis.” The court has responded to that charge, or at least the threat of it, many times before. disappointing just about every political faction under its jurisdiction, Voters stood up to the culture and declared their center-right values, Hunter Biden joins father on stage for 2020 'victory' speech, Darrell Issa to return to Congress after victory in California's 50th Congressional District, Biden's immigration policies are bad for the country and threaten the conservative movement, 'Let's give each other a chance': Biden seeks to bridge divides in 'victory' speech, Republicans file Arizona election lawsuit related to voting problems and disputed 'SharpieGate' allegations, WATCH: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris address nation after news outlets project victory, Investigators scramble to arena after Georgia's Fulton County discovers 'issue' with reporting of ballots, Ballots on a city bus: Wisconsin GOP sets stage for wild recount fight, Pennsylvania Democrats insist late-arrival ballots unlikely to affect election outcome, Nevada's Clark County elections chief has reports of voter fraud, won’t investigate until counting complete, Fox News sources: Trump will 'graciously concede' if he sees no viable path to victory, Michigan Legislature subpoenas documents after GOP alleges election fraud, Republicans keep majority on Arizona utility commission despite Bloomberg spending big, NATO allies ‘warmly welcome’ Biden after feuds with Trump. In our research, we argue that any overall correspondence between public opinion and Supreme Court rulings depends on a single historical period: the “Warren Court… It can vote to impeach the president b. Perhaps his view has changed, but at least in 2011, Breyer rejected the implications of a cynicism like that recently expressed by Politico’s John Harris. A public opinion is an idea stated publicly. It's important to remember, though, that we don't yet know what case will be brought before the court, if any, but Roberts and even Kavanaugh have ruled in a way that puts to bed the illegitimacy charges. (2 answers) a. c. attempts to stay close enough to public opinion so as to avoid a grave loss of public support.