Experienced guide Evgenia Kempinski will traverse its ornate galleries for a tour highlighting art works of Jewish interest from its renowned collection. Wear comfortable shoes that will not damage parquet made of primary timber. The museum was formed with the private collection that the czars were acquiring for several centuries, and it was not until 1917 when it was declared State Museum. We place special emphasis on showing your establishments and products through technological innovation in order to boots your sales. Visita Virtual 360 / .. 360° of the World / Museums / Hermitage Museum – San Petesburgo, Russia Click here to access Virtual Tour The Hermitage Museum (in Russian Эрмитаж, ermitazh, from the French hermitage, «hermitage», «refuge of the hermit») of Saint Petersburg, Russia, is one of the largest art galleries and antique museums in the world. Tours last approximately 45 minutes and include fifteen galleries on the first floor filled with the Sloane family art collection, furniture, and history. Read on. The Hermitage maintains about 50 cats to protect the items from rats and mice. From the 1760s onwards the Winter Palace was the main residence of the Russian Tsars. The Main Hermitage Museum Complex consists of the following: the Reserve House of the Winter Palace (1726–1742). The nearest metro station to the museum is Admiralteyskaya. The café is located on the ground floor, with Internet access via Wi-Fi. It has over 1 thousand rooms, and a walk of over 20 kilometers would be required to see all parts of the Hermitage. The museum is closed on Mondays. The Hermitage Museum is the most extensive art gallery in Russia and is among the largest art museums in the world. Magnificently located on the bank of the Neva River, this Baroque-style palace is perhaps St. Petersburg's most impressive attraction. V185886740, Hermitage Museum – San Petesburgo, Russia, Hiking made by Nature Valley – USA National Parks. Check the Museum website for the latest information on holiday closures and opening timings. VisitaVirtual360.com keeps in mind that the importance of a solution lies in the fact that meets the needs of those who are served. You are welcome to review our Privacy Policies via the top menu. Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10.30-18.00; Wednesday, Friday: 10.30-21.00; Closed: Mondays, as well as January 1 and May 9. Virtual Visit. Copyright © VisitaVirtual360.com RIF. Guided tours of the Museum and Sloane Collection are conducted daily. We can help. Effect of Fog” by Claude Monet, “Napoleon during his campaign in Egypt” by Jean-Léon Gérôme, “Memory of the Garden at Etten” by Vincent van Gogh, “Boats on the Beach of Saintes-Maries” by Vincent van Gogh, “Le Bassin du Jas de Bouffan” by Paul Cézanne, “Viscount Lepic and his Daughters Crossing the Place de la Concorde” by Edgar Degas, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, Type:              Art and Culture Museum, Location:        38 Palace Embankment, Dvortsovy Municipal Okrug, Saint Petersburg. The experts say that if you were to spend a minute looking at each exhibit on display in the Hermitage, you would need 11 years before you'd seen them all. The museum’s collection occupies a complex consisting of six buildings located on the banks of the Neva River, the most important of which is the Winter Palace, the official residence of the ancient Tsars. The Winter Palace was built between 1754 and 1762 for Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great. The collection of the State Hermitage includes more than three million works of art and artefacts of the world culture. Many visitors also know it as the main building of the Hermitage Museum. WikiPhotoSpace) (Own work) [FAL or CC BY-SA 3.0 (. Guided Tours, Programmes and Virtual Academy. Virtual Tour of The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Copyright © 2001-2020 ZAO "SAINT-PETERSBURG.COM". Learn about art. His gallery is considered one of the most complete in the world. The rest of the architectural complex consists of five buildings, including the Menshikov Palace, the General Staff Building and an open storage facility. The State Hermitage Museum. Take a Moment to Recharge with a break for coffee, tea, and to eat; you’ll be able to enjoy your experience longer. Virtual tours are usually comprised of a collection of videos, still images, 3D walkthroughs, and narration that help you feel as though you’re visiting the museum — … All rights reserved. Focus on the highlights. This original collection can still be seen at the Hermitage. The collection is both enormous and diverse and is an essential stop for all those interested in art and history. Unfortunately, Elizabeth died before the palace's completion and only Catherine the Great and her successors were able to enjoy the sumptuous interiors of Elizabeth's home. We can help you make the right choice from hundreds of St. Petersburg hotels and hostels. We can find you a suitable interpreter for your negotiations, research or other needs. The Hermitage Museum Launched Online Tours In English, Italian, Spanish, French And Chinese With its doors closed for visitors, the Hermitage has gone online to continue demonstrating its collections worldwide and reach even more audience than it could do offline. *Guided tours will not be offered through 2020, we invite you to enjoy a self-guided tour at your convenience. Don’s try and see everything in one day. Also, the stations Nevsky prospect and Gostinny dvor are the next best alternatives. Collect your Museums Map with your entrance ticket. Explore the Hermitage. The Winter Palace was once the official residence of the Romanov Tsars. Artworks, Buildings and History. Founded in 1764, the State venue is the second-largest art museum in the world and among the most visited. The Hermitage Museum (in Russian Эрмитаж, ermitazh, from the French hermitage, «hermitage», «refuge of the hermit») of Saint Petersburg, Russia, is one of the largest art galleries and antique museums in the world. Exhibitions, Events and News. Other Historical Items over 140 thousand. Research and Publications. A virtual museum tour is, in essence, a simulation of what you might experience when visiting the museum in person. The museum was founded in 1764 when Catherine the Great purchased a collection of 255 paintings from the German city of Berlin. The State Hermitage Museum is an art and culture museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Today the Winter Palace, together with four more buildings arranged side by side along the river embankment, houses the extensive collections of the Hermitage. The Hermitage's collections include works by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian, a unique collection of Rembrandts and Rubens, many French Impressionist works by Renoir, Cezanne, Manet, Monet and Pissarro, numerous canvasses by Van Gogh, Matisse, Gaugin and several sculptures by Rodin. The museum was found in 1764 when Catherine the Great bought a collection of 255 paintings from Berlin. National Museum of African American History and Culture, J.F.Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, National Roman Legion Museum & Caerleon Fortress & Baths, Musée National du Moyen Age – National Museum of the Middle Ages, Akrotiri Archaeological Site – Santorini – Thera, Museum of the History of the Olympic Games, Alte Nationalgalerie – National Gallery, Berlin, Deutsches Historisches Museum – German Historical Museum, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere – Virtual Tour, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía- Virtual Tour, Nationalmuseum – National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Jewish Museum of Australia – Virtual Tour, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, Australia, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires), Most Popular Museums, Art and Historical Sites, Museum Masterpieces and Historical Objects, Popular Museums, Art and Historical Sites, Madonna Litta” attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, White House at Night” by Vincent van Gogh, Egyptian Collection in the Hermitage Museum, Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss” by Antonio Canova, The Stolen Kiss” by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Boulevard Montmartre” by Camille Pissarro, Three Tahitian Women Against a Yellow Background” by Paul Gauguin, Struggle between Tiger and Bull” by Henri Rousseau, Landscape with Diana and Callisto” by Cornelis van Pulenburg, The Return of the Prodigal Son” by Rembrandt, “Waterloo Bridge.