Serial (noun/adjective): A story or programme delivered in instalments, taking place in series.The serial killer loved watching serials on TV! Byte (noun): Unit of measurement of digital information.How many bytes are there in each character in MS Word? Bean (noun): Edible seed that grows in pods on leguminous plants.Baked beans on toast is a traditional British dish! Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently. Cell (noun): Small room for a prisoner.The police kept the thief in a cell overnight. In Britain, ‘ant’ (aunt) would be the usual pronunciation in the north of the country. Son (noun): A boy or man in relation to his parents.My son is only eight years old, but he thinks he is 18! Links (noun): Plural form of ‘link’, connections or points of contact.Our company has links to suppliers all over the world. Would you like more help with your English Pronunciation? billed – build         /bɪld/You build and I’ll review what we’ve been billed. I can’t alter the plans. Time for your English Homphone practice out loud to check these homophones pairs and English homophones sentences. The term homophone comes from Greek ‘homo-’ (meaning: same) and ‘-phone’ (meaning: sound or voice), so the word literally means: ‘same sound’. In this ESL guide, we will show you 10 of the best movies for studying English and give you tips and resources to help you learn English through films. Whole (adjective): Full, entire.I can’t eat a whole pizza to myself. 101 English homophones with examples. In this list of English homophones, you will find simple, intermediate and more advanced level vocabulary. Pear (noun): Common type of fruit.Would you like a pear from the garden? Maze (noun): Labyrinth.Chatsworth House has a maze that is made up of a network of paths and hedges. A = pours, pause, pores, pawsB = alone, sand which is there, other (regional pronunciation)C = principle, it’s, current, acceptD = see, flu, sure, where, so, which, where, there, so, write, flu, source, effect, vain, Watching films is a fun way to improve your English! Here is what you need to know about the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Except (preposition): Not including, other than.I invited everyone to my birthday party except Jamie. Mobile apps offer a quick solution for learning homophones on the move! In this comprehensive guide to fluent English we provide 50 tips to help you improve your language skills and speak English better each day by adopting the right approaches and creating a suitable learning environment. Steel (noun): Common type of metal use in construction.The new art museum is made entirely from glass and steel. What is the difference between a homophone and a homograph? NOTE: In American English and many UK regional accents, the words ‘aunt’ and ‘ant’ are homophones. Our training is tailored specifically for speakers of your language background. These picture cards can also be used as a wall display. Aunt (noun) or Aren’t (contraction) – Aunt is the sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle. A homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation as another word but is spelled differently and has a different meaning. Parish priests were feeling the pinch through reduced income from alms and tithes. Mayor (noun): Elected leader of regional government.The mayor cut the ribbon at the museum opening ceremony. Cereal (noun): Grain used for food (e.g. Weather (noun): Relates to sunshine, rain, wind etc.The weather in April is usually showery. Way (noun): Method of doing something, road or route.We got lost and I had to admit that I didn’t know the way home. Do you lack confidence with your spoken English? Here you have some examples of sentences with homophone words: Brake/break Use the brake to stop the car. Homographs that are pronounced the same way are: the verb ‘to contact’ and the noun ‘a contact’. Their (determiner): Belonging to a person or thing being mentioned.Parents are often keen to help their children with their homework. The doctor took a pencil to rite down my symptoms. Here is the full English homphones list of over 100 English homophones. He’s a man of principle. This is the one of the most comprehensive English homphones lists available and it includes the IPA International Phonetic Alphabet for each homophone example. They told me witch doctor to see and ware to go. Wrap (verb): Cover in paper or soft material.My mum likes to use colourful paper to wrap the Xmas presents. Know (verb): Be aware of.Most men know how to boil an egg, but some don’t! Improve Consonant Clusters. © Copyright 2012-2020 OTUK. Allowed (verb): Past tense form of ‘allow’.The museum staff allowed us to take several photographs. Read (verb): Past tense form of ‘read’.How many Harry Potter books have you read? I also have a list of 100 homophones pairs without pictures. Pours (verb): 3rd person form of ‘pour’, flow quickly in a steady stream.If John pours the tea, then you can offer our guests a biscuit. Most of these examples of homophone sets are pairs of words, but some are groups of three or four words. Won (verb): The past tense of ‘win’.The football team won two games in a row. You can also click to hear the word pronounced in British and American style English. Sea (noun): Expanse of salt water that covers most of our planet.Julie’s hometown is by the sea. Now it’s time for multi-syllable English homophones practice! Graze (verb): Eat grass in a field (of cows, sheep, etc. Words can look very different (eg suite and sweet) and be pronounced the same way! We’ve (contraction): Short form of ‘we have’.We’ve been digging all day and we haven’t found any treasure!