In its earnings report in August this year, the company said that print ad revenue continues to fall while digital ad revenue grows. Many things should be matters of individual choice. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, has gone full Trump — questioning the usefulness of masks and encouraging potential super-spreader events. Founded by journalist and politician Henry Jarvis Raymond and former banker George Jones, the Times was initially published by Raymond, Jones & Company. The Times is trying to create more incentives for people willing to pay---and pay more. But you also see a lot of libertarian rhetoric — a lot of talk about “freedom” and “personal responsibility.” Even politicians willing to say that people should cover their faces and avoid indoor gatherings refuse to use their power to impose rules to that effect, insisting that it should be a matter of individual choice. The only difference is in the level at which behavior needs to be changed. Ad Choices, The New York Times Says It Has More Subscribers Than Ever. All rights reserved. beds. And right now the virus is running wild in much of the Midwest; in particular, the most dangerous places in America may be the Dakotas. In August, Times executives highlighted opportunities to grow the business, including new partnerships with tech companies like Facebook and Apple. Trump may complain that “all you hear is Covid, Covid, Covid.” The fact, however, is that the current path of the pandemic is terrifying. It’s more like dumping raw sewage into a reservoir that supplies other people’s drinking water. Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Liberty doesn’t mean freedom to infect other people. The company was founded by Henry Jarvis Raymond and George Jones in New York City. South Dakota now has a terrifying 35 percent positivity rate. © 2020 Condé Nast. Remarkably, many prominent figures still don’t seem to understand (or aren’t willing to understand) why we should be practicing social distancing. Despite a worrying uptick in some neighborhoods, especially in religious communities that have been flouting rules on social distancing, New York City’s positivity rate — the fraction of tests showing presence of the coronavirus — is only a bit over 1 percent. But the focus on New York also played into right-wing “American carnage” narratives about the evils of densely populated, diverse cities. It’s … To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Early investors in the company included Edwin B. Morgan, Christopher Morgan, and Edward B. Wesley. But the core of its business remains more or less the same as that of most publishers: a combination of print and digital ads and subscriptions along with the much bigger non-paying audience viewing ads on its website.