Ultra Lord • When asked why Pearl's species is different from her father's, Patrick answered: "Pearl's a whale? One of the paintings shows a sperm whale of normal size swimming under a boat. In "The Slumber Party," SpongeBob betrays Pearl by helping Mr. Krabs spy on her at her slumber party. She commonly wears a pink shirt with a dark pink letter P on the front, a purple skirt, and white boots. He freaks out on Spogebob for spending a bunch of money although he told Spongebob to spare no expense for Pearl's happiness. • She does this all while smiling incessantly, but Mr. Krabs is sour the entire time, saying "I hate the pill!" In "Married to Money," when a happy Mr. Krabs tells her after meeting Cashina, "I may have found you a new mom." Krabs, "Tutor Sauce", Mr. Krabs is Pearl's father. Color: Robo-Dog • She has a blonde ponytail with lipstick on her mouth, and she wears a pink cheerleading dress, as well as white boots. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Roachie • In the story, a fish-eating Kraken traps all of the ocean water in a giant jar. [42] A Texas federal judge ruled in January 2017 that the planned restaurant violated Viacom's rights to the SpongeBob property, thus halting its construction. "[27] Joseph Foy, author of the novel SpongeBob SquarePants and Philosophy, felt that it was difficult not to sympathize with Pearl's situation since she believes she is "more important to her father than money," but "we, the viewing audience, know differently". Edward and Emo | Maybe she used some shrink ray? To make it up to Pearl, he pays for an expensive shindig hosted by Pearl at Goo Lagoon. When she grows older, Pearl will inherit the Krusty Krab from her father and become the owner. [20] Her conceptualization is rooted in Hillenburg's tenure as a teacher at the Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Point, California. The Penguins • [48] The segment "Pearl Krabs aka Caller #5!" https://spongebobsrunawayroadtrip.fandom.com/wiki/Pearl_Krabs?oldid=4795. what is spongebob characters heights and weights. In "Barnacle Face," SpongeBob makes it his duty to rid Pearl of barnacles growing on Pearl's face. It originally aired on Nickelodeon in the United States on May 1, 1999, following the television airing of the 1999 Kids' Choice Awards. Pearl Krabs is a character from SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS and she is the sixteen year old whale as of Whale of a Birthday and she is Eugene H. Krabs's sister as a whale! In Dancing With The Star, Pearl is the judge of a dance contest that Patrick enters. Her first reaction was noticing how tall Pearl was compared to the others, so she wanted to make Pearl's voice reflect her large size. [4] Wherever she goes, she stomps loudly and causes the ground to shake slightly. We gave her really great custom platform sneakers- sort of Spice Girls meets Frankenstein, we designed some custom Electric Skates (her favorite band) merch for her to wear, and gave her a whale-ish pompadour. Trixie Tang • Ketta • Pearl Krabs is a fictional character in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. It is unknown when SpongeBob met Pearl, and their first encounter has never been shown or described. Virginia Highland Zip Code, SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated comedy television series created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon. or "Batten down the hatches!" Their friendliness with each other contrasts with Squidward's angry attitude throughout the entire episode. However, it did make a reappearance in the season nine episode "Food Con Castaways.". [27] Joseph Foy, author of the novel SpongeBob SquarePants and Philosophy, felt that it was difficult not to sympathize with Pearl's situation since she believes she is "more important to her father than money," but "we, the viewing audience, know differently". Aside from the main characters, the only friends Pearl has that have never betrayed her are the mermaids.