Sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata) is a Native American grass used in prayer and purifying ceremonies. On a hot day, the leaves should dry within six hours. The first is to plant from seeds and the second to plant from plugs. Purchased seeds come many times with a guarantee of only ten percent germination. The three strands of the braids represent the mind, body and spirit. The Herb Exchange Blog, © 2019 by The Growers Exchange. The harvesting of Sweetgrass begins in late June to early July. This method can only produce a few new plants at a time and requires some plant skills The fresh seeds of Sweet Grass germinate readily and the plants produce plenty of seed, so this is the easiest method to increase Sweet Grass. Native Americans used it to perfume their basketry and ornaments.
Germination usually takes four to six weeks.
From my experience purchasing Sweet grass seed, zero germination is more accurate. Fertilizer should be added to the soil at this point and repeated three times during the growing season. Q: I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to grow sweetgrass, Hierochloe odorata. Sign up for Growers Exchange's Email Newsletter. It is native to the Southeast and has been woven into baskets by many generations of coastal South Carolinians. A: There are two kinds of sweetgrass. Since the native range is so far north of Georgia, I think that this is why you’re having problems: it doesn’t like our summer heat or clay soil. According to Native Americans sweet grass is sacred and should not be bought or sold. This should be the yield of one growing season and should produce eight to 10 braids. Container Gardening 101: Tips and Tricks for Starting a Container Garden, Why This Season Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Victory Garden, Write for Us: Submit an Interesting Gardening Article, Growing Your Own Superfood: Turmeric Plants, Help Save the Monarch Butterfly with Asclepias Tuberosa, Butterfly Milkweed, The Benefits of Growing Your Own Ginger Plants, An Overview on Using Herbal & Essential Oils for Your Skin: How They Work and Which Ones Work Best. The Sweetgrass should only be harvested when the plant covers a six-foot square area. It is one of the four herbs sacred to Native Americans.
Getting them can be expensive in terms of shipping, but an economical route is to buy in large quantities. It is found less commonly in arid regions.
The easiest way is to sow fresh seeds harvested from your plant. When you replant, the hole for the plugs should be only as deep as to cover the roots and topsoil (two to three inches).
Sweet Grass is an aromatic, cool-season perennial growing 10-24 inches high and spreading about 2 feet per year by underground rhizomes. The Ojibwe told me that they also use it in tea form to wash their hair, as it gives a wonderful sweet scent.
However, plugs are more difficult to come by because the majority of growers are located in Ontario.
The Growers Exchange is where gardeners go to grow since 1985. However, the plant should never be harvested in the first year of planting. Simply type in "Sweetgrass plants" and look for the closest seller to your area. It is easiest to place the seeds in a small pot and cover with a maximum quarter-inch of soil. I read the book “ braiding sweet grass” it was amazing Because of its aggressive, rhizomatous nature it can be difficult to eliminate if it has spread to areas where it is not wanted. Canadian women-owned businesses are on the cusp of something great. Sweetgrass: You asked, so we found the answers, © 2020 Aboriginal Multi-Media Soceity (AMMSA), Syncrude Canada Indigenous Business Profile, SNC-Lavalin Places a High Importance on Local Community Involvement, The Rise and Growth of the Woman Entrepreneur. A: There are two kinds of sweetgrass. I have tried to follow the plant seller’s instructions but have not had any luck. Ph. Another method for purchasing both seeds and plugs is to buy from the Internet. The perennial is better suited to moist, sandy soil, but will not produce in clay soil mixtures. E. news@ammsa.com, Marten Falls First Nation Community Access Road Project, AER Proceeding 403 - Pure Environmental Waste Management Ltd - Hangingstone Project.
Hopefully the posts here on The Herb Exchange Blog will help you with knowledge of herbs, gardening, recipes and a healthy life. The easiest method to braid the sweetgrass is to place the dried leaves in lukewarm water for 15 minutes in order to make them flexible. I understand the article, but am at a loss as to how to get a plant to begin with, since seeds don’t sound likely to succeed. Spread the seeds evenly over the surface and gently water. After harvesting, simply lay out the leaves to dry in direct sun and turn every 40 minutes. I use sweetgrass as medicine, for body, mind, and spirit. Native Americans used it to perfume their basketry and ornaments. The Sweetgrass plugs should be spaced eight to 12 inches apart. Simply cut the stem two to three inches from the base of the stock. Windspeaker.com Sweet grass spreads in clumps with rhizomes. Never pick Sweetgrass by pulling the roots out of the soil. privacy policy.
The average yield of a Sweetgrass crop planted from seed will take four to five years to produce leaves for braiding. Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions about Sweetgrass that we have received at Buffalo Spirit.
Keep the soil moist, but don't over soak the roots, otherwise root rot will occur. If you have a Sweet Grass plant that is thriving, there are two ways to increase your number of plants. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5L 4S8 Sweetgrass seeds can be purchased at most garden centres across the country. It is one of the four herbs sacred to Native Americans. Your email address will not be published. This should be the yield of one growing season and should produce eight to 10 braids. 13245 - 146 Street