Under PIDC’s watch, Liberty Property Trust turned a centrally located 80-acre section of the former barracks into what’s known as the Corporate Center, a collection of contemporary buildings — some by renowned architects — comprising 800,000 square feet of office and lab space. One year after groundbreaking, in 2020, The Yards will also open its first hotel development, Thompson Hotel. Its 97 acres extend east from League Island Boulevard. The NYCRC provided a $60 million loan to the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation to assist with the redevelopment of the government-owned, 300-acre Brooklyn Navy Yard (“Navy Yard”), New York City’s largest industrial park and one of the most successful urban manufacturing districts in the country. A share of net income from the project will also be allocated toward a charitable foundation to create educational and work opportunities for young Philadelphians, PIDC said. The numbers speak volumes. But what really sets the Navy Yard apart from typical office/industrial parks is a sense of place unlike that to be found anywhere else in its region. Developer Bart Blatstein’s plan for Wawa gas station on Delaware River waterfront has been rejected, Owner of Society Hill mansion wants to replace palatial 20-year-old home with 15-story hotel, Historic Engine 29 firehouse sale approved by city agency for apartment project. Over the past 40 years, Ensemble has successfully invested and developed over $2 billion in real estate across the United States, offering state-of-the-art property solutions in the healthcare, hospitality, commercial, and urban multi-family and mixed-use sectors. After detailed review and evaluation of the proposals and virtual team interviews with an Advisory Panel, PIDC selected the Ensemble/Mosaic co-development team. The Navy Yard is considered the most successful redevelopment of a former military facility in the country and today is a growing community where companies and their employees thrive. “We are eager to apply our development model and expertise to bring unique perspective and solutions to the development team and create opportunities for disenfranchised businesses and communities.”, © 2020 The Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC Terms of Use/Privacy Policy. PIDC describes the tract in its solicitation as “largely a blank canvas for redevelopment,” calling on developers to clear the site of existing obsolete structures there before starting construction. The Navy Yard is considered the most successful redevelopment of a former military facility in the country and today is a growing community where companies and their employees thrive. “The style there is a little edgy and cool,” Jerry Roller, principal of Philadelphia’s JKRP Architects, told ULI. One pair sips their draft beers as they look over paperwork. “The exciting new partnership with Ensemble/Mosaic will not only build on this track record but will also bring new ideas and energy to the Navy Yard while ensuring that equity and inclusion are at the forefront.”. The tract does not include the historic Mustin Field Seaplane Hangar building, which sits outside the PIDC’s section of the Navy Yard. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. © 2020. “The long-term commitments and investments made by employers, developers, partners, and the U.S. Navy through the years has reestablished the Navy Yard as a major employment center in Philadelphia and as an exciting place to work,” said Kate McNamara, PIDC Senior Vice President, Navy Yard.