Here is Patch's guide to the 2020 presidential election. 492 of the 2020 Legislative Session) Expansion of Commercial Gaming - Sportsand Event Wagering. ", (Amending Article II Section 17 and Article III Sections 14 and 52 of the MarylandConstitution). The remaining propositions would alter county laws, if adopted. Click here to view the livestream of the Mail-In Ballot canvass or the Board of Canvassers Ballot Review Meeting. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD — The general election is quickly approaching, and it will look a little different this year. From the Maryland Board of Elections information about absentee voting: Absentee ballots are typically mailed or available for download about 3 weeks before an election. Masks will be required. The voter registration deadline is October 12, 2020 at 11:59PM ET. Their ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 3. Anne Arundel County will vote on more than just the presidency. These entities work together to serve our Citizen's needs. They will also elect congressional representatives, school board members and judges. The board's email is The Anne Arundel County Board of Elections is available at (410) 222-6600. After this November’s critical elections, anyone will be able to look up your voting history, and see whether you chose to make your voice heard. Residents can vote for or against the following motions. Their party, where applicable, is noted next to their name. If there is no record of your absentee request, submit another request. Question D (Charter Amendment to Centralized Purchasing - Competitive Bidding): "To amend the Anne Arundel County Charter to permit the County Council to increase theminimum value of purchases and contractsrequiring full competitive bidding to an amountnot less than $25,000 and not greater than$100,000.". Question F (Charter Amendment to the Executive Branch - Expanding the Limitation on the Term of Temporary Appointees): "To amend the Anne Arundel County Charter to expand the initial term for an acting ChiefAdministrative Officer or acting head of anyoffice or department from sixty days to onehundred twenty days, and to allow the CountyCouncil to extend that term by up to twoadditional six month periods instead of thecurrent four months.". In the June primary election, ballots were automatically mailed to every voter in Maryland, but in the November general election, they will not be. Each candidate's name is linked to their campaign website. Residents must register to vote before Oct. 13. The Maryland State Board of Elections is reachable by phone at (410) 269-2840 and (800) 222-8683. In order to receive an absentee ballot in this election, you must apply for one. While every voter will have the same names on their presidential ballot, their specific address determines the other races they see. Authority: Republican State Central Committee of Anne Arundel County, Robin Bissett, Treasurer. Question 2 (Commercial Gaming Expansion Referendum): "Do you approve the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland to authorizesports and events betting for the primarypurpose of raising revenue for education? Everything you need to be a voter – right here. ANNE ARUNDEL, MD — Board of Education candidates, judges and referendums were all on the ballot in the Anne Arundel County election. Unlike the Senate, each Marylander only has one delegate in the United States House of Representatives. The mail-in ballots from the 2020 Presidential General Election returned to the Anne Arundel County Board of ELection are being canvassed. They will be open between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. View the 7 early Voting Sites and 31 Vote Centers in AACO. Voters can drop their ballot at one of 17 secured boxes starting Sept. 30. Anne Arundel County: Anne Arundel county voters have three questions to consider, one regarding the posting of zoning changes, one on contract limits, and another on reporting county employee theft to the county auditor.