It's available on the App Store and the Google Play Store. Your morning cheat sheet to get you caught up on what you need to know in tech. A new app wants to help get the word out to vote in the upcoming midterm elections — but there's one feature that could feel a little invasive. View More Demographics . Is there a way to see the voting history of a post? it is kind of neat, in the timeline for the question it will show the answer, and give you a link to the timeline for it. By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider Any other information on voter registration form (which includes SSN and DL number). Why do aircraft of the same model get progressively larger engines as they mature? By looking at your reputation changes, you can see whether you got the upvote or downvote first. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5eedd1a76d0929c6 How do I define Injective/Surjective functions in terms of sets and not the elements within them? Don’t forget to share this article. The app isn't doing anything nefarious — all that information is public record, and all Vote With Me is doing is linking that information to the names you gave it access to. As user can I see my flagged history on a question? I logged in this morning to find that one of my answers had recieved both an upvote and a downvote last night, and it got me thinking. Vote With Me is free to download and use. Write in the name of someone not on the ballot for that position, but who has residency qualifications. @Scimonster - the reason for that is because if more information were shown you might be able to work out who voted. Why doesn't the revision history of this answer say it was deleted? In this case, I'd have been able to see if it was upvoted first and someone didn't like that so downvoted it, or if it was the other way round. It's important to note that you can't see who someone voted for, only if they voted. Not to brag, but the best part of using this app was finding out that I have a pristine voting record. Any person may view the statewide voter registration database at the state records and archives office, but the person may not print, duplicate, transmit, or alter the data. The app, called Vote With Me, provides helpful information about the elections taking place in your district, lets you know whether a race is tight, and shows you how to prepare for Election Day. Vote as if the future of the country depends on it…because it does. So if you're feeling nosy — or just nobly want to get out the word about voting — here's how to use Vote With Me: Vote With Me will provide all the pertinent information about the House, Senate, and governor's races in your state and district, including who's running and whether the race is expected to be close. Sign up to 10 Things in Tech You Need to Know Today. do the number of votes change at: the beginning of … Political Research Tool. Going forward, pick an election for which your vote is unlikely to matter. For one post there, the order is UD, while the other is DU. Explore this article. e.g: Did I witness an engine test for a 757 at MAN? It’s a matter of contacting the Clerk of Court for the district where the person votes. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. This doesn't show the full order of votes because adding timing information would make it possible for people to work out who voted for their question. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access.