Seemed like the bad would come a long and be cool with it… Aka the gang bangers and thugs….. Never resting, “seeking whom he can devour…”. Don’t look.” But after i heard the door close, i looked up. Mind you, I am no expert, this is just what I have heard. When he left the building, i thought, “He’s going to leave the room, turn around in the entry way, and make the door disappear. But that was the only time, that I looked into these mens eyes and saw evil. Jude, I have a personal experience re: how well-disguised evil can be. I was completely frozen in place and utterly terrified. He slowly moves his cup side to side it make an eerie jingle and we said no waving him off. Not a spot-on match, I know, but still… Coincidence? I don’t pretend to be mysterious. I was frightened by him, for no known reason. One of them heeded my advice and stopped goofing around. I know as humans we are the centers of our own universe’s and believe that we are most important and that what we say is truly implortant ( to ourselves anyway) while to others it looks like complete nonsense or ignorance. Furthermore, as human beings tend to have a motive for almost everything we do, conscious or not, to achieve a goal (subconsciously learning to do things so we didn’t get smacked in the head as a child or to accomplish a certain goal, achievement, or acknowledgement from our peers), I think it would be really difficult to classify anything remotely human as good or evil. So, there we have it: I’m not psychic! i knew something was off the moment i met him. All this was witnessed by his friend. Two evenings later in our hotel room I took record of our expenditure. I think the reason is due to This happened several years ago. It was an interesting sensation, that if not for prayer and the subsequent intervention of Jesus Christ, I may have perished. Our “Pig” documentary now in post-production. He smiled at me and they both said thank you very much. So hear me out when I say, I can see it in her eyes I had problems last year finding “Vanish’ at the Books-A-Million in Greenville, SC! He was the same as always — warm and funny and charming. I don’t remember whether we hopped into the next cart or a different one a few carts ahead but I do remember that ride. Not sure if this is “evil”, or what….. Twice now, i’ve been in a room with a glass door. :'(. He teaches how the energies enter a person, he teaches the whole nine yards! We began to sleep in the car… I was a wimp and just loved being with a friend to chit chat with… I remember we would end up falling asleep staring into one another’s faces…. okay my story is completely true i know what i saw. Even when I dress respectful. Nothing in his post showed that, just got a really scared feeling. Slowly he stood, trancelike. We couldn’t think clearly…. I have to say, it was well worth the wait! Earlier today, My girlfriend and I, as well as her dog,were driving around when we came to a red light. I remember locking myself in a room and praying. Then, whenever we talk we say, “only 89 days to go!” or whatever. Religious people make my partner leave me, they have tried to tear me down but few with a open mind and i do thank them for being so kind…. As he looked into her eyes, he felt a sudden, soul-shattering chill. Mind you for this whole year we lived in his car. None of us were breathing I swear seemed like 10 minutes or even hours…. This guy looked just like the Tooth Fairy in that. I ended up seeing it for myself. I still have nightmares. I turned bad breaking law to have the big boys at my side to stop this cruelty and it worked.. Lol I’m only 5-4 and anyone that comes my wanting to fight me backs away. I still think about it years later. I hope so. Feel free to msg me and I do not want anyone ignorant talking to me.. lol for some reason it sets me a bad mood.. In my case it was in Salt Lake City, and it was a coworker that is in the same agency in the fed as I am, and we shook hands to say goodbye at the end of the class, and his eyes went black for an instant, but I did not look at him for any length of time. But I could see them and hear them not as you see a physical object in this dimension and not as you hear in this physical dimension. Before I go any further, I believe there are many looks, glares or stares. It was as if she saw into my soul and her evil penetrated it. Perhaps it is because there are so many evil and dangerous people in my family. I just joined this site to tell everyone the truth. Finished it late last night. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I went to shambalah music festival in salmo, british columbia. I have seen some horrid things. Maybe it’s more like SOMETIMES people just know things. (There are still a couple I have not read.) Black magic comes with a price. During the transaction I was focusing my attention on the young man smiling and chatting getting their drinks. I AM REALLY ENJOYING JANE RIZZOLI’S WIT AND PERSONALITY. She was playing possum all the time. The cemetery is literally out in the boondocks…farmland all around and the nearest house maybe a 1/2 mile away or so. It wasn’t much but I wrapped it tight in my hand. She started to get more upset than I’ve ever seen or felt from her before, she was in turn causing me to start to feel the same. I enchanted others. The psychiatrists thought it was madness. After that day, very unusual things started happening to me and my whole life (at that stage) fell apart. LOL I was at the drive-up window to pick-up my order. The point is many people have thoughts and there is nothing wrong with a thought as long as it ultimately stays, just a thought. Since it has happened once chances are it will happen again as the man is now pretty much a target for negative entities’ entertainment. I even had an experience where I was unusually worried about my sister one day so I called her to ask if she was ok. I would describe it more as total hatred and contempt for the fact that I am breathing. Spooky. I met such a force once. I instantly turned and ran the few steps to the door. When in college in the late 70’s, I attended a speech by Vincent Bugliosi – the prosecutor who put Charles Manson and “family” in prison. The next day, he had no recollection of this incident. Well ither boys at the age of 13 were already enjoying life I was afraid to get my first kiss because I was worried what God would think and till this day i have this feeling of urgency to help out humanity and even though I don’t make much money I like to use it to help others. None of this are evil, at least what I think is evil. Somehow the negative entities discovered that the man could see them if they appeared. I hear you about the therapist’s couch. You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. I suck at it.. My english grades was 1 mark past the passing point.. Bwaahahahahahaha. But I know wat I see. BTW: I just got your book, haven’t started it yet but plan to read it over the weekend. I was at one the stages walking around with my buddies checkin things out. Maybe we need to start a “Countdown Club!” My friends and I start the day the TG publication date is announced, months before. This was the first time we locked eyes… It felt good. They tried to force their way in but they can’t get in unless you let them in. There was no argument – we continued as nothing had happened. That power is the black legion you see staring back at you through that person’s eyes. For a few seconds it wasnt his face looking back at me, his features had changed, he looked malicious with bright yet dead eyes, it stopped me dead in my tracks. I saw the demon before it jumped out. Your title reminds me of a book that I read in the 8th grade called “The Mephisto Waltz” by Fred Mustard Stewart. When our eyes met, her eyes turned bright like the sun emitting its own light.