It was not an "easy" hike but it was fun. We will definitely be doing this one again! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You are going to be able to find single track running if that's what you're looking for or you could run on the bigger wider path. 0.5 mi 0.9 km #1 336. Running groups offer friendships, training partners, and so much more. In the beginning it did seem pretty crowded, however there are many splits in the trail so once we got farther into the hike we barely saw anyone. There are many different trails and this app helped keep us on track. ( Log Out / In high school, especially in the summer, my teammates and I used to drive across the bridge and do our Sunday Long Runs there. We went as a family to this trail. Trails in Green Valley - 7. The Top 5 Spots for Paddling near Philadelphia, Exploring Philly's Hidden Trails on Belmont Plateau, Paddling on the Schuylkill River with Standup Philly, A Kayaking and Camping Adventure on the Delaware River. Great hike to get you back in the groove. Another big bonus about these series of trails is that is is only 7 miles away from downtown Philadelphia. ... Areas Within Green Valley. Length 2.2 mi Elevation gain 364 ft Route type Loop Looks like a great place to run! Gorgeous views at the top of the incline and the cows on the trail are docile and curious. Evntually stumbling across a small pond and then a nice lake filled with an abundance of wildlife. Another great morning hiking in this beautiful park. The cows graze land; so be mindful since they’re not behind a fence. ... Share what you know about this area with the community. We could see how at some point it had been much fuller. Not many runners know about the Valley Green running path, also known more broadly as the Wissahickon Trails or Forbidden Drive, but this spot is a fantastic running locale where you can get in a great run on a variety of running surfaces. It isn't a challenging run but its has its moments. It starts with a slight clime up. It is definitely dog friendly, dogs $1, and $3 per person and you keep the ticket with you on your hike. One of my favorite local spots. Add Your Trails. Valley Green is the ideal place for a run in the woods with some historic scenery. This is a fairly easy hike within the city of Philadelphia exploring some of the quieter parts of the Wissahickon Gorge, its meadows, along with historic Valley Green. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Valley Green goes by a few names – Forbidden Drive (named so in the 1920s because cars were forbidden to use the trail), Wissahickon Trail – and so I’m sure people are confused as to where or what us runners are actually talking about. Hike was easy enough. The trail is good for most... it can be a tad steep in some places, so wear proper footwear. 13.1 Running Questions for Coach Marc – TrainwithMarc, Amazon Prime Day 2020: Gifts for Distance Runners. 40.077255, West Desert Trails. Lofty vistas make hiking up a ridge worth the effort. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. It isn't a challenging run but its has its moments. plus green Valley trail is not named the same as on the trailheads but followed the map tool on the app and found our way. This historic area of Philadelphia is under used and these trails will allow you to explore this in a new way. One of Philly’s … Most of us know by now that running with people is so much better than solo. We’d go anywhere from 8 to 12 miles, mostly on the flats, but occasionally we’d go up some of the side roads and crank out some hill sprints. You can stay on this short trail or you can go exploring as their are other trails in the same park you can go out that mingle in with this specific trail.