Peppers," to "Abbey Road.". Driving to Lick Observatory Safety Jessica Lu Measurements Body Measurements: 32-24-34 US Shoes Size: 8 (US) E: We don't put up a paywall â we believe in free access to information of public interest. “When I joined Andrea’s group, the suspicion that there was a supermassive black hole (at the center of the galaxy) was very strong, and there was some observational evidence,” she added. Volunteer amateur astronomers also set up ground telescopes in the back parking so guests can view additional cosmic objects. Leben und Karriere. Janie Chen/Staff . For the moment, Nobel laureate George Smoot advised, Genzel should “relax. Prof. Lu helps develop astronomical instruments that deliver sharp views of the sky using adaptive optics systems on large ground-based telescopes. Tickets are available for the general public starting Wednesday, April 17th at noon. ���d?2��W����h&�P����ɓ��[���x���Jh��� �OO� ��0k����W%�Q�\�u��H�)�{7�W�J�{ �N��m�TR��J�Γ��!��I~����ݎ�q��4��"cc��Ơ�SQь��4r�, Assistance A sweater or light coat is recommended. Genzel, a Berkeley professor emeritus of physics and astronomy, as well as director of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany, credited the late Berkeley Nobel laureate Charles Townes for initiating the studies that led to the discovery. UC Berkeley’s Reinhard Genzel, an emeritus physics professor, talks on the phone Tuesday, Oct. 6, after learning he had won the Nobel Prize for Physics for proving that a black hole lurks at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy. 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Due to the historic construction of the telescope domes and safety concerns, the 36-inch Great Refractor Telescope and the 40-inch Nickel Telescope are not wheelchair accessible at this time. Townes, who died in 2015, and Genzel collaborated on some of the first observations of the galactic center, later shown by Genzel and Nobel co-winner Andrea Ghez to host a supermassive black hole. These black hole studies require very high resolution images of the Universe at infrared wavelengths. Jessica Lu received her undergraduate degree in physics from the MIT in 2000. 2016-current UC Berkeley Astronomy Climate Advisory Committee 2016-current UC Berkeley Astronomy Grad Admissions Committee 2016-current UC Berkeley Astronomy Miller Fellow Selection Committee 2016 Keck Science Meeting SOC 2016 SPIE AO SOC 2015 AO4ELT4 SOC 2015 TMT Forum SOC 2015 Galactic Center Group Workshop organizer We fought to prove every alternative scenario wrong, and showed that the stars had to be orbiting a supermassive black hole. #Berkeley, Copyright © 2020 UC Regents; all rights reserved. Ticket includes private group tour of the Shane Telescope before the concert, catered buffet dinner in our historic Dining Hall, front center concert seating, astronomy lecture, priority viewing through the 36-inch Great Refractor, priority viewing through the 40-inch Nickel Telescope, souvenir wine glass or mug and 20% Discount at our gift shop. Dr. Lu is an Assistant Professor of Astronomy at UC, Berkeley. If you attend an event make sure to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter! “And he, in fact, did these fantastic, pioneering experiments. Visit the White Album Ensemble website for more information. We found that stars can be born in their immediate vicinity, right around the black hole, even though it is an extreme environment and there are strong tidal forces.”, Reinhard Genzel, seen via Zoom, participating in a virtual press conference today in Germany. Telescopes Tickets are available for FoLO members starting Wednesday, April 10th at noon. Ghez’s team welcomed the competition, as well, said Jessica Lu, a UC Berkeley associate professor of astronomy who has been part of Ghez’s team studying the galactic center since her days as a UCLA graduate student in 2003. While continuing their studies, Genzel and Ghez are also passing the torch to younger scientists, like Lu, who in the future will have even larger telescopes — three 30-meter-class telescopes are currently being built — to observe the galactic center. %���� /Filter /FlateDecode “That spirit of competition really led us all to be better,” she said. “Charlie Townes’ dream was to do this experiment we have done, already in the 1970s,” he said. Yet, Genzel said, the technology was not up to it then. (Photo by Stefan Gillessen via the Nobel Committee), “I was very pleased that I got mails from all four of Townes’ daughters,” he said. The improved observational techniques developed by the competing teams now allow them to test Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity to extreme precision, studying, in particular, one star Ghez found – S2, also called S02 – that orbits the central black hole every 16 years at extreme velocities. Ticket includes concert seating, astronomy lecture, view through the Great Refractor telescope, view through the Nickel Telescope and souvenir wine glass or mug. She is best known for her depiction of Ming Huang on the MTV TV arrangement Awkward. 2020, UCB) -> U Virginia grad student, Siyao Jia (PhD 2020, UCB) -> Google (data scientist), Paolo Turri (UCB postdoc) -> U Victoria postdoc, Max Service (PhD 2019, IfA) -> Gemini AO postdoc, Nijaid Arredondo (B.S. The Beatles stopped touring in 1966, and began a recording career that yielded the "classics of our time" from "Rubber Soul," to "Sgt. Those who have difficulty navigating stairs may also find the telescopes inaccessible. Nevertheless, Genzel’s voice was patched in to a group of some 175 colleagues and students eager to hear from the newest UC Berkeley Nobel laureate and to learn about the steps along the way to his discovery and that of co-winner Andrea Ghez of UCLA: A black hole sits at the center of our galaxy. It was initially very much of an advantage.”. All rights reserved. Her group also studies how star formation changes in extreme environments such as in massive young clusters and the Galactic Center. Telescopes will remain open until every guest has had an opportunity to see through both the 36-inch Great Refractor and the 40-inch Nickel Telescope. “I very much appreciated the competition,” Genzel said. Go Kamala and Joe! “That is very important to me, because they appreciate where it all comes from. “It opened the window to new and interesting insights about our own galactic center and galactic centers across the universe. Dr. Lu is an Assistant Professor of Astronomy at UC, Berkeley. The band plans to use keyboards and guitars, but no bass or drums so the sound can be contained. We strive to make your visit as complete and meaningful as possible. 2016-current UC Berkeley Astronomy Climate Advisory Committee 2016-current UC Berkeley Astronomy Grad Admissions Committee 2016-current UC Berkeley Astronomy Miller Fellow Selection Committee 2016 Keck Science Meeting SOC 2016 SPIE AO SOC 2015 AO4ELT4 SOC 2015 TMT Forum SOC 2015 Galactic Center Group Workshop organizer (Photo courtesy of the Max Planck Institute). Angela Cheng, Blake Dreschler, Carissa Lewis, Eden McEwen, Sam Rose, Ruoyi Yin, Ningyuan Xu, Caylan Anderson, Kingsley Ehrich, Ryota Inagaki, Natasha Abrams, Cecily Lowe, Jesus Martinez Martinez, Prakamya Agrawal (B.S. Hopefully soon, you will go home to rest, because I know how hard it is for the first few weeks.