Submachine Guns New Frontier Armory AR-15 Dedicated 9MM. Madani reçoit un avertissement. Frank Castle, John Pilgrim, and Billy Russo a.k.a. franck De plus, je ne comprends pas pourquoi avoir tué Russo de cette manière alors qu'un combat à mort entre les deux aurait était une fin culte et bouleversante pour le personnage, le Punisher qui ... Alors qu'il traverse le Michigan, Frank s'arrête boire une bière dans un bar en bord de route, mais éviter les problèmes n'a jamais été son fort. Itâs about what he sees when he looks in the mirror as opposed to what others see.â. Je pense qu’il est magnifique, j’admire aussi beaucoup O’Brien. grandit avec de multiple… Despite his memory problems, Russoâs conflict with Frank from Season 1 will factor into the formerâs actions in Season 2. Frank and Billyâs Season 1 finale fight has had more than just physical repercussions on the latter, and his comics moniker, Jigsaw, can be used to describe more than just his cut-up face. Punisher Season 2's Jigsaw Reveal Is A Hilarious Letdown When The Punisher destroyed his enemy's face, fans knew that the hideous Jigsaw would return. CGU | Une suite décevante par la puissante claque de la saison 1 Billy manages to make it to a back-alley doctor, whom he orders at gunpoint to remove the remaining bullets and stitch him up. De son côté, Russo retrouve une vieille connaissance. I think that’s a vulnerable, fearful position to be in,” says Barnes. Madani fait face à une impasse en tentant d'identifier Pilgrim. He’s not just a villainous foil for Castle who simply wants revenge for what he did to his face. She has experience working with veterans and those with PTSD, and sheâs using her âspecific techniques and some insightsâ to help him, she said to Collider. As Mahoney predicts, Madani did effectively kill Billy during the fight - he just didn't know he was dead yet. En raison de cette forte demande explicite, Netflix n’a pas perdu de temps supplémentaire et a annoncé The Punisher Saison 2. However, Frank is able to bluff his way out of the situation when John Pilgrim arrives with Amy, claiming that David is inside the trailer with C4 strapped to him. He’s another patient with his own trauma and she’s helping him to sort out the puzzle pieces.”, read more: Complete Guide to Marvel Easter Eggs in The Punisher Season 2. Bien filmé, une ambiance générale soignée, des scenes d'action/combat assez jublatoires The Punisher Season 2 takes a decidedly different approach to the iconic Marvel villain, Jigsaw. Over the course of the season many players are drawn into the conflict, including Homeland Security's Special Agent in Charge Dinah Madani (Amber Rose Revah), Frank's fellow veteran Curtis Hoyle (Jason R. Moore), psychiatrist Krista Dumont (Floriana Lima), and NYPD detective Brett Mahoney (Royce Johnson). The first time you see him, he’s not raging or breaking something. pour une scene d'action par épisode c'est 30min de blabla forcé, naïf, niai souvent déplacés MARVEL'S THE PUNISHER Season 2 also features Ben Barnes (Billy Russo), Amber Rose Revah (Dinah Madani), Jason R. Moore (Curtis), Josh Stewart (John … BillyRusso, better known as Jigsaw, is a vicious criminal mastermind from the Marvel universe. Most of what she admits had to do with the character’s penchant for being “very put together” and “calculated.” As veiled in secrecy as much of this is, however, the actress stresses that “there’s a reason” for it all. read more: The Punisher Season 2 Ending Explained, “Krista is Billy’s psychotherapist,” she says.