Attenzione. Assoldato da un potente riccone, Joe Kidd gli dà la caccia, ma poi si schiera dalla sua parte. If you watch closely you can tell that he is changing pans out of sight of the camera. Just before Mingo is shot by Joe Kidd with the sniper rifle, Mingo's glove is shown already covered with blood, holding his own rifle.

recensione. Two have disappeared. In the next shot her head is turned to the left as she looks back to Kidd. Joe Kidd (1972) Movie - Clint Eastwood, Robert Duvall & John Saxon Judge: Do you know it's against the law to hunt on Reservation land? This would have caused the bullet to drop and would have missed him by feet. Besides the geology being wrong, the vegetation is clearly not the type that would be found in New Mexico.

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Although the film takes place in the early 1900's the dress of many of the characters reflects a later time. When Harlan's gang returns to Sinola, Roy tells the desk clerk at the hotel that there are eleven of them.

When Mingo begins to fall off the rock after Joe Kidd shoots him, he is obviously throwing himself into the roll. When he lowers it, it looks to be about 3/4 full, but when it smashes the guy in the head, about a cup of water comes out. . In between Monero and Dulce (which is on the reservation) is a very small town, Lumberton. | In between Monero and Dulce (which is on the reservation) is a very small town, Lumberton. Iscriviti a Facebook per connetterti con Joe Kidd e altre persone che potresti conoscere. However, in the gunfight, we see the deaths of seven (including Harlan) and the surrender of two more. After that, all long shots show dark black smoke, whilst shots from inside the train show no smoke coming out at all. Un documentario da non perdere di Francesco Lagi, Buongiorno Nolan: il regista ragiona sui risultati di Tenet in sala e le loro ricadute sull'industria, Gordon & Paddy e il mistero delle nocciole, Hotel Transylvania 3 - Una vacanza mostruosa, La ruota del Khadi: l'ordito e la trama dell'India, We Are The Thousand - L’incredibile storia di Rockin’1000. The Feast of St. James occurs on July 25. Connections

Starring: Clint Eastwood, Don Stroud, John Saxon, Robert Duvall, Factual error: When the posse arrives at the mission, a horizontal jet stream can be seen during this scene. Le riprese del film si sono svolte in USA. | Roger Greenspun of The New York Times wrote, "For perhaps its first half-hour, John Sturges's new When the shootout begins in the village, one of the bad guys is shot in a doorway, and when he flies backwards into the room, the "brick" wall he lands against gives and then wobbles and shakes like rubber or cardboard. Other mistake: In the scene where Kidd is in the watchtower getting ready to smash the guy in the head with the water jug. I take you along for cold nights and days when there is nothing to do. After the hit you can see the pan has no dent in it. recensione. When he shoots down Luis Chama's men, he is clearly beyond the accurate range of such a weapon. Crazy Credits

Sulla storia c'è poco da dire, uguale com'è a mille altre, con il solito vendicatore degli oppressi disposto a rinunciare ai quattrini per amore della libertà. The biggest mistakes you never noticed in Joe Kidd (1972). Judge: Do you know it's against the law to hunt on Reservation land?Joe Kidd: Well the deer didn't know where he was, and I wasn't sure either. South of what's left of Monero is not on the reservation; in fact, Monero is east of the reservation. Joe Kidd è su Facebook. When he raises it again, it has a large dent in the bottom. You can unsubscribe at any time. Mr. Harlan organizza allora una spedizione raccogliendo attorno a sé altri feroci proprietari o sicari. Soundtracks. To know when people like your submissions, answer your questions, reply to you, etc., please. Frank Harlan (Robert Duvall) states he owns 935 sections of land, which he says is almost 600,000 acres. Un film Saguaro cactus can be found only in Arizona, which is where those scenes were actually filmed (at Old Tucson). . The biggest mistakes in the Harry Potter movies, 25 mistakes you never noticed in great movies, The 20 biggest mistakes in The Wizard of Oz, 40 biggest mistakes in The Big Bang Theory.

Right-hand rifles make up 99.9% of the Savage 99s made, but they DID make left-hand ejection port rifles, though they are rare. South of what's left of Monero is not on the reservation; in fact, Monero is east of the reservation. When Joe Kidd gets the drop on Luis Chama near the rural village and orders Chama's ruthless, cutthroat gang to ride with them to the Sinola jail, the gang members miss innumerable opportunities en route to shoot Kidd in the back and set Chama free. Revealing mistake: When Clint Eastwood is shooting his 1896 Muster Machine pistol, with the long barrel, even though he fires numerous shots the hammer remains fully cocked and does not move. Frank Harlan's custom Savage 99 is a left-handed version, but Robert Duvall is right-handed and carries the rifle right-handed throughout the film. "Western classico dell'ottimo veterano John Sturges, uno che sa delineare assai bene i caratteri, oltre che far suonare impeccabilmente le Colt. The biggest mistakes you never noticed in Joe Kidd (1972). 1972, Check out the mistake & trivia books, on Kindle and in paperback. | It isn't. Not to hear you talk. Valutazione: 3,00 Stelle, sulla base di 1 Joe Kidd was released in the United States in July 1972, and it eventually grossed $5.8 million. The character of Joe Kidd says that he shot a buck mule deer "over south of Monero," and Mitchell says that's on the Jicarilla reservation. Joe Kidd (Clint Eastwood) is a former bounty hunter and all-around tough-guy in the American southwest. Tra i messicani e gli stranieri che arrivano dal nord si svolge una lotta furibonda per il possesso di vasti appezzamenti di terreno. All rights reserved. Su MYmovies il Dizionario completo dei film di Laura, Luisa e Morando Morandini, Su questo sito utilizziamo cookie tecnici e, previo tuo consenso, cookie di profilazione per proporti pubblicità in linea con le tue preferenze. There is no other way. durata 88 minuti. Savage 99 rifles are lever action, but have directional ejection ports. Elma turns her head to the right to look at him. Nel corso della reazione di Harlan e dei suoi, Joe e Chama combattono a fianco a fianco, provocando la morte del prepotente e di altri feroci cacciatori d'uomini.

distribuito da Universal Pictures. The wanted posted for Chama is dated March 23, 1902. All other shots are right-handed. South of what's left of Monero is not on the reservation; in fact, Monero is east of the reservation.