Pour moi, c’est l’essence même du personnage. Kylie Jenner : plus de 100 millions d’euros dépensés en un an ! Reese Witherspoon reprendra-t-elle son rôle? They morphed, in a way, from being natural birds to be the actress Kathryn Hunter. As for how this new Macbeth will differ from previous adaptations, McDormand said: “We’re calling it The Tragedy of Macbeth, which I think is an important distinction. Production on Macbeth is on hold for the moment – because of the apocalypse and all – but during a fundraising effort on Instagram, Coen and McDormand dropped some info on the film, and really played up how this is going to be a bit different from Macbeth adaptations in the past. Macbeth est un film réalisé par Joel Coen avec Denzel Washington, Frances McDormand. [2] Both were confirmed in January 2020, along with the addition of Moses Ingram, Harry Melling and Ralph Ineson to the cast. As a fan of Coen’s work in general, I’m dying to see what he – and Washington and McDormand – have here. I think that it is her personal tragedy that fuels her ambition to give her husband the crown because she has not been able to give him an heir. That’s exciting enough on its own, but it gets better. Joel Coen se retire de lui-même pour faire La tragédie de Macbeth, une nouvelle version du classique de Shakespeare avec Denzel Washington et Frances Beyond that, I’m incredibly pumped about this. That was one of the most fascinating and I think interesting and fulfilling parts of the production for both Fran and I on how that was going to work in the movie. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'betanews_fr-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',127,'0','0'])); Ailleurs dans l’interview, Coen raconte comment il voit son Macbeth comme un thriller. », Au-delà de cela, Coen a confirmé qu’il conservait la majeure partie du langage de Shakespear, ajoutant: «La seule chose que j’ai faite, comme cela est courant dans ces adaptations, certaines plus ou moins, il y a une certaine quantité d’édition. I just hope we haven’t seen the last of a Coen Brothers as a filmmaking duo. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/the-coen-brothers-split-183019672.html Adaptation, Denzel-Washington, Frances-McDormand, Joel-Coen, Macbeth, Mandalorian Spoiler Discussion: Season 2 Episode 2 “The Passenger”, See How a Shot from Pixar’s ‘Soul’ Evolves from Storyboard to the Final Animation, Ming Na-Wen Reveals How Her Cameo in the ‘Mulan’ Happened, As the Animated Classic Gets First 4K UHD Release [Interview], The Best Scene in ‘Insidious: Chapter 3’ Shows How Scares Can Serve a Story, ‘Mank’ Review: David Fincher Creates a Gorgeous, Old School Hollywood Drama About Movies, Politics, and the Messy Art of Burning Bridges, ‘The Mandalorian’ Goes on a Wild, Funny and Icky Side Quest With “The Passenger”, Copyright © 2005-2019 /Film. I think the most important distinction is that it is their last chance for glory.”, On that same note, she added: “Something that’s very important to me is that they are an older couple and it’s very important for my performance that they are a childless couple, but that there have been many pregnancies and perhaps child born that have died either in stillbirth or very young. J’ai pensé qu’il serait intéressant d’apporter certains aspects de cela à la production du film. », Sur cette même note, elle a ajouté: «Ce qui est très important pour moi, c’est qu’ils sont un couple plus âgé et il est très important pour ma performance qu’ils soient un couple sans enfant, mais qu’il y a eu de nombreuses grossesses et peut-être des enfants nés qui sont décédés soit à la mortinaissance, soit très jeune. Joel Coen is striking out on his own to make The Tragedy of Macbeth, a new take on the Shakespeare classic starring Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand.Production on Macbeth is … Ceci est un «escalier vers le paradis» interdit – . We don’t know yet what Coen’s take on the material will be. For me, that is the essence of the character.”, The childless angle was actually also played up a bit in the 2015 Macbeth via a prologue that saw the Macbeths with the body of their dead son. Web design by Pro Blog Design. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'betanews_fr-box-3','ezslot_1',140,'0','0'])); Joel Coen se retire de lui-même pour faire La tragédie de Macbeth, une nouvelle version du classique de Shakespeare avec Denzel Washington et Frances McDormand. [9], It was announced on March 26, 2020, that filming had been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Affiliate links used when available. It was announced in March 2019 that Joel Coen, in a rare solo effort, was to write and direct a new take on the William Shakespeare play. Le film de Joel Coen sera distribué par la société A24 Films, à qui l’on doit Ex Machina d’Alex Garland, Hérédité et Midsommar d’Ari Aster, 90’s de Jonah Hill, A Ghost Story de David Lowery et bientôt The Lighthouse de Robert Eggers (sortie le 18 décembre). Logo Concept by: Illumination Ink. Avec un tel CV, quasiment 100% british, l’acteur, plutôt habitué aux seconds rôles, pourrait bientôt camper un personnage d’envergure : le roi d’Écosse Duncan Ier. So that’s something that Shakespeare is obviously doing in Macbeth that you see echoes of in crime fiction, in American anyway, in the early part of the 20th century. Dans l’adaptation de Joel, nous explorons l’âge des personnages et notre adaptation les Macbeths sont plus anciennes. The Rookie Saison 3: date de sortie, bande-annonce, distribution, détail du complot, Les deux seules photos illégales prises à l’intérieur de la Cour suprême des États-Unis en session, 1932-1937. Il y en a eu plusieurs Macbeth films. L’Irlandais Brendan Gleeson a été successivement le héros de la révolution irlandaise, Liam Tobin, dans Michael Collins de Neil Jordan (1997) ; roi de Ménélas dans Troie de Wolfgang Petersen (2004) ; le sorcier Fol’Oeil dans la saga Harry Potter ; Winston Churchill dans Into the storm de Thaddeus O’Sullivan (pas sorti en salles) et bientôt Donald Trump dans la mini-série A Higher Loyalty, bientôt diffusée sur CBS. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see the results sooner rather than later. Movies. Now, Joel Coen – who is making a film without his brother Ethan for the first time ever – is taking on the tale with Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand. Regarding why he chose to adapt Macbeth, Coen revealed that McDormand asked him to direct a stage production of the play a few years ago, but Coen turned it down because he’s not a stage director. Comme l’a ajouté McDormand, le fait d’être sans enfant «exerce une pression temporelle très spécifique sur les personnages». [3][4], Filming began in Los Angeles on February 7, 2020. EA va réorganiser son service d’abonnement et l’application Origin, Principaux conseils pour choisir la meilleure platine vinyle pour vos besoins, Un joueur d’Ezreal armé du buff de Liandry et du dragon aîné atterrit complètement fou pour un meurtre en quadra, Sex Education Saison 3: Date de sortie, distribution et vérifier toutes les mises à jour. Joel Coen is striking out on his own to make The Tragedy of Macbeth, a new take on the Shakespeare classic starring Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand. But I would say the movie is about 85% of the language in the play. Plus les mises à jour de suite, La co-star de Tom Cruise, The Mummy, se pose toujours des questions sur le film raté, Les commentateurs déconcertés par la décision décisive du capitaine du Bunker dans la victoire des Dragons sur Parramatta Eels, La demande de voitures blanches augmente – Blog automobile, Les politiques boiteuses d’Apple sur l’App Store expliquent pourquoi xCloud n’est pas disponible sur iOS. Variety, in turn, confirms this will be Joel’s first feature without Ethan. )qualifier Macbeth de thriller me surprend pas, de plus les Coen ont toujours eu comme thème de prédilection la fuite et l'échappée d'individus de leur condition (que ce soit un mode de pensée ou une situation) donc hyper hâte de voir ça !Kathryn Hunter jouera les 3 sorcières (oui les 3)reste à voir le setting ! C’est donc quelque chose que Shakespeare fait évidemment à Macbeth dont vous voyez des échos dans la fiction policière, en tout cas en Amérique, au début du XXe siècle. Si vous ne souhaitez plus la recevoir, vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment en utilisant le lien de désinscription situé au bas de nos e-mails ou en nous écrivant un email à bonjour@troiscouleurs.fr. Denzel Washington is in talks to play Macbeth, and frequent Coen collaborator (and Joel Coen’s wife) Frances McDormand will also star as Lady Macbeth. This sounds a bit different than that, though. Posted on Thursday, March 28th, 2019 by Chris Evangelista. That kind of fiction I used to read as a kid. This will keep Washington quite busy, as he’s set to start shooting the thriller Little Things, and then direct Jordan for Jordan, starring Michael B. Jordan. McDormand, meanwhile, will provide the voice of God in the upcoming Amazon adaptation of Good Omens. Ocean's 8 sur TF1 : Matt Damon coupé au montage ! «. Their films span many genres and styles, which they frequently subvert or parody. Joel Coen, one-half of the Coen Brothers, is going solo to bring a new version of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth to the big screen. However, when he saw the production, he started “thinking about the play and it made me want to work with her on the play because I was so impressed with what she was doing with the part of Lady Macbeth, so I thought that would be an interesting thing to work together on and to do as a movie. The witches in this adaptation are birds. The Tragedy of Macbeth is an upcoming American film written and directed by Joel Coen and based on the tragedy of the same name by William Shakespeare. Recrutement | Curiously enough, Ethan Coen is not mentioned anywhere in the story, suggesting he’s not involved at all. “Which just had to do with, in crime novels, a story centered around a husband and a wife who plotted a murder. Les sorcières occupent donc également une grande place dans cette histoire. Deadline is reporting Joel Coen will direct Macbeth with Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand. Synopsis : Une nouvelle adaptation de MacBeth d'après William Shakespeare par Joel Coen (en solo). A Scottish lord becomes convinced by a trio of witches that he will become the next King of Scotland, and his ambitious wife supports him in his plans of seizing power. A24 is set to distribute The Tragedy of Macbeth, but there’s no release date set yet. Et, « Il y a un vrai suspense et un vrai chrono. ». The Coens almost always work together, and have directed all their films as a pair (although Joel was only credited until The Ladykilers. In addition to the 2015 film, the story has been adapted to screen by Orson Welles in 1948, and Roman Polanski in 1971 (Polanski’s adaptation is my personal favorite take on the material). Well, instead of three witches guiding Macbeth towards his destiny – and doom – we’re going to get three…birds?