THE LAW AND POLITICS OF THE KOSOVO ADVISORY OPINION, Michael Wood & Marko Milanovic eds., Oxford University Press, Forthcoming; GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. Whether Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence violated Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) or international law generally. For Southern Rhodesia, see: UN Doc. It needs to be noted, however, that, here, the Court did not base its argument on the jus cogens character of the violated norm (in this instance, the right of self-determination) but rather on its erga omnes nature. endobj Kosovo. 1 2020-02-19T14:29:09-08:00 Reactions to the Kosovo Advisory Opinion, $$, 1$ " % ' 1 , C, , , "BL3, Q:;<;R$$Q;FRQ::RSQGHG:<EE $EE&0<;;;=&', &$ " , S4E:<;F;M; $:H&$':;<;, S'SSSSS $:G&$':;<=, $*)*%:G&$':;<=, W " := :;<;", %'+,$) , )S<;;I;MGIM $:H&$':;<=, Q:;<;R$$Q;FRQ:=RSQGHGI=:H&$':;<= , *$%L", $ 3> 3 3 , Q:;<;R$$Q;FRQ:KRSQGHGGH:G&$':;<=, QRQ=;<=RQ::G&$':;<=, Q:;<;R$$Q;FRQ:KRSQGHGGM:G&$':;<=, >EE AEE/.>/, 1 &'3 B3 , *%%'&' D"$, &'31$', -$ , " ' & -3 & . 5 " &', ;;;;FFM: $u1AA<1L6MEE% ' E,EGF;=E$*L***$<<':;<=, $%$'$, % % 3 % )%, )" *C% *%%, $$$.+, ' $ , % , 3%*%), >EE $EE:;<;E;FE:KES%SS'S&'SS$SEuE, '$**.+, -$')%$, .+%, '7%, ' $ " % , .+$, $$% , .+ $ ', $) ' +,& $ ,$' :;;H", $ , $ &' $A" , &' % , " B , '&''%%*%3, &' " 1 '", %3 , 1'+,&/.