That's my favourite soundtrack.
American audiences are all over the Sopranos, a good series in its own right, but that is because they did not experience La Piovra.
The Carrisi business in #2 reminds me closely of 'Immobiliare' in Godfather 3; here I really appreciate the Frank Carrisi sanguine character who confronts italian politicians who try to squeeze him: 'io sono venuto qui per il business, la politica non mi frega': a less diplomatic assessment than that of Corleone's lawyer in Godfather #3, but to identical avail. its subject - map of a land created, brick by brick , as a testimony about evil illusion. to keep same force for every episode.
play of victims who believes in theirs personal victory. It articulates the content from a local perspective ( in #1) to an international one (#2), which makes it easier to follow for the viewer.
Si sente ottimamente. Estadísticas |
The series was a big success and I know a lot of people who have watched every repeat of the seasons 1-7, like myself.
I just had to re-watch the final scene (look in you tube Cattani vs Espinosa) of this masterpiece, that has a such an emotional script, it is so beautifully interpreted, and it is so realistic and actual. Desarrolladores |
Patricia Millardet Metacritic Reviews.
and testimony about a battle without end. His entire demenor is like 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer', and the true highlights is when 'he speaks through a glimpse', such as during the Cannito dispute, or upon learning about the journalist's treason. Admins, Si quieres estar permanentemente registrado, marca la opción, La.Piovra.1990.S05E05.DVDRip.XviD-TvT-srp. Since my review on PIOVRA I was very general, I decided to write reviews on separate six episodes of season one.
key - large frame of nuances.
It is also a popular movie in countries where only the government and criminals own guns, and the law-abiding citizens are not allowed to have guns, so they are fascinated with this whole intrigue and guns and shootings. and new characters. A masterful piece of work that one can play over and over. La Piovra is simply the best film about the mob.
i've seen the show (episdos 1-7 ) a couple of times and the more i watch them the more i like them more and the more i understand it. #2 - La piovra è una serie televisiva italiana andata in onda complessivamente in dieci miniserie dal 1984 al 2001. Seven in season 3.
Dedicato Al Mare Egeo (300 Limited Edition), 全体的な星の評価と星ごとの割合の内訳を計算するために、単純な平均は使用されません。その代わり、レビューの日時がどれだけ新しいかや、レビューアーがAmazonで商品を購入したかどうかなどが考慮されます。また、レビューを分析して信頼性が検証されます。, さらに、映画もTV番組も見放題。200万曲が聴き放題 #4 - I was still a kid when this showed in Portugal, so I can't say I paid much attention to the plot, all I can remember was that Cattani was always trying to protect his family from the mob.
The hero Corrado is is a Robin Hood type of government employee who things he should go and fix the world, and therefore since he's constantly under so much pressures, he ends up fornicating with every attractive or half-attractive female he meets, to kind of let off steam, to ease the pressure of his god-like job.
Commissario Corrado Cattani is stuck in my memory for ever, as the symbol of gorgeous Italian cool.
Even the beautiful pawn acted by Simona Cavallari is well done.Its ending is real, if a bad omen to the Piovras that followed ,that went into a sea of mediocrity.
I have recently seen (again) la Piovra 1 and 2. Sigh. External Reviews but this way to present it is good for remember it. | in fact, pledge for hope. La Piovra is simply the best film about the mob. This one is by far the most complex of the Piovra series starring Michele Placido (also the last one worth watching in my humble opinion, since after the Cattani character's death the series pretty much goes downhill).
There are 6 episodes in season 1. Lo sento ogni qualvolta che salgo in auto. The soundtrack of my life.
Personally, I, as a viewer, am more experienced and have a far more focused eye on details than I used to have as a kid (it was on Polish TV in the 1980s). - I saw the series on DVD; there are 4 series with the terrific Michele Placido in the lead as solitary and stubborn police inspector Corrado Cattani, who is determined to conquer the evil elements in Italy.
No wonder this series wasn't so successful in the free USA. because it is a movie who speaks about ordinaries problems of its public.
because the secret of "La piovra" success is the presence of roots for central character. One of the best series ever, and not just about the mob.
The music is great, the acting is great, this is definitely a classic and must-see. Nicole Jamet | to use a brilliant cast. Enlaces |
The real gem in these 2 episodes is however the role (and acting) of Avvocato Terrasini, who reminds me at every point of Michael Corleone.