3-4. ( Select the print format you like. Line dance stepsheet and videos titled THE LOCOMOTION. Open an account and save dances print dances and stay in touch. ( 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance. 0 Votes). Linken Fuß über rechten kreuzen, rechten Fuß etwas anheben - Gewicht zurück auf den rechten Fuß . ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, ROCK BACK, RECOVER. 5-8. Line dance stepsheet and videos titled Locomotion. Step It fwd 45 deg, step rt beside, step It fwd, tch STEP BACK, HEEL FORWARD, 1/4 RIGHT Step bk on It, It heel, Step bk on It, heel Step bk on It, It heel, Step bk on It (1/4 tum face It), rt heel VINE RIGHT, VINE LEFT Step side rt, It behind, step side It, tch It Step side It, behind, step side It, tch rt SIDE SHUFFLE, Recover the weight back onto the left foot, Forward triplet (cha) steps, right foot, left foot, right foot, Forward triplet (cha) steps left foot, right foot, left foot, Pump the arms like locomotive pistons as you triplet, Hitch the right knee up while turning ¼ turn left, Quick forward triplet (cha) steps, right foot, left foot, right foot, Quick forward triplet (cha) steps left foot, right foot, left foot, Skip to land the weight on the right foot while tapping the left foot forward, Skip to land the weight on the left foot while tapping the right foot forward, While pivoting the whole body ¼ turn left, clap hands, Gyrate the hips in a left circular motion, Step the right foot across in front of the left foot, Step right foot to right side as you turn ¼ turn right. For beginner and professional line dancers, there are many free printable stepsheets online. Rock forward with right foot, replace weight back to left foot, Rock back with right foot, replace weight forward to left foot, Step together with right foot, step in place with left foot, step in place with right foot, For a lower impact version, step together on count 7, hold count 8. 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance. How to Do the Boot Scootin Boogie Line Dance. 1 Rock forward on the right foot. Begin with … 1 Votes). Print Stepsheet PDF. Stepsheet Save Dance Print Stepsheet PDF. Here are the best websites that we found that offer free sheets. Open an account and save dances print dances and stay in touch. Open an account and save dances print dances and stay in touch. 1-2. The dance can also be used with swing songs and "The Hustle" by Van McCoy and the Soul City Symphony. Please select the number of stars you wish to vote on the left. Heel strut forward r + l, step, lock, step, scuff. 3&4. Regular Page; Single Space; Small Fonts; Large Fonts; Alt. For more experienced dancers, counts 7&8 can be done as a coaster step by stepping back on count 7, together on &,forward on 8, Rock forward with left foot, replace weight back to right foot, Rock back with left foot, replace weight forward to right foot, Step together with left foot, step in place with right foot, step in place with left foot, Step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right, step right foot to right side, touch left foot beside right, Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, turn ¼ left, step forward with left foot, touch right foot beside left, Optional: clap on counts 4 and 8 as you touch, Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, step left foot to left side, touch right foot beside left. Hinweis: Der Tanz beginnt mit dem Einsatz des Gesangs. Line dance stepsheet and videos titled THE LOCOMOTION. Hinweis: Der Tanz beginnt mit dem Einsatz des Gesangs "Train step" - Rock forward, rock back, rock forward, shuffle in place (or coaster step) 1-2. Please select the number of stars you wish to vote on the left. Musik: Come Early Morning von Don Williams. Regular Page; Single Space; Small Fonts; Large Fonts; Demo Video. Locomotion - Scooter Lee "TRAIN STEP" - ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, TRIPLE IN PLACE (OR COASTER STEP) 1-2 Rock forward with right foot, replace … Tell us in the comments if you know of any other that belong on this list. Step left foot forward, stomp right foot next to left, Kick-ball change - kick right foot forward, step right foot down as you left your left foot, set left foot down, Lift your knee so that your knee slightly crosses your right, Repeat this 3 more times (as you do these you will make a ¼ turn to your left), Stomp right foot at an angle towards your right (this is to prepare for the sailor shuffles), Step left behind right, step right out to right side, step left foot forward, Step right behind left, step left out to left side, step right foot forward, Step left foot out and slightly forward, step right behind, jump out quickly - left then right, clap (feet should be shoulder width apart), Swing hips to right, then left, then right, stomp left next to right, Put right toe out to right side, swing right foot around ½ turn to right and put right foot next to left, put left toe out to left side, put left foot next to right, Put right toe out to right side, swing right foot around ½ turn to right and put right foot next to left, put left toe out to left side, touch left foot next to right, Hop forward with feet shoulder width apart, hopping left, right, clap, Hop back with feet shoulder width apart, hopping left, right, clap, Side shuffle left (left, right, left) rock back on right and forward on left, Side shuffle right (right, left, right) rock back on left and forward on right. Musik: Locomotion von Scooter Lee, We Are Family von Scooter Lee, Sweet Home New Orleans von Scooter Lee, Pretend von Scooter Lee. :) Rock forward with right foot, replace weight back to left foot, Rock back with right foot, replace weight forward to left foot, Step together with right foot, step in place with left foot, step in place with right foot, For a lower impact version, step together on count 7, hold count 8. Luca Della Valle/Demand Media . The Rocking Chair . Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2), Step R forward (3), Kick L forward (4), Step L back (5), Step R back (6), Step L back (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8), Step R to R diagonal (1), Touch L next to R (2), Step L to L diagonal (3), Touch R next to L (4), Step R forward (5), Pivot ¼ turn L (6), Step R forward (7), Pivot ¼ turn L (8), Step R to R side (1), Cross L behind R (2), Step R to R side (3), Cross L over R (4), Step R to R side (5), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (6), Rock L back (7), Recover on R (8), Step L to L side (1), Cross R behind L (2), Step L ¼ turn L (3), Brush R forward (4), Step R forward (5), Recover on L (6), Step R Back (7), Recover on L (8), Cross R over L (1), Point L to L side (2), Cross L over R (3), Point R to R side (4), Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6), Step R to R side (7), Step L forward (8). TWO FORWARD TRIPLET STEPS WITH THE LOCOMOTION. 1-2&3-4 Step left foot out and slightly forward, step right behind, jump out quickly - left then right, clap (feet should be shoulder width apart) 5-6-7-8 Swing hips to right, then left, then right, stomp left next to … 3 Rock backward on the right foot. 6 Votes). THE LOCOMOTION Stepsheet. Intro: 40 counts Restart: After 32 counts during Wall 2 Facing & After 8 counts during Wall 6 facing For more experienced dancers, counts 7&8 can be done as a coaster step by stepping back on count 7, together on &,forward on 8, Rock forward with left foot, replace weight back to right foot, Rock back with left foot, replace weight forward to right foot, Step together with left foot, step in place with right foot, step in place with left foot, Step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right, step right foot to right side, touch left foot beside right, Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, turn ¼ left, step forward with left foot, touch right foot beside left, Optional: clap on counts 4 and 8 as you touch, Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, step left foot to left side, touch right foot beside left. New Account. Musik: Locomotion von Scooter Lee. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Rock across, chassé l + r. 1-2. Hinweis: Der Tanz beginnt mit dem Einsatz des Gesangs. Schritt nach vorn mit rechts, nur die Hacke aufsetzen - Rechte Fußspitze absenken. New Account, Unknown Sponsor Linda Scott Pub January 2018. Line dance stepsheet and videos titled Locomotion. ( 5-6. Please select the number of stars you wish to vote on the left. Select the print format you like. 5&6 Forward triplet (cha) steps… Shuffle to the left, LRL (moving to the left), Shuffle to right, RLR (moving to the right), Turn ½ left as you shuffle in place LRL (6:00), Turn ½ right as you shuffle in place RLR (12:00), Step forward on Left, Pivot right ½ turn (6:00), Step forward on Left, Pivot Right ½ turn (12:00), Turn ¼ left as you step on left, Scuff Right forward (9:00), Walk backwards, Right, Left, Right, touch left next to right. 4 Recover the weight back onto the left foot. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Select the print format you like. Learn More → The Locomotion is the dance that goes along with the song "The Loco-Motion," recorded, separately, by Little Eva, Grand Funk Railroad and Kylie Minogue. Regular Page; Single Space; Small Fonts; Large Fonts "TRAIN STEP" - ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, … Print Stepsheet PDF. 2 Recover the weight back to the left foot. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Tutorial Video. Line dance stepsheet and videos titled Locomotion. 48 count, 2 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance. Schritt nach links mit links - Rechten Fuß an linken heransetzen und Schritt nach links mit links. Schritt nach vorn mit links, nur die Hacke aufsetzen - Linke Fußspitze absenken . Locomotion Stepsheet. New Account.