Hollywood has given us a bottomless supply of buddy comedies, those odes to homosocial (but heterosexual!) The father is already essentially in a coma, and since the mother is apparently following suit, Louise and Michael are next to bear the brunt of what appears to be a contagious or even inherited trauma. According to the EPA, laundries use billions of pounds of chemical products each year. It stars Meryl Streep, For much of the film’s first half, Chopra patiently observes the rituals by which the young attempt to forge an identity to present to both the world and themselves. The genius of Her is that it doesn’t ask you to believe in the truth of its speculative science fiction so much as it does the truth of its romance, which is to say that Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) means more as metaphor—for a hard-won connection, long-distance or otherwise remote—than as a prediction of future tech. Fincher, who thinks he’s superior to melodrama even if he steps in it anyway, fossilizes such themes rather than dramatizing them. A commercial laundry that uses Energy Star certified washers will save substantial energy. Formally, the sequences come out of nowhere—jarring like the tragedy that the couple faces—and are pointedly at odds with the aesthetic of the remainder of the film. * After drying your clothes, you may consider getting them pressed. It is, as Mr. Peterson states, his “one final lesson.”. Address: 1331 San Andres Street Santa Barbara, Ca. Yet Bertino isn’t interested in involving his audience in a guessing game, as James partially was in Relic. If you haven’t, help us keep our journalism free for everyone by making a financial contribution today, from as little as $3. Jaime is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. American film director, assistant director, producer, and screenwriter. Triggered isn’t the first time that Orr has mined horror from such Saw-like machinations, as his earliest two features, 2010’s The Unforgiving and 2011’s Expiration, delighted in throwing people into psychological and physical torture experiments under mysterious circumstances. Fractured FX (special makeup effects designed and created by) Method Studios (visual effects) Lola Visual Effects (visual effects) (as Lola VFX) Entity FX (visual effects) Artemple - Hollywood (visual effects) (as Art Temple, Hollywood) Talking Bird Pictures (visual effects) They’re after just enough human interest to make us care, and just enough socioeconomic outrage to make us seethe — some of us, anyway.”. (The gruffly charming Costner usually recedes into the background in the role of a skeptical but steadfast wingman.) How to watch it: The Laundromat begins streaming on Netflix on October 18. It doesn’t hurt that Bertino, who grew up in Texas, appears to have some actual understanding of how farms work, milking low-thrumming suspense out of, say, the rattling of the fence used to keep in livestock, which the filmmakers also shoot with a keen and empathetic eye. Laundromats have the most efficient machines that offer a wide range of cleaning options, making it easier to clean your clothes properly which helps them last longer. The film is a nostalgia act for sure, particularly for The Hitcher, but it injects that nostalgia with something hard, sad, and contemporary, or, perhaps more accurately, it reveals that our hang-ups—disenfranchisement, rootlessness, war-mongering, hypocritical evasion—haven’t changed all that much since the 1980s, or ever. Sam Raimi relentlessly fashions the film’s first half as a creepy-crawly sweat chamber with evil seemingly taking the form of an omniscient, roaming camera, gleefully poking fun at his five protagonists along the way. We open on the wide-eyed mug of Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), seeming to speak from the heart, recalling fondly a first love that proves, with the reveal of an incongruous anniversary, to belong to somebody else. However, the laundromat does offer two drop-off services that include Wash-Dry-Fold and Wash-Dry-Bag. Even in Smooth Talk’s more escapist moments, however, Chopra calls attention to the pitfalls of such an approach to life. Joel attempts to fight the erasure in his own mind, and the film admits early on that it’s a fight he cannot win. It’s Kubrick’s most prescient work, more astute and unsparing than any of his other films (and he had more where that came from) in putting the bleakest parts of human behavior under the microscope and laughing in disgust. Its schematic organization of what Marty McFly (Michael J. [Sci-fi] cinema has been notoriously prone to cycles of exploitation and neglect, unsatisfactory mergings with horror films, thrillers, environmental and disaster movies.” So wrote J.G. Our aesthetic perception is linked to our perception of Henry himself, so that the film becomes a study of empathy through aesthetics. Because this is America, and because this is the America of the mid-‘80s, consumerism is crucial to this process. Just the name of this monstrous Midwestern family sets officers a-trembling all the way on the far side of the Montana border, but there’s no explanation for why or how they got so scary—and, frankly, minimal evidence that they’ve bothered anybody recently besides the obstinate Margaret and George. Such things are precious, and Gondry revels in that world in all its fleeting, flickering, ever-mutating joys. Grief can be difficult to express in a concrete and truthful manner, posing a challenge for artists that filmmaker Johannes Nyholm briefly and joltingly overcomes in Koko-di Koko-da. Wikipedia, American review-aggregation website for film and television. Silicon Valley leaders celebrate the Biden win — and send a message to Trump, Democrats capture Georgia US House seat held by Republicans since 1995. As in Soderbergh’s Traffic, all of these bits and pieces are connected, in this case to Mossack Fonseca’s underhanded business practices. Whether or not various programmers or tech CEOs want their own or society’s prejudices to infiltrate such technology, the simple fact that these innovations are often created and funded by wealthy white men leads to biases, whether consciously or not, being learned and imposed by AI. Jaime Christley. Later, during a wedding, the camera abruptly leaves the ongoing ceremony, traveling backward to wait patiently outside the church for the disastrous appearance from Mike that the audience has come to expect. This disturbing material is reminiscent of other films dealing with grief and marital collapse—especially Sam Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs and Lars von Trier’s Antichrist, the latter of which also informs the impressively primordial look of the woods here—yet Koko-di Koko-da is nowhere near as impactful. From there, the documentary dives down the rabbit hole to chillingly, comprehensively expose how algorithms can perpetuate bias in often unforeseen and unjust ways. But Kantayya and Buolamwini also keenly understand that if the dangers of A.I. Such a theme also very consciously aligns Mank with the “fallen, not-quite-great man” themes of Citizen Kane. Koko-di Koko-da is intellectualized and predigested, abundant in fraught yet self-conscious signifiers that are either derivative, such a shot of a spider in its web, or willfully random, like a white cat in the forest or the dead dog that the stereotypically “weird” carnies have with them. In showing how algorithms figure into China’s social credit system, in which individuals are tracked and evaluated for their trustworthiness, Kantayya captures a dystopia straight out of Orwell’s 1984, which is unsurprisingly referenced throughout Coded Bias. In a laundry, this amount of water use represents a substantial cost as well as environmental concern. The film, though it concerns an enduring relationship that Kyle plainly describes as “toxic” during one of their many BFF break-ups, doesn’t sacralize the bromance. Using ozone technology can also reduce energy use significantly (see References 4). ,” "Contagion," and "Side Effects" to tell another story of corporate malfeasance with an A-list cast. Matt Brennan, As in real estate, the three most important factors in Brad Anderson’s brooding Session 9 are: location, location, location. “The [sci-fi] film has never really been more than an offshoot of its literary precursor, which to date has provided all the ideas, themes and inventiveness. Smug one-percenters Ramón Fonseca (Antonio Banderas) and Jürgen Mossack (Gary Oldman, speaking in an uproariously broad German accent) are the often on-screen narrators of the film. Like many of his other films, especially Fight Club, Zodiac, and The Social Network, Mank is a parable on the limits of control, fashioned with rueful self-awareness by one of Hollywood’s most famous contemporary control freaks. The film now exists in a twilight of an era in which factory-produced entertainment could still serve as a keyhole into a dimension of weird, through which we might glimpse the otherworldly, and contemplate fondling the third breast. Coded Bias touches on a wide array of AI-driven technologies that are inaccurately marketed as containing an egalitarian engine that power structures run by humans do not. Wikipedia, This will create an email alert. A Native American drifter (Booboo Stewart) who befriends them and briefly recounts his traumatizing experience at a culture-crushing boarding school offers a wistful glimpse at the kind of character-driven storyline that the film deserts halfway down the road.