That man was determined to not be defused. What we needed was more broad generalization about who the bad guys are. Are we supposed to presume this guy was a taking good care of his 9 children? But even then if given a choice most horses will swerve to miss a standing human. Well, the cast is back, this time through the new endeavour Raise Your Voice Theater Collective, a virtual musical theater fundraiser in support of Color of Change and UK Black Pride. They’re too busy looting and blaming cops. When police use rubber bullets, flash bombs, and pepper spray on peaceful protesters, protesters are then also spurred to aggression—including, in some cases, inciting fellow protesters to looting.

Guaranteed that if the city leaders weren’t in bed with the rioters, at least half the destruction that took place this summer would have never happened. Copy the code below to embed the WBUR audio player on your site . One or a few police officers allegedly broke the law. It is humanity demanding to be recognized. Wallace was the father of nine children, and Johnson said his wife was about to give birth to a 10th.\. The only difference is whether their shirt is covered in drool. Shaka Johnson, a lawyer representing Wallace’s family, noted that the officers were not carrying tasers, which might have provided a less lethal way to subdue him. They are not mobs of angry people of color attacking other people. When each one of his baby mommas have three more baby daddys all jealous and killing each other, what’s to grieve? Take a gander at it what I do….. Visit Here. An event like this therefore, digs deeper into the wounds that the black community has faced for centuries, so it should not come as a surprise that it has incited a movement with this great intensity. It is a “bid for the redistribution of property.”. How have we seen looting and sort of non-nonviolent tactics playing a role in what’s going on with these Black Lives Matter protests? A man she calls “Ted” said he didn’t care about the looting of the store, especially if it had insurance. I always cringe on TV shows and movies when the good guy with the gun holds it on the bad guy at close range, so the good guy can be disarmed. There are often two losers. And, though always on my hands or fingers, some of the cuts have been bad. Arm the elephants! Anyway happy to see more rioting and looting because it gives trump the edge now in PA. WTF is a mental crisis?

A mental crisis is usually a euphemism for a drug induced frenzy. At this point I didn’t even look back I just took my nice auto folder with a shiny 4″ blade flipped it open so he could plainly see it and held it at my side. You still won’t miss. I talk to Read More…. Why looting is a legitimate form of protest, on Why looting is a legitimate form of protest, "Sassy, unapologetic and magnificently lewd, ‘WA, Our new YouTube video is now live! NEXT: White House Says 'President Trump's Coronavirus Response Has Saved Over 2 Million Lives'. The mortality rates, poverty rates, and incarceration rates are all completely out of proportion when comparing black people to their white counterparts, and this is fundamentally because of systematic racism. If infantry stood it’s ground cavalry couldn’t break them, especially if the infantry was arranged in a square or multiple lines. Looting is caused by 5% social injustice and 95% wanting some free shit. “Less than lethal” is not the same as “non lethal.”. Meth. unless there is a video that shows the entire, unedited event readily available for all to see. A bystander’s cellphone video of the shooting shows two officers repeatedly ordering Wallace to put down the knife as he approaches them and they back away. I am making over $ 17485 a month working low maintenance online from home. Broadening the category from “aspiring rapper” to “people who may smoke a lot of low-quality marijuana that probably has additives that may give you brain damage” is where I would go with it. What kind of idiot would whip out a Taser, if he had one, as protection against a maniac, if it’s not 100% effective and 100% safe? This never happened when we locked up the crazy people – – – – – – – –. They all knew how likely they were to die at the hands of the knife wielder. At the end of the day, the best way to avoid getting stabbed by a maniac with a knife is to run faster than the maniac, or create space (by running away) and shoot them (if you are armed). People are fed up with this crap. Untrained people rarely do well. So there is this violence, but it’s largely self-defensive, and it’s largely creating a territory in which you can safely, freely and happily reproduce your life. The way that a riot empowers you is, first of all, it makes it easier to live your life because you get lots of stuff for free, and it makes it much easier to reproduce your life. They’re not accurate at a distance. I have, for better or for worse, cut myself on several occasions. So if they had a secret meeting, they would call it “stealing the meeting.” And when they escaped, they called it stealing away.

The downvote and report buttons are not disagree buttons. Still, “the looting that takes place in these situations is usually interpreted as evidence of human depravity,” the sociologists Russell Dynes and E. L. Quarantelli wrote in their seminal study on looting in 1968, another year in which protests resulted in widespread property damage and death. He was a worthless piece of shit who should have died sooner for all the terror he wrought in his life of violence. Aspiring rapper and the father of 10 kids all at the age of 27? How the fuck they supposed to get presents this year? The way that we are taught history is very purposefully — not purposely like in a conspiracy way, but purposely — designed to emphasize certain kinds of real events led by leaders, by parliaments. They ate stealing and destroying other people lives with what they do.

They look the same. But interviews with a half-dozen experts on protests and social movements provide some insights into looters’ motivations. Everyone in that protest has a vote that equals yours. They need to get the governments red tape out of the way and allow private security to be called to handle these situations. If someone is making a deadly threat towards you, deciding to use non-deadly force is a gamble I can’t force someone else to make. He had spent money at stores in his community, Ted told her, but when he himself was low on cash, he had no one to turn to. Many people believe that “violence” is not the answer and that a peaceful protest would perhaps be the best option. That all of those people came into the streets because of rioting and looting, they participated in rioting and looting — that is the movement. Not sure, other than less lethal such as tasers, the cops could have done differently. These forms of organization get made invisible and organizers have a tendency to demand that this informal organization be brought into a political party, a movement proper.

Violence As A Form Of Protest 10:42.

“Walter Wallace’s family says the officers could have defused the situation without using lethal force.” Bullshit. In its recklessness, looting can seem inevitable. When you cannot see the problem it means you are the problem. Looting is not a form of protest. Comments do not represent the views of or Reason Foundation. Under stress, you will default to the level of your training. “The family obviously couldn’t control him, so what did they want the cops to do?”.

Sunday night, a group of people cleaned out stores across Lower Manhattan, stuffing shoes and electronics into garbage bags. Carol Jones on the danger of this assumption.

if you do the same thing in a pasture they will keep running from you until reaching a point where they can’t retreat. The protests might have seemed, to some, like a release valve. But, even then, running into a wall of spears was not the objective. I would love to have you talk a little bit about why you see the idea of violence in the form of rioting and looting as not macho per se, and why … Philly is run by Democrats, who are fine with this happening and have no incentive to make it stop. Wallace could have diffused the situation by putting the knife down. “To have a very large police presence with riot gear during the day is antithetical to what you want,” Boyd said. He wanted to contain slavery in the South, as did the rest of the Republican Party, at the time. In a conversation with HuffPost in July, Osterweil pointed out that the standard line of criticism has continued despite popular sympathy with rioters.

Waterloo. The police had been summoned to the house three times in a single day, so he was obviously dangerous. That’s one of the big projects in the book. “We’re living through a truly unprecedented and historic social movement right now.”. Our public education system and it’s allied media complex has perpetuated the lie that all one is expected to do is try, and then one is fully deserving of the same level of reward as those whom actually succeed. Because no human has ever fought a war from a position of debt and/or that cost them an empire? One of these days, someone is going to have to explain to me what the connection between “aspiring rappers” and tragedy is. I hope that legalization allows the research into what laced pot does to people. Trained troops who would stand and absorb volley after volley of musket and cannon fire, taking heavy casualties would often break when charge by bayonets, long before the charging troops reached them. Because of the cultural perception that they’re harmless, they’re used too often when diversity hires should have physically stopped a jerk, if they weren’t fat or weaklings. Read: Don’t fall for the ‘chaos theory’ of the protests. To fully eliminate looting, you’d have to eliminate the conditions that make people upset enough to protest.