Episode der 2. He discovers that a majority of the staff are lacking time for themselves and their families and helps them to pool funds together to charter a bus that will cut down on commute time for the staff. Höre dir die komplette Playlist an. When Sharpe has a case that hits close to home, she and Max team up to make things right for the patient. Dr. Sharpe survived after being thrown from the vehicle, and has returned to fundraising. Dr. Reynolds treats a patient that is about to be launched to the international space station and is desperate not to get grounded. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 29.10.2019. Die Episode "Our Doors Are Always Open" ist die 18. Währenddessen trifft Dr. Max Goodwin (Ryan...mehr über diese Episode erfahren. Meanwhile, Reynolds deals with an unreliable new intern. Her insurance however stopped covering surrogacy three weeks ago. When an inmate comes in with an entirely preventable illness, Max, Sharpe, and Iggy head directly to the source - Rikers Island. Staffel der Krankenhausserie New Amsterdam startete in den USA am 24.09.2019 auf dem Sender ABC. Originaltitel: Double Blind | Erstausstrahlung: 25.02.2020. Originaltitel: Episode 10 | Erstausstrahlung: 14.01.2020. The Big Picture. He then attempts to nominate a new board member who would side with him. Max and Luna make friends in an unexpected place as he struggles with the realities of being a single father. Max attempts to start a visiting nurse service, but is shot down by the board. Max attempts to appeal to the insurance company, but finds trouble finding the right person to talk to about the case. New Amsterdam - Watch episodes on NBC.com and the NBC App. April 2020 (. Die 2. Während Max Goodwins Krebstherapie Fortschritte macht, findet er sich in die neue Rolle als Vater ein. Staffel der Serie New Amsterdam. Staffel der Serie New Amsterdam. Sharpe discovers a long-kept secret regarding a patient that leads to trouble for Max and the board. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Drei Monate sind vergangen seit dem schrecklichen Unfall, in den Max, Georgia, Luna, Dr. Sharpe, und Dr. Bloom verwickelt waren. Februar 2020 (, Staffel 2 Episode 16 (New Amsterdam 2x16), Premiere in den USA: Dienstag 10. Max and Luna make friends in an unexpected place as he struggles with the realities of being a single father. Reynolds takes his last laps at the hospital while Kapoor helps a former pilot deal with his life as a paraplegic. Meanwhile, Reynolds deals with an unreliable new intern. Dr. Kapoor tries to overcome the stigma of being a senior doctor and successfully diagnoses a patient. When a group of women on a retreat end up in the ED, Max gets some troubling information that could put a patient in jeopardy. Reynolds (Jocko Sims) beginnt im Krankenhaus indes mit seiner Abschiedsrunde, während Kapoor (Anupam Kher) einem ehemaligen Piloten dabei hilft, sich auf dessen neues Leben als Querschnittsgelähmter...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2020 NBCAls mehrere Patienten im gesamten Krankenhaus ähnliche, alarmierende Symptome zeigen, kämpfen Sharpe (Freema Agyeman) und Bloom (Janet Montgomery) darum, die Ursache des Problems herauszufinden.