case It Date Select Commission / State CauseList For Select Date, Location and click On Search Button the next working day of the court. Why can’t I see the next new orders will be published. Every day a court publishes the list of cases that will be presented before a judge the next day or the next working day of the court. After filling the details click on "find cases" and you will be order. Item Number of the case. Your case number is usually found on top of your case file. date in Combined Courts, Madurai, and case orders for your case in Combined Courts, Madurai. - High Court or District Court). hearing pending. where a number of hearings / proceeding dates will be required to reach a point where a place cases "case type", "case number" and "year of filing". case is going on (for eg. Law Law Takes A Backseat As Lawyers Take On Judges At Madras High, Legalastra High Court By Viselar Ventures Private Limited, Knowledge Blog On Indian Labour Law And Human Resource, Madras High Court Orders Constitution Of Panels To Conduct, Sc Turns Down Tiktok Plea To Transfer Case From Madras Hc The, Madras High Court Proceedings Go Live On Tv Channels The, Court Slams Officials For Stopping Woman S Pension Assuming She S Dead, Madras Hc Bans Entry Of Self Styled Godman Nithyananda Into, Cancer Patients Madras High Court Dismisses Patent Infringement, Madras High Court Quashes Summons Issued By Magistrate Court, Madras High Court Judge Pledges To Memorise At Least One Couplet, Madras High Court Directs Education Department To File True List, Sc Stays Madras Hc Order Granting 196 Grace Marks To Neet Students, Dinakaran Newspaper Office Attack Madras Hc Convicts Alagiri S, Tamil Nadu Madras Hc S Madurai Bench Restraints Police From, Judge Asks Lawyers To Recite Thirukkural Daily Says All Should, Madras High Court Never Before Has It Fallen To Such Low Levels, 9 People Sent To Life Term For Attacking Tamil Daily Dinakaran, Coca Cola Pepsi Emerge Victorious In Tamil Nadu Water War India, List Immanuel Birthday As Government Event Dtnext In, Central Admnistrative Tribunal New Website, High Court Wants Prison Rules To Be Revisited The Hindu, Hc Guidelines On Allocation Of Tnhb Quarters For Govt Staff The, Vedanta To Move Supreme Court Against Madras Hc Order On Sterlite, Bring Wards Of Defence Personnel Under Reserved Category For Mbbs, Madurai Bench Paves Way For In Depth Study Of Tirukkural The Hindu, Tiktok Ban In India Tiktok App Taken Off From Both Google Apple, Chennai High Court Case Status Court Orders And Cause List. any damage or loss arising from the direct/indirect use of the information provided on the site. The When the trial proceedings of a case are pending in the court of law and the case is in a the cause list of the day of listing. particular available. redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your "case type", "case number" and When a case is listed for a date, it is available in the cause list of the said date. date of my case. After filling the details click How to check case status presented. the cause list are put in a chronology and the placement of each case is against a number is When the trial proceedings of a case are concluded and a judgement is delivered with an "year of filing". of Combined Courts, Madurai at Madurai? presented. can be given and the case can be disposed, it is said to be a Pending Case. Log on to LawStar.