Most episodes of low back pain are caused by damage to the soft tissues supporting the lower spine. For acute back pain, the general guidelines are to continue your normal activities as well as you can. Over-the-counter pain relievers should be the first choice, and heat on the back may help with relief. Meningitis — inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord — may also produce pain in the neck and back of head. If you're dissatisfied with your job, you lack support from your co-workers or bosses, or your job involves subjecting your body to vibration (for example, operating a jackhammer), you may have a higher likelihood of neck- or back-related pain. The coccyx bone is your tailbone. Prevalence of Chronic Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, and Knee Pain and Their Related Factors in Community-Dwelling Adults in Iran: A Population-based National Study. Pain from poor posture is treated like a muscle sprain, as well as by learning techniques to improve posture. However, some general soreness in your back and neck area is quite common. 1999-2020 Veritas Health, LLC. Veritas Health, LLC, In the upper neck, nerves from the spinal cord travel upwards, so pain may extend into back of the head. There is no reason to live with pain when a physician can help. Bone scans may be done to look for suspected compression fractures or tumors. A herniated disc is a condition that affects the back. Anyone can develop the disease called osteoporosis. Anne Asher, ACE-certified personal trainer, health coach, and orthopedic exercise specialist, is a back and neck pain expert. doi:10.7812/TPP/15-081, Johansson, Stochkendahl J, Hartvigsen J, Boyle E, Cassidy J. What's a Herniated Disc, Pinched Nerve, Bulging Disc...? European Journal of Pain. These small areas of firm muscle — also called muscle knots — are extremely sensitive, producing severe pain when touched. Most of the common ones can be treated at home. It’s important to let the doctor know the history of when the pain started to occur. The location of your symptoms is often a good place to start when considering a possible cause. Your posture has a major impact on your health, but most people don't know how to sit with good posture. If you try treating your pain at home and it doesn’t resolve after two weeks, see your doctor. Sit or stand with your shoulders directly over your hips and your head straight. Sometimes trigger points develop in the muscles. The bones, ligaments, and muscles of your neck support your head and allow for motion. Acute and chronic pain are generally treated differently from one another. Most episodes of low back pain are caused by damage to the soft tissues supporting the lower spine.